How has the AI beat you?


Dec 27, 2001
List a compilation of all ways the AI has beat you here. Difficulty level is not necessary, but may also be included if desired.

I am just curious as to how much the AI has truly been spread out among various victory types. It is certainly better than previous Civ IV versions, but I want to see some data.

I have lost the following ways in BtS:
* Conquest (Various, at least Noble)
* Culture (Noble)
* Space Race (Prince)

I have never seen the AI win a domination, diplomatic, or religious victory. Of course, for some of the Conquest losses, I may have been the first target of many on a path to Domination. I also usually don't let these play out all the way; I quit with >1/2 of my cities taken over. I just have not seen the AI grow significantly larger than me, then take me over; I tend to be on a different continent from large AIs. I also have not seen them win a domination victory versus other AIs. I do favor continents maps of various types, rarely play the others; Pangaea probably makes AI Domination Victory more likely. By the middle of the game, I can usually defend myself well, so an AI who thinks I am the next target on the way to domination has trouble if they don't attack me first.

I've had AI win culture and space race at warlord level; conquest and space race at noble level.

(I have won every kind of victory except diplomatic at warlord level; culture and space race at noble.)
I've had the AI use a Great Spy on the Infinite Loop Mission, which stopped my game from going forward, forcing me to abandon it and thus, conceding defeat.
I've lost to conquest a couple of times on OCC on various levels. I've lost mainly to space race at the very high levels, though a couple of times to domination as well. The AI has come close several times to culture and diplomatic, but has never actually beaten me that way. It has forced urgent intervention by me to prevent it in at least three games though.
I lost a religious diplomatic victory on noble or prince (I forget which). It was pretty funny. I'm playing as Johannes II Komnenos (i.e. Justinian) of the Byzantines going along, it's the middle of the 19th century. I've conquered my continent (I think the map type was continents) and all of the sudden I get this pop-up: end war against Napoleon. Well, it turns out the one Hindu City I just conquered put me under the authority of the Hindu apostolic palace. So I vote no instead of "defy resolution." My 7 votes are nothing compared to the folks who own the thing (I think it was Ethiopia or Portugal), so my war against Napoleon comes to an end. Whatever, I'll just let my war weariness cool down a bit and declare in 10 turns. Then the next thing I know another pop-up comes - vote for Religious Victory! There's only one choice (I think it's the Ethiopian guy) plus abstain. No chance to "defy resolution!" So I vote abstain and then press next turn and wouldn't you know it, I've lost. I could have reloaded an earlier save, but I figured I'd let the AI win this cheap one. They won't be able to after the patch comes out....
I've had Ragnar kill me extremely early in the game before, and the occasional space loss, but most games don't end up with a result, let alone one where I lose.
1) When I started using the BetterAI mod for vanilla, or BTS (I forget which), I had a small military. The powerhouse of the game, Joao, soon came across the oceans to teach me my mistake. Soon, after my military was boned, half the worlds' nations came in to take their slice of my once-great empire :(

2) I pissed off Sitting Bull with an event early game (2000 BC or so). Didn't think much of it...he was far off, and it was early on. He can't attack me, right? Wrong. Soon, axemen and spearmen come in to my capital. My phalanxes were too few in number to stop him. I could have retaken the capital, except the smart . .. .. .. .. .. .. . choprushed a crapload of archers to guard it.

and yeah. I was boned.

the only games I've played into the really late stages of the game I got fed up with the lag and quit (single core computer for the lose). I play standard maps now, eagerly awaiting the patch.
List a compilation of all ways the AI has beat you here. Difficulty level is not necessary, but may also be included if desired.

I am just curious as to how much the AI has truly been spread out among various victory types. It is certainly better than previous Civ IV versions, but I want to see some data.

I have lost the following ways in BtS:
* Conquest (Various, at least Noble)
* Culture (Noble)
* Space Race (Prince)


You've lost conquest to AI??? Was it OCC? I can't possibly imagine the AI winning a conquest non-OCC game unless it was a duel map and he just steamrolled you.

I've only lost:
* Culture (Noble)
* Space Race (Noble)
* Diplo (Warlord... earlier in my Civ career)
* Time when the damn AI grabbed a Permanent Alliance 5 turns before end game! :mad: :mad: :mad:

I haven't lost in BtS to the AI, yet, but to be fair, I've only played about ~7 games. I really don't have a lot of free time.
Killed me in just about every era in the game (once by Gandhi :( It was either attack or lose to a space race) and space-raced me... I think that's it. Monarch or higher in all counts.
You've lost conquest to AI??? Was it OCC? I can't possibly imagine the AI winning a conquest non-OCC game unless it was a duel map and he just steamrolled you.

I've only lost:
* Culture (Noble)
* Space Race (Noble)
* Diplo (Warlord... earlier in my Civ career)
* Time when the damn AI grabbed a Permanent Alliance 5 turns before end game!

Do you have BTS? If you don't, then you're missing some awesome war AI.
You've lost conquest to AI??? Was it OCC? I can't possibly imagine the AI winning a conquest non-OCC game unless it was a duel map and he just steamrolled you.

My Conquest losses tend to be when I first advance to a new difficulty level; I usually end up quitting before I am completely overrun, but if I lose more than 1/2 of my cities I am fairly certain I am doomed. I probably should play out the games more often, though.

Almost always, when I lose Conquest, it is in the BC's; by the time I get to the AD's (and especially to Gunpowder), I have a track record of never losing a city permanently. The AI may sneak attack against my weakest city, but I can take it back a few turns later.

On noble or prince i lose everytime,Conquest.(AI kills me,or barbarian state)
I have lost one time on Settler(conquest again)But everyone has declared war to me.Monty invited Russia.Then Russia invited Greece.Then Greece invited Zulu...14 vs 1:D
I won one time on Noble duel map,Justinians Cataphracht victory.One time huge map 18 civ Justinian United Nations victory on Noble.

I haven't lost in BtS to the AI, yet, but to be fair, I've only played about ~7 games. I really don't have a lot of free time.

Move off settler difficulty and marathon game speed ;)
I just lost to an apostlotic palace vote as i was on my way to my first domination victory at emperor :(
Do you have BTS? If you don't, then you're missing some awesome war AI.

I've had BTS for 2 months now, and I play on Noble. I haven't turned on aggressive AI yet, as I've been playing peaceful games. I've never even come close to being beaten via conquest. I would never let any close neighbors have such a power advantage over me that would enable such a loss. Perhaps it's the way I play, but if I see a neighbor who's anything but strong pleased, I'm going to arm myself up before building infrastructure to ensure my civs survival.
I was killed by Willem today. I figured he was peaceful enough, so I blocked him off and hoped that switching to his religion would counter the lack of OB happiness. It didn't, and he attacked my Archers with masses of elephants, swordsmen and catapults. :cringe:
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