How Should We "Save" The MP?

Red Door

Man of Mayhem
May 29, 2005
USA #1
I don't like to be the one looking like he's taking control of the game, but I think this game can be saved in several different ways, as long as members are dedicated. Please take a look at the following solutions I have come up with, and please criticize, comment on, say what you like and why, post your own solutions if you want the game to continue.

Solution A - Keep current game, and continue with new elections in 2 days as is, including with current GM's (Abgar, Perf, and Head Serf)

Solution B - Keep current game, and continue with new elections in 2 days, but elect new GMs in those same elections.

Solution C - Forget all that has happened, and re-start the game, keeping the Constitution, open for ratification, the Factbook, re-vote the Abstract Time vs. Scaled Time, and force the founding and re-founding of parties with registration and re-registration. This would also involve an ad blitz throughout CFC via PMs and other assorted methods.

Solution D - Re-instate Provo as GM, ban the Common Sense Party and #fiftychat from participating for 3 months, and continue with the game.

My preffered solution is C, considering this game right now is wrecked, and anyone that is denying it seems to be in denial, because this game has close to zero participation, although it's "peaked" in the last few days, but I think we all agree that when working, this is a great idea.

We've had our fun with our version of the Articles of the Confederation, but it's time to step up and end petty rivalries, myself included.

Bannign the CSP is undemocratic. Provo can run for GM this time, and see what happens with a full new set.

Question: Does FORGET THIS ALL HAPPENED mean not being able to bring it up in the new game. I hope so.
Model coup!

Hopefully not, although you can consider this a protest of the current game.


Bannign the CSP is undemocratic. Provo can run for GM this time, and see what happens with a full new set.

Question: Does FORGET THIS ALL HAPPENED mean not being able to bring it up in the new game. I hope so.

Yes, it does, it means not even mentioning it in any way, shape, or form.
Ugh, and erase the historic downtown gets elected Prime Minister thing? That sounds painful.

I'll go for B, but I'll abide by the wishes of the majority. I also don't see why we can't go on with a flurry of PMs to OTers anyway. Combine the ideas!
Option C.

Do we really have the patience to do EVERYTHING again?
Solution C
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