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HRY2 - Jobless in Entremont

Preturn: Why has regular grass been mined at Entremont?
. Cities building spears, but not having a rax is switched to temples so we can both expand out borders and also collect a bit more culture as flip protection. Cataractonium is settled very offensively with Isandlwana. This WILL make the Zulu more aggressive toward us. Overlap with Alesia is also extensive. I would suggest moving it. It is an a poor position. While there is a lot of cities, then I think they’ve been built a bit to close for comfort…. Perhaps that is just me. Eboracum and Lapurdum whip temples.
We have 14 workers.
Why are some building roads through jungle instead of improving our main cities or clearing it first?
40 turn gambit on Monarchy? We should either shut down research or go with republic or a middle age tech.
Lugdunum could be a powerful city with both shields and food.

IBT: India declares on America. We need poachers ready.

530 BC (1): Nothing much

510 BC (2): Zzz

490 BC (3): ditto

470 BC (4): Gergovia build temple. Worker ordered up. Tolosa founded in jungle next to lake. Burdigala rush temple.

IBT: Zulu destroy Seattle.

450 BC (5): Alesia build settler. Temple ordered. We need a strong base before dominating these people.

430 BC (6): Temple hurried at Ironborough and Cataraconium.

IBT: Iro’s start the Library in Oil Springs.

410 BC (7): Agedincum rush temple.

390 BC (8): Lapurdum build settler and start a palace prebuild. It might be an idea to get the Forbidden Palace started here or in Gergovia.

370 BC (9): Zzzz

IBT: America and India sign peace.

350 BC (10): Quiet turn.

We need more workers and barracks in key cities. Lugdunum should be prepared for a role as a wonder city. Also, please pay more attention to what squares are mined. The area around Entremont is not optimised.

The Save
@Harleqin: re: Mined grassland
What else are you going to do with a regular grassland in Despotism? Irrigating provides no benefit. I haven't looked at the save, so I don't know if a better tile could have been worked.

Am I up? If so, I got it.
Yes, you're up.

Indeed, mining grasslands is about all you can do with them in Despotism.

Don't be concerned with the "offensive" settling. Remember, your role is supposed to be an aggressive one anyway. If it makes the Zulus angry, then that'll be their problem.
ChT. Aye, you won't get much out of it, but it is wasted worker turns. Double that as you have to change them again later. Also, you will rarely use so many tiles before a government switch that you can't avoid it. However, by irrigating thay will be ready once the switch is made and can be used for getting irrigation to dry areas so that they are in place.

Or have I misunderstood something?
And aye, you're up :) Good luck.
Turn 0 -- 350 BC

ChrTh II, The Bloodthirsty, comes to power amidst a chorus of "War! What is it good for? Everything! Say it again!"

There is an urge to fight, but ChrTh resists...we must find a new way to lead our people first, then we will unleash Hell...

America is up Monarchy, Korea is up Engineering, England is up Republic... I yearn to do a 3fer but I can not (although if we fail in our quest for the GL, we may yet)

I do build an Embassy with Korea ... Seoul is 16 turns for the GL.


Hrm, Entremont is a happiness risk ... I have to raise Lux to 20% (can't fire a worker without starving or slowing down GL production). I WISH I STILL HAD A MINED PLAIN SO I COULD MAINTAIN ZERO POPULATION AND FINISH GL FASTER. AHEM.

No Rax in Entremont? OH THE PAIN.
Lugdunum doing a Palace prebuild? For what? Two shield cities are not designed for prebuilds. I change to a much needed worker.

Camulodunum switched to Rax. No need for a Marketplace for a city that ain't growing past size 4 any time soon.

Agedincum switched to Worker from Courthouse. The Aztec lands are best positioned for an FP, and therefore Aged... will benefit at that time.

Eboracum switched to Rax from Courthouse. Cities able to get 50% shields don't need courthouses this early in the game. Actually I switch it to a worker, it needs improvements first.

Cataractonium switched to Harbor to benefit from Fishies and the fact it won't have many good tiles for awhile.

ChrTh the Conqueror puts aside his Veto Stamp ... and brandishes his sword menacingly ...that Zulu archer best not be thinking about Tolosa ...

