How do you repair a flooded tile?


Oct 31, 2005
So I have a tile that is flooded - not submerged.

I've built a flood barrier in the city. The description for flood barrier says:
"If constructed after some of the city's tiles have been flooded (but not submerged), those tiles can be repaired in full and used again, along with all that's on them."

How do I repair it? I have a builder on the tile, but there is no option to repair. And there's nothing in the city production screen that I can find.
Really? No one knows how to do this?
Even after I build the flood barrier, the zones are NOT available to repair on the city production screen. Nor can a builder repair it by standing on it.
It's this a documentation error? A bug?
I'm pretty sure I've used builders to repair flooded tiles after I've built flood barriers. Maybe it's a bug on your end? Could you post a screenshot perhaps?
Please show us a screenshot. You either overlooked something or there is a bug.
It always seemed to work for me properly - but I admit I haven't played since the new patch yet.
I think it's possible for a natural disaster to completely wipe an improvement..? Don't quote me, I don't have the game open right now (I'd have to wait for a disaster to strike, anyway). In such a case, you can't simply Repair it, you have to use a Builder charge to rebuild it.
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