HOW TO: Add a Civ/Unit/Building in BTS (Modular XML Modding)

This modular loading is something completely new to me. I had been modding the old way. I followed your tutorial and it works just fine. However, I do have one question: Does modular xml loading just add new leaders, units, etc to existing civ4 BTS or can i use it to make a completely new mod? (ie. my mod is final frontier like)
The purpose of modular loading ist to add units/civs/buildings from different sources with little effort, not to make a complete overhaul.

Final Frontier modifies a lot of XML files that aren't modular, and also has Python modifications, which can't be made modular.
Hello. I tried to add Sweden to the list of civilizations in RoM, though it kept telling me that the modular files didn't load! Why did this happen?
Check the FAQ of the RoM mod:

4. Can I use Modules made for BtS in this mod?

In most cases no. Because this mod makes changes to almost everything, most BtS modules are not working correctly with this mod. They have to be edited so that they match the changes in Rise of Mankind.
However, I personally made this module specifically for RoM, and it still crashed.
Well, the information you provided is of little help, and I don't know what changes the RoM people made to the XML file structure. Perhaps you should let them have a look at your error message and files.
Hi, I've been trying to mod BtS with my limited xml experience, for a couple of months now with a little success in simple things, gaining a litle insight to the structure of this game. Now I'd like to switch to modular moding as I think it promises a more structured and organized approach.

My first attempt seems to have a mysterious flaw crashing the game when it loads graphics. When I switched on the dump logs it seems that the fault occurs when it tries to load the Interface, which I have not touched as I'm only trying to introduce a Tribe Unit that is junior to the Settlers.

The xml dump log seems to always stop in the middle of loading Espionage. A section that I again have not touched. I understand that it is difficult to form ideas about faults of someone elses computer, but please if you tell me what info would be required, I'll try to furnish it and maybe you'll be able to help me.
I know its probably really easy but I'm trying to learn so please help. How do you add audio files in the modular setup? I'm trying to put a song in for a particular leader and so far I have had trouble figuring it out.
Sorry, but how does this apply if I just want to add new units with modular loading, without adding any new civilizations? I haven't found any that actually seem to be unit addition on its own unless I am missing something here. I just have a whole bunch of units I like that I want to add to the Civilization IV BTS Extra mod for myself.
Thanks, Healz.
Okay, but I know one of the WOC blokes should be able to help me. They seem to be doing something similar with their WOC things with units. I might try over there for an answer. They could probably give me something useful in terms of code to use...
I loaded a Mil Mi 26 into the GEM, not doing anything but unzipping into the modules folder (because I'm inherently lazy) and the unit's there but I only get a pink blob? Help?
Check the file ArtDefines_units.xml in the folder of the new unit, and compare the paths mentioned for the new units with the paths in your folders.
If the name of the file or the paths do not match, then you'll see instead of the unit a pink blob ingame.
Sheesh, wish I had found this thread earlier!

So can ALL xml files under Assets/XML be modded this way or are there some exceptions?

And just wanted to confirm that game text tags can't be overwritten using this method? You need to create a new tag name?

Also, can this be used for Python files?
The purpose of modular loading ist to add units/civs/buildings from different sources with little effort, not to make a complete overhaul.

Final Frontier modifies a lot of XML files that aren't modular, and also has Python modifications, which can't be made modular.

I want to copy some wonders from elsewhere, at least two of which make python changes. Could I copy the python changes into the regular python files (I believe they only add the wonder´s special effect) and put everything else into Modules ?
I've got a modular mod working that adds a new civilization to BtS. But I don't see how to add a new leader to an existing, standard BtS civilization. I can define the new Leader in [MyMod]_CIV4LeaderHeadnfos.xml. But I don't see how to associate the leader to an existing civ. Doing a brute-force copy of that civ to [MyMod]_CIV4Civilizationnfos.xml and adding the new leader doesn't seem to work, and besides it's not in the spirit of modularity.

A working example of this would be welcome!
Sheesh, wish I had found this thread earlier!

So can ALL xml files under Assets/XML be modded this way or are there some exceptions?

And just wanted to confirm that game text tags can't be overwritten using this method? You need to create a new tag name?

Also, can this be used for Python files?
15-years later I too would like confirmation if game text tags (and tags in general) can or cannot be overwritten using modules?
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