Turn 1 -- 330 BC

There is way too much mining of hills going on. I let them finish, but I gladly waste a turn moving workers off hills that haven't started yet.

I build an Embassy in England...London is 10 turns from GL, so that's two we're ahead of (although I greatly--and rightly--fear a Pyramids cascade).

Turn 2 -- 310 BC
India and America create an Alliance against England ... which is freaking useless as none of them can get to the other within 20 turns ...

Ironborough completes Worker, starts Rax

I trade Polytheism to the Indians out of the kindness of my heart (and the 44 gold they got from America to declare war on the English)

All of our deals are peace treaties :cry:

Turn 3 -- 290 BC
Lug Worker > Worker
Furtown is built .. gonna take forever to grow, but it gets us that very important third lux. Temple ordered up.

Some trading has happened. America and Iroqi both have Republic and Monarchy. India and England both have Republic but are down Construction. If we weren't so close to the GL I'd try to grab Republic.

I build Embassies with the remaining 3 Civs. The Aztecs are building us the Pyramids in Tenochtitlan.

Turn 4 -- 270 BC
Everyone's at war but us! :cry:

Washington completes the Pyramids ... might be cascade time, boyos...let's watch...well, none this turn, we'll see what happens next turn

Turn 5 -- 250 BC
Lux to 10% as gems are online (whoops, guess furs will be 4th lux)
Ugh, 4 Civs still can cascade ... maybe they'll bypass GL since they're all already building it (except for the Aztecs...) and go for Hanging Gardens and/or Great Wall

I shudder to hit ENTER ...

Zulu to Great Wall...Koreans to Great Wall...English to Great Lighthouse...Iroquois to Great Library...Iroquois to Hanging Gardens (they swapped builds)...Aztecs to Great Library...
No one completes ... yet

Turn 6 -- 230 BC
Remote Outpost is built. Won't be able to join it to our Empire until we take New York .. hint, hint

I investigate Salamanca and Tenoch..., the two cities that cascaded to GL. Neither will complete before ours. 3 turns, it may be close... (especially if another cascade kicks in)

Turn 7 -- 210 BC
The People expand my Palace!
Americans are building Great Library(?)

2 turns to GL ...

Turn 8 -- 190 BC
Americans switch to Hanging Gardens. Methinks they're insane.

1 turn to GL. In theory, tie goes to the player. We may find out for sure...

Turn 9 -- 170 BC
We complete the GL! I switch Entremont to Rax.
Ulundi cascades to Great Wall and gets it...c'mon, all cascades must end before Sun Tzu...

Turn 10 -- 150 BC
Great Library gives us Republic and Monarchy

ChrTh II the Bloodthirsty didn't spill any blood :cry: ... the people were so angry that they revolted!

DOH! If I remembered we were Religious, I would've revolted during the Interturn...well, this way it's up to the next leader as to which government will rule us best.

It'll be nice once we're no longer a despotism; our cities will start getting bigger and better. Our military is pretty weak; I think we're better on Workers at this time. The goal is to get Sun Tzu or Leo's (the latter might actually be better) :groucho: infrastructure doesn't need much concetration at this point, we're in the lead in cash and culture, and we obviously won't need libraries for awhile.

I do expect there to be bloodshed by my next turn. :hammer:

Here's the save:
Hurrah! I :love: the GL.

Got it. I think I'll switch to Republic, then start building up for war with America. It might be nice to go claim those Pyramids they stole from us.
Don't forget the Aztecs; I'd actually prefer them as the first target...although an American conquest would set us up nicely for more expansion (the Indians got one REALLY sucky start)...the problem is we'd have a long border with the Aztecs, and it might be tough to defend effectively against counterattacks...although they'd have the same problems...I'm rambling...
Yeah, get the Pyramids. Our granary ownership is close to nil.
Pre-turn: In Anarchy. Not much to do. Hit spacebar...

130 BC: Iroquois build Hanging Gardens.
We're in Republic now. Yay.

110: Entremont Barracks -> Gallic
Ironborough Barracks -> Gallic
Augustodorum Barracks -> Spear
Upgrade a Warrior.

