How do you remove the giant death robot from being builded anywhere or by anyone?


Oct 31, 2005
Removes my fun from the game

I like to win it with normal stuff

Ty in advance
The Giant Death Robot is literally at the end of the Tech Tree. If your opponents have advanced THAT far, I don't know what to tell you besides try to control every single Uranium deposit on the map.

I built one once, after I'd already won a Science victory. I used it "post game" to stomp out Gandhi.
I think there's a mod that already does that. Check the downloadable mods in game.
@ khsolo THe only thing the mod does is remove giant death robot, there is nothing else to it.

@ tabris The mod hub is a central repository where mod authors can upload their mods. It makes installing mods super easy.
@ khsolo THe only thing the mod does is remove giant death robot, there is nothing else to it.

@ tabris The mod hub is a central repository where mod authors can upload their mods. It makes installing mods super easy.

Where is this mod hub at pls?
Moderator Action: Moved to creation & customization

Take a look at Assets\Gameplay\XML\Units\CIV5Units.xml, somewhere in there should all the units, including production coast be mentioned. Set it incredibly high or try to put it to -1.

But ATTENTION: Never modify the original files, always create a mod.

The mod hub should be somewhere accessible in the game menus, can't say more, don't have Civ5 :dunno:.
Click Mods and then the second option (forget the name, not going to load Civ5 to check). Then click the online tab. All available mods will be there (there's only 16 or so). One removes GDRs. Another apparently makes them tiny (didn't download, so I don't know). After you've downloaded it, go to the downloads tab and hit install.

After this, all you have to do is hit the check box whenever you want to turn them off.
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