How to make Translation patches?


Aug 27, 2013
This mod is only in English, and for some reason this affects the main menu for all other languages. Switching your language to English should take care of this problem and is highly advisable anyway, because most of it isn't translated.
Um, I know that it is strongly recommended to play only in English, but is there anyway to make the mod support languages other than Eng/Fra/Ger/Spa/Ita?
Especially for the languages with 2byte characters. (It seems that most XML files in BtS are written in a format that supports only 1byte ASCII characters.)
I have been trying to make a Korean translation of the mod but it looks like it is a matter of something more than just adding <Korean></Korean> tags to files in the Assets/XML/text folder.
Any help would be welcome. Thanks!
In the international (i.e. EFIGS) version of BtS the game only natively supports the Latin-1 codepage, i.e. ASCII plus special characters common to the aforementioned languages. It's not true that two byte characters are not supported but the full UTF8 character set is not available. Things are different in language specific releases of the game, e.g. I know the Russian and Chinese versions do support the character sets required for their languages. I think there are also mods that have full language support for a large set of different languages with all sorts of characters (RI? C2C?), suggesting they have found a solution to use the full UTF8 character set, but I don't know what was necessary to enable that. It's not easily possible out of the box as far as I know.
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