How can you tell when a city has a wonder in it?


Pope Lazius
Sep 14, 2006
I mean, eventually I'm sure I'll be able to tell simply by looking at the city- but I'm not quite there yet.

My problem is, captured cities drain a *lot* of happiness, so I basically raze them all unless they've got a wonder in them... but, how can you tell if it has a wonder or not? Unlike Civ4, you can't examine the city before you choose what to do with it.

You're allowed to keep them and then raze them, other than original capitals which can't be razed at all. No need to decide right away. And you don't have to just keep them either, you can make them puppet cities which has less happiness drain than full annexation at a cost of not getting to decide what the city builds. Puppets can be upgraded to annexed, apparently at any time. Don't think there is an option to downgrade annexed to puppet though.
Courthouses as I discovered yesterday can help reduce that ''occupation'' malus !

Also you can see the wonder on the map ;)
Hmm, just found out the method of taking a screenshot is not obvious. :eek:

To keep, look, and raze you have to annex it first. Then open the city screen and check it out. If you don't like what you see, there is a "raze city" button above "buy tile", which is apparently only present for captured cities. Press the button, and the city will die off by 1 pop per turn till it's all gone.

Note: razing a city causes a diplo hit. Don't know how much hit yet, as I've been making puppets all the time.
Also, once you start razing a city, you can stop razing it! Just go to the city screen.

Although, I think that will only effectively stop it the next turn, so if you tell it to stop razing when it has population 1, you're going to make the citizens really happy but then crush their hopes and dreams anyway lol. Not 100% on this though.
Yes, you can choose to raze and then change your mind and annex. Or you can annex and then choose to raze.

But, once you've made either of those choices, you can't decide to puppet. That is a problem. They implemented city viewing before razing/keeping in the last patch for BtS, why didn't they include it in 5.
Hmm, just found out the method of taking a screenshot is not obvious. :eek:

To keep, look, and raze you have to annex it first. Then open the city screen and check it out. If you don't like what you see, there is a "raze city" button above "buy tile", which is apparently only present for captured cities. Press the button, and the city will die off by 1 pop per turn till it's all gone.

Note: razing a city causes a diplo hit. Don't know how much hit yet, as I've been making puppets all the time.
Thanks for that tip. I hadn't noticed this yet and it's good to know this is available.
If a city has a wonder/s in it it shows up on the game map, somewhere on the cities borders.
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