How do you become a MOD?

n0 j00 4R3 n07 s4N74!!!!!!

It doesn't have me listed as computer talk moderator either!!! Argh I am :mad: but not too :mad: because I am :santa: and :santa: cannot get :mad: but he can use a :ar15:
Being a mod would be fun! All work - no play!
I would not knock back the offer if 'da boss' asked me to be a mod monster.

But I enjoy posting anyway!
My goal is to get higher up the top 25 posters list! (without spam)
Getting to the top 10 will be reward enough for me!

I can see it now: The Enemy Ace, in his Me109, strafing troublemakers into oblivion, in his holy quest to make the forums safe for mod-fearing people everywhere! :lol:
Well, Duke of Malborough once said that joining the demogame and being elected president of it has its' advantages... ;)
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