Hulfgar's Modpacks - Industrial and Complete Edition

Asterix if you want to try to play further : you may be able to pass the bug if you go into the strategiv view before hitting next turn.
Thanks for the save.
yes just that, it worked for me while trying to find the bug. It will not solve it bug may help you play further.
Good morning everybody :)

Saturas I tested CE ver14 (with no other mod) and no savegame bug on my side so far. Same for Onmy6.
If you can provide me the log files it may help.
Have you tried to clear the "cache" and "ModUserdata" folders?

Asterix sorry that the SV trick did not help you, going back to search the reason of your crash.
Sorry, I've overwritten that save as I started another game. Next time I'll make sure it survives.
I never delete the moduserdata folder only the cache, maybe that was the problem?
In the meantime I solved the problem with the DLC version, and everything is fine.
maybe, it's always a good idea to clear things before starting a new game with new mods.

But to have no confusion : I don't need the save, only the lua log files (make sure that you have enabled the logging).

What you can check as well :
If you're playing the DLC version but with the MODS button : make sure you don't have my mod installed and enabled as mod as well.

If you're playing the mod installed from the installer : make sure you don't have it installed as DLC as well.
"Sukritact's Events and Decisions" mod is causing a lot of trouble in the lua.log file, in the previous 3 games I couldn't get past 150 turns. Maybe it's incompatible?


"Sukritact's Events and Decisions" mod is causing a lot of trouble in the lua.log file, in the previous 3 games I couldn't get past 150 turns. Maybe it's incompatible?

I would guess that that would be the problem "Events and Decisions" is a great mod but I know with my own Mod i had the save game bug for awhile until I figured out that when I had "Events and Decisions" running with or incorporated in my mod the save game bug would present itself, when I decided to do away with E&D the save game bug went also, Great mod but not that compatible with alot of complex mods
Hello Saturas,

thx for the log files.

Events and Decisions uses saveutils to save data and from what I read in other posts saveutils and TableSaverLoader may be incompatible (my Mod uses TableSaverLoader).
This will most probably be the problem, I will put Events and Decisions on the list of incompatible mods.
Yo, Hulfgar
If I build a mine, sometimes it says the worker found coal/iron/whatever and 2 of this resource appears as soon the mine finishes, however this 2 items don't get added to the counter at the top.
Salut HUlfgar,

SUperbe boulot. ca a largement prolongé mon interet pour civ.
Par contre j ai eu un bug avec les ressources qui ne s affiche pas avec la carte terre. je croyais que c etait voulu mais au 250 tours toujours qu avec le fer ! est ce que ca etait fixé depuis ou la carte terre est definitivement out pour ce mod?
est ce que ca pourrait fonctionner avec un autre mod huge earth map and 22 civilizations dans la partie?

This modpack looks amazing, but unfortunately it crashes on a specific event.

I started a new game and played for less than an hour and when the "Temple of Artemis" is completed by another civ, game crashes to desktop.
If it means anything - I started to build the temple in my city but stopped and changed production to something else.

Win 7 64bit
Fresh install of Civ5 (v 1.03.279)
+ GK
+ all required DLCs

Installed mods:
Hulfgars Modpack IE 20.1 (v 20) - Disabled
Hulfgars Modpack CE (v 14) - Enabled
Hulfgars Modpack ArtFiles Modern (v 10) - Enabled
Hulfgars Modpack ArtFiles (v 15) - Enabled

I tried to:
Delete all cache files and restarted the game
Disable and Enable the mods

Log files attached. (Edit: removed)

I removed industrial pack from MODS folder, cleared the cache restarted the game and no glitches anymore.

Nice Modpack, welldone!
Hi everybody, I'm away from the computer until the 28th of August, so be patient, I will look into all reports when I'm back. Tarkules I'm glad you solved the problem. ��
Hello everybody :) back from holidays!

first here is a fix for the bug with Japan's Motorized AA Gun

Hulfgars Modpack ArtFiles v16

This is compatible with any savegame.

Once downloaded you need to replace the whole Hulfgars Modpack ArtFiles folder.

EDIT : Thix fix is required for both mods : Complete Edition and Industrial Edition
thank you sir

for compatibility it would be better if you made all your filenames lower case, aspyr did a bit of a bad job porting.

EDIT: I tried it a few ways and I don't know if it was pure chance but the game did not crash on initial autosave this time....
Had to raname the mod5 to all lowercase but did not touch the files it unpacked, previously I did mass rename them also and it crashed all the time. Linux is very very case sensitive and the aspyr port generally (for some unexplainable reason) made everything lower case except for the save/config folder where for example MODS folder is all upper case but only recognizes lower case mod5's.

Lastly the complete link you provided is not a mod5.
Hello everybody,

an update for the Industrial Edition :

Version 21

Correction in the Mining Script : resources found will be correctly added to the player's supply.

New skins from Snafusmith for the following units :
CAC Boormerang as WW2 Fighter for NZ, Polynesia
Hanriot HD1 WW1 fighter, used for the Aztecs
Halberstadt DII WW1 fighter, used for Austria

SMS Elster (Torpdoeboat) used for the Patrol Boat
French 320mm Railroad Artillery
HMS Dreadnought (used as Dreadnought generic skin)
155mm De Bange Cannon (used as Coastal Battery)
French 75mm Field Gun

US WW1 Tank
Iroquois WW1 Tank
German WW1 Tank
English WW1 Tank
Celt WW1 Tank

requires Hulfgars Modpack ArtFiles v17

Available compiled as self-installer by Onmy6 (includes the required assets mod) or as MP Modpack with IGE

An update for the Complete Edition will come in a few days.
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