And what about railroads? The south had different gauges than the North during the civil war. Genrals avoid roads until the territory is already conquered. If a General were to use roads in hostile territory he would be a sitting duck. Remember Lexington and concord? There were some Generals who thought they could use enemy roads. If only they had some SETTLERS to build outposts along the way first, then British culture would have prevailed, no resistance would be met along the roads, no scouts would be hovering around to report their movement.... Why didn't they think of that? In fact, why didn't the Germans just send in a settler before they crossed the Ukraine? Could've saved a whole lot of pain and agony. In fact, Blitzkrieg, HAH, Hitler was a fool, he wasted his time building tanks, he should have built SETTLERS, and had them just build culture pockets towards Moscow, THEN attack Moscow itself!!! It would've worked all in less than a year too, No resistance along the way no nothing, in fact, Silly Stalin would probably be foolish enough to have his borders defended, and leaving very little in actual Moscow. Forget all that storming through Poland nonsense, why waste his time.
In fact, I think Ill post a thread, how to take the AI capital with 15 settlers, 10 artillery and 6 cavalry every time.
Let me put it this way, in MP, if I ever catch anybody settler border expanding during a game, I'll quit right there, and never play them again. What is the point of having borders if someone with five settlers can walk his happy donkey straight to your capital without resistance along the way? This is an exploit, it is not how the settler was intended to be used, and if Firaxis could stop it, I am sure they would except that would basically mean scrapping the entire culture border/expansion aspect of the game, which is one of the neatest new aspects of the game.
I understand the WAR is hell concept, I am an avid Total Annihilation player, and I never play with "rules", however, this game is different, and the culture expansion was not intended to be used as a way to build a tunnel to your enemies capital..... why even have roads in enemy territory be unusable?