How to proceed?


Sep 26, 2010
Hi everybody,

I seem to be unsure about how to proceed with my game. Maybe some of the experienced players here can provide me with some useful insight.

I am currently playing as the Greeks on a continental map with a difficulty setting of King. I am into my 178th turn and have managed to establish myself as the only civilization on my continent together with 4 other city states who are now my allies by taking advantage of the UA of the Greeks.

The problem now is I don't really know what to do with my empire and what sort of victory should I seek for this game. I have 3 cities (Athens, Sparta and Monaco which I annexed due to a request from another maritime city state) and 6 puppet cities (English and Egyptian cities which I conquered). I am making +38 gold/turn and have a happiness rating of 10.

I can foresee my economy going downhill as my puppet states are starting to erect military and other useless buildings which will cripple my economy in time to come but I am unable to annex them without taking a hit to my happiness rating. I haven't met the other civilizations which I assume are on another continent. I am contemplating whether to proceed with an isolationist path and just go for a science victory or to go seek out the other civilizations and maybe wage war but I don't fancy moving my army across huge bodies of water only to meet with hordes of enemies.

I have attached a save game if any of you are interested. Hope to hear from any feedback as to how I should proceed.



  • greek2.Civ5Save
    630.1 KB · Views: 52
Without looking at your save (I am away from my gaming PC),
I can foresee my economy going downhill as my puppet states are starting to erect military and other useless buildings which will cripple my economy in time to come but I am unable to annex them without taking a hit to my happiness rating.
What has worked for me, has been to surround my Puppets with Trading Posts - they can't build without hammers, and they produce more gold.
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