How to use artillery effectively...

Umm to go way back in the thread to real world examples. you could say that the Japanese did it to the Chinese in Manchuria in the twenties prior to conquering Manchurai after the Mukden Incident and creating Manchukuo with Puyi the last Qing emperor. You could even say that did this as a prelude to invading china. To also point out the Treaty Ports within China by all major western powers (Britain, France, Germany, America, Russia, and even some minor powers) allowed not only cultural bounderies to be exploited but also the Treaty ports and the area controlled kept enlarged time after time.

World Savers Inc.
We Care
thanks 4 this. i didn't really use artillery untill now. im going to bomb those ather civs so much now. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol
and how many cities do you have when you do this? first post ever on this board. Playing Civ for eons, average but improving player and drinking in all the posts. Such a delight, The interchange between Moongsinger and Rox was partifularly sweet. Two obviously intellectual players, Moonsingerer with a major tournament victory under her belt on Sid level I see. And Rox, obviously well versed in Civ, with strong ideas about what constitutes honorable play, cheating, fair play and reality. Let me throw my two cents in, Late but thought out.
There are countless examples in military history of lightning excusions beyond enemy boundaries. Deep charging blitzkrieg ones in our era especially. How long did it take for Viet Nam to fall despite boundaries which obviously were ineffectitve in deterring "settler creep" infrastructure Poland 1939 fell in 19 days. France, I believe in not much more. My own father was responsible for having RR stations in German terriory up and running in hours/a few days with captured rolling RR stock. He had Luxembourg City operational in two days from its smoking, bloody capture. Germany, in WWII, refit Russian RRs and had it not been for the different size gauge, would have been operational in days.
National boundaries have never been much of an impediment to swift, facilitated use of enemy territory and capitals, at least since Phillip developed anvil tactics with Macedonian cavalry. I would vote that settler creep is a unique, fairly accurate way to simulate lightning incursions into enemy terriorty when offensive forces (the limiting factor) are sufficient. That takes time and planning for the attacker.
Besides, if Firaxis wanted to, the AI could certanily be programmed to build and heavily garrison fortresses and barricades along the major transport routes at chokepoints. Tell me, does the fact that the AI rarely uses city garrisons more than 5 untis strong make concentrating offensive force on that ville cheating? I guess each will have to form his own opinion. I would say no.
All games have exploit points. The fact that Civ III has so few and they are buried so expertly, I regard as truly revolutionary in gaming and distinguishes it as one of the truly great games of our times. Honest. Where each of us draws the line at what constiutes an exploit or more radically, cheating is the real question. One man's cheat is another man's imaginative opportunity. And while we can argue the authenticity of it all, it still comes down to personal choice. What's yours?

And now, back to this interesting discussion of artillery?????? Neat concepts.......
Wow, that was your first post too, Saygame! I'm very flattered.:) Thank you for your kind words!:) And welcome to the forum!
hi moonsinger

thanks for sharing a way of nice attack. i am a bit newbie in many things though i play civ since the first version though never that deeply.

anyway, what u did with the city u built near zimbawe?

and dont laugh but what does a outpost do? what exactly is it good for and how to use it properly?

and why is exactly the use of sending settler into enemy grounds? how can they help me?

very thnaks if u could help me with these questions

I can help you with those the point of an outpost is to get a resource that you dont have in any of your city radius. The outpost must still be conected by a road tho. As for settlers in enemy terrain, the most obvioues reason for that is to claim any land that a city could still be squeezed into. Prehaps then rush build a couple of culture producing building if your worrid about a culture flip. Combined with an airport or prehaps a harbour if circumstances permit this you can end up attacking your enemy from within.
noni said:
thanks for sharing a way of nice attack. i am a bit newbie in many things though i play civ since the first version though never that deeply.

You're welcome! Sorry, I have been gone in awhile.

anyway, what u did with the city u built near zimbawe?
Since I played this game a long time ago, I don't really remember what I did with Zimbawe. However, you have three clear the options: You can either keep it, raze it, or give it to someone else. If you raze it, you get free workers; if you keep it, you get free city (extra income and may be free unit support too); if you give it away, just have to figure this out for yourself.

and dont laugh but what does a outpost do? what exactly is it good for and how to use it properly?
In this article, the term outpost = a temporary military command post. Use your settler to build it (just like building a city, except that this is a temporary city, not a long term one) and disband it after you no longer need it.

and why is exactly the use of sending settler into enemy grounds? how can they help me?
So that you can use your settler to build an outpost/city inside the enemy culture boundary.
Own said:
This is why you need the outpost. With an outpost the artillery can move unlimited amounts in that 9 tile, "square."

That's pretty good!:goodjob: Thanks for taking the time to read my article!:)
I like how The AI always sends all it's forces agasit you at the start of the war and then is all weakened out. The AI is stupid. The human brain can usally outwit and kill off all of these AI forces. then all you gotta do is march up with some bombardent units and a few calvery or tanks and take all the ememy citys.
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