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How does the AI pump so many units??


Nov 7, 2001
Man, during the ancient eras I had a fairly good military with which I almost killed off Saladin, but in the modern age I have around 3 times less units than Isabella who decalred war on me, the only advantage I have on her is that I am more advanced technologically and can train SAM Infantries which she can't; however, I can't pump them like crazy. I built as much universities, library, banks and market as I could and was wondering what the AI do in order to have so much military units.
On prince and above they get production bonuses.

Unit costs for AI according to level:

Prince .95
Monarch .9
Emperor .85
Immortal .8
Deity .6
That is one of the reasons the immortal to diety is one of the hardest jumps is because of a 20% increase in AI bonuses versus a static 5% change from prince to immortal (+5% per level jump as shown above).

Gliese_581 these bonuses are for tech research and everything else too?
I think the tip is to tech ahead of the Ai on Monarch and higher and use riflemen etc to take out the AI weaker units. Or use more cities to produce units by whipping, drafting or producing more units naturally.

The human player does have the advantage of thinking outside the box when it comes to attacking the AI and defending against the AI. The Ai will helpily waste a stack of 10-20 units attacking a city and your losses may be little to none.
That is one of the reasons the immortal to diety is one of the hardest jumps is because of a 20% increase in AI bonuses versus a static 5% change from prince to immortal (+5% per level jump as shown above).

Gliese_581 these bonuses are for tech research and everything else too?

No the AI cost reductions are on unit and building productions and unit maintenance.

The other cost changes (all according to civ4btsreference) relate to the human player:

research: 1.25-> 1.30
unit cost: 0.90-> 1.00
There has been waves of 40 units each turns for 5 turns attacking 1 of my cities and I have like 40 units in my whole civilization. And the cavaleries my ennemy uses heal and come back if they are not death, which is pissing me off.
No... you build too much :p The AI builds the correct number of buildings, which, surprisingly, is very low!!

Some civs (Like the Aztecs) make more units than others. Ultimately, you should NEVER build Libraries / Universities in a production city, and only build Markets and Grocers when the city NEEDS Happyness / Healthiness, and there is no better cost effective situation. (And lets face it, if you still play like you did previously, when you provided that save, and still haven't bothered to change anything, then Markets and Grocers are never likely to do much help)

If you find yourself with a low power rating, stop building so many buildings, and instead, build military units in EVERY city. This will rapidly make your power rating jump up to an acceptable level. Also, early on, you should find your best production city, and build:

Heroic Epic
Happyness / Healthiness buildings WHEN REQUIRED, but use the whip (with Slavery) first.

And everything else.... build military units.

[Edit] And I will refuse to help you any more, until you learn to STOP DOUBLE and TRIPLE POSTING!!! Its REALLY bad Forum etiqutte, its hard to read, and it doesn't flow. There is an edit button. Use it. Its down at the bottom right of your post. Its big, and red, and called "Edit"[/Edit]
Heh, you are getting a bit better aki (for example, this was a much better question, since you included specifics and such), but you still have some work to do on your responses. Digi is right, you dont need a new post to respond to each person. Try to group your responses into one post, and simply address each one to the proper person, for example:

@ replier A: I try to build lots of commerce buildings to keep up my tech rate, but the AI seems to spam units.

@ replier B: What are those bonuses? Do different AIs have different bonuses?

@ replier C: Well how does the AI tech so fast as well as produce so many units?

If you do that all in one post, substituting the names of the people you are replying too, of course, it will make it much easier to read and the thread will flow smoother. You also have a better chance of those questions being explained if its easier to read. Having 4 or 5 single-line replies in a row tends to turn people away from the actual subject, and see only the spam of your posts.

More on topic, remember, many AIs will spam units like mad, others are more "builders", much the same way we players are. The known spammers (Izzy, Ragnar, Monty, etc) will make TONS more units than you every single game, but you, being the human, have the advantage of a brain. Three CG I Riflemen can hold off 20 AI CR I Maces if they dont use siege. If they do use siege, the AIs usually can be handled in the field with your own siege, then your own flanking Mounted units. I have had a stack of 10 Cavalry decimate a pile of AI Muskets and Trebs, and without actually directly attacking a single Treb, all the trebs were destroyed by flanking. Flanking is very strong, because there isnt a "limit" to how much you can damage a unit. Flanking can kill units completely without ever directly attacking them.

So use your military advantage to build a better army. Strength isnt always in the numbers, most of the time having more experienced, advanced, higher-tech units is better than a stack of outdated 1-promo junk.

[edit]Oh, and good edit digi, heh[/edit]
If i find myself nearing the bottom of the power board then i first quickly check my foreign adv. and see who will likly att me. Then i start pumping out units, i go unit-unit-unit-building-unit-unit-unit-building. Its a pretty good method of getting troops out while still scratching that builder itch....
I found Quin's capital on like turn 15, and declared since his scout was out wandering around. When I get close enough so that on the next turn his capital will be mine, he builds a warrior. Grrr.
My guess is that Isabella has a massive empire and you have a small one. If that's the case get more land next time because three military cities make triple the units of one.
Viagra... XCL
That is one of the reasons the immortal to diety is one of the hardest jumps is because of a 20% increase in AI bonuses versus a static 5% change from prince to immortal (+5% per level jump as shown above).

Gliese_581 these bonuses are for tech research and everything else too?

I believe the jump between Immortal to Deity is the HARDEST of all level jumps.
Drafting is a great way to build an army quickly in the rifling era, which sounds like about the time you are having trouble. With Nationalism you can draft 3 units per turn, so over 5 turns you can effectively train 15 riflemen which should be enough to handle any 'oh crap someone declared on me out of the blue'.
I believe the jump between Immortal to Deity is the HARDEST of all level jumps.

This isn't subjective, it's just plain true. The xml-defined jumps from immortal ----> deity are greater than the jump from noble ----> immortal! Ouch!
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