VERY Tempting. Would be a VERY HUGE project. Alone the design _or_ implementation would be more than I can handle. Even more: To find good play balance means giant work ...So, for example, an industrial era despotic monarchy might have a socialist movement as its main opposition. From time to time - as the opposition gains support among the populace - they would raise demands for political reform.
To close the bracket: Minimum code example for INPUT just 1 BIT:
rebelPopup = CyPopupInfo()
rebelPopup.setText("the city of %s is threatened! Rumors of pillage and turmoil ... do you want to invest %s gold in order to support our widely travelled friends?" % (cyCity.getName(), iGold) )
rebelPopup.addPythonButton("Yes", "")
rebelPopup.addPythonButton("No", "")
def BribeRebels(argsList):
"""Give gold and persuade rebels to move on, away from threatened city"""
iButtonId = argsList[0]
iCity = argsList[1]
iGold = argsList[2]
if iButtonId == 1: # "No"?
nomads&rebels moved on, now includes bribing rebels option, moving palace to captured cities option, no rebel generation on already occupied plots ... and some more tweaks I forgot