90: TM trade with Iroquois.
Some units got built, but I didn't see where. Somebody had "Always build previous unit" on. :nono:
Furs connected. I turn Luxes off.

70: Eboracum Worker -> Barracks
Upgrade a Warrior

50: Learn Engineering from GL.
Agedincum Worker -> Barracks
Burdigala Worker -> Barracks
Upgrade a Warrior.

30: Entremont Gallic -> Gallic

10: Augustodorum Spear -> Gallic

10 AD: Ratae Coritanorum Temple -> Barracks
Spear hurried in Remote Outpost.

30 AD: Camulodunum Spear -> Market
Verulamium riots for some reason.
Remote Outpost Spear -> Temple
Ask Americans to please kindly get the hell out of our land. They declare war. Fools.
Gallic Sword kills an American Spear in our land and triggers GA.
Vet Gallic retreats attacking New York. Two Reg Gallics retreat at New York. Reg Gallic wins and captures the city.
Capture an American worker.

50 AD: TM trade with Korea.
Entremont Gallic -> Gallic
Alesia Barracks -> Worker
Ironborough Gallic -> Gallic
Verulamium Courthouse -> Barracks

Three Gallics are poised to take Miami. After that we'll have a good platform to attack Washington.

The next player up is the Builder, correct? You may not be very warlike, but I bet you want that Pyramid, right? You'd like having all those Granaries, hmm?

Keep an eye on Entremont. It might riot when it reaches size 12.

The Save:
I think we need prebuild for Sun Tzu , gotta start palace somewhere .
Well my computer froze two turns until the end of my time and I lost the log I made. Here is a quick overview of what happend during my rule:

Captured Washington and Miami and Chicago.

Connected Wines up.

Fuedalism and Monotheisim through the Great Library

India and Zulu declare war on America. I think that means the whole world is at war with them.

Here is the save. The map looks like Hooray's except Washington, Miami and Chicago are pea green.

The larger cities are begining to hate the war. I've had to incrase the lux bar 10% to calm down people. I think we could last another 5-10 turns.


All but the Iroquois.

BTW, since we have Feudalism, let's build Sun Tzu's in Entremont. It has the highest shield production, naturally.

And Ville is up. Have at it, you crazy Scientist.
We should start Sun Tzu, but I think we're better off with Leo's ... if Invention pops, I'd build Leo's first.

Any leaders?

If your lux is only 10% after the first wave of WW, you're in great shape. We probably have enough lux to keep us in Republic for the entire war with America (i.e. until they're wiped out). You may want to rush Markets in the places with happiness issues, may be cheaper in the long run (5 luxes and a market=no happiness problems. EVER (well, hardly ever)

Why put the FP in Tenoch instead of ie Miami? Tenoch is very close to tundra and will thus not give us the best benefit. The area around Miami is fertile and our southern towns will still benefit from being higher up in rank regarding distance to capital.

Ironborough could also be a candidate for once the jungle is gone it will be powerful lands there. Tolosa is also good, but has too few shields. Regardless, we need to get it built and we need it soon.
Miami or Buffalo would be a good choice. My statement regarding Tenoch was based on the fact that I thought the Aztecs would be the first to fall to us; I thought America was too powerful in the early game to mount an offensive against, but since all the other nations went to war with them, it weakened them considerably.
Turn 0- Atlanta captured

Turn 1- Buffalo captured, Boston captured

IBT- England and America signed peace treaty

Turn 2- :sleep: moving Gallics and MIs

Turn 3- :sleep: moving Gallics and MIs

Turn 4- Philadelphia captured, San Francisco captured, Yankees are falling:mwaha:, WW strikes, I raised lux slider to 20%, War is over in few turns, I suspect Americans have some secret technology in St. Louis so I must take it!

Turn 5- St. Louis captured. What, they didn't have any secret technology there, how could I make such a mistake:D

Turn 6- :sleep:

Turn 7- :sleep:

Turn 8- We got Theology from TGL

Turn 9- :sleep:

IBT- Our GA ended

Turn 10- :sleep:

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