How to - Getting from an image in Bryce to a working civ3 graphic


Oct 15, 2003
The Dream
This is a short tutorial about how one can get from an image in Bryce, using my background (or any other complicated background) to a working file for civ3.

Two programs will be used to do that (apart from Bryce) : ms paint and gimp.

Step 1:

Having finished the model, render and copy the image.

Step 2:

Open ms paint and paste the image there.
Now, using the lasso tool, select as much of the actual graphic, without the background, that you can get. It is ok if you miss large parts, since the colours for them exist in the other ones. Copy the selection and paste it somewhere aside.
After that copy three or four pixels (different tone ones) from the background, and place them along with your selection.

Step 3:

Open the Gimp, and paste your selection and the pixels into a new file.
Save as a 256 colour file.
Now copy the image you made in step 1, onto the new 256 colour gimp file.

Notice how different the background has become.

Step 4:

Copy all that and paste into your ms paint file. Now choose each colour seperately from the background and fill in, eg fill with darker green over lighter green areas, and repeat. In the end you will have no background left :)

And that is that. You know should be having a perfectly working graphic, without any background left.

Note that you could have used a monochomatic background to begin with, but this would mean that your shadows would not look that good. I prefer this method :)

Now your image is ready to import to a gimp city file, and work the transparency, as shown in my other tutorial ;)
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