Hulfgar's Modpacks - Industrial and Complete Edition

Sheep farm

Mentioned in civilipedia as a building available at stone age area
It doesn't appear in the tech tree neither in the city building list

Same for the Dairy Farm Co-Op at Indus area

Sheep farm and Dairy farm are exclusive to New Zealand that be my fault, I'll correct that in the pedia at the next update and correct the 45 size icons for said building also:crazyeye:
Hello again Asterix,

The screenshots below show many units with double entries in civilopedia
Most of them are contradictory
I forgot to hide the City States Units from the Pedia.
Most of the units have been cloned for the CS to have no resource requirements.

However the CS AT and AA Guns did not match their regular counterparts so this will be corrected.

A few units in the civilopedia seem to be non upgradeable

Machine gun --> National Guard
Fighter Squadron --> Early Jet Fighter Squadron

It's ok :
The CS can't raise National Guard. This unit requires a conscript as resource and the CS cannot build the Prefecture that provides it.

In I.E. CS cannot build early jets, they are reserved to the major civs.

About the Castle replacement :
I've named it "Medieval Castle", is it ok for you?

Smithsonian Institute, Castle and Great Works :
This is a hard problem : the CultureOverview screen is hard-coded to only understand the standard buildings (thanks to Whoward for answering this).

One solution will be to use Whoward's UI - Great Work Manager.
However it does not work with EUI.
I will add this to the ModOptions files and probably put in the Pedia of the concerned buildings as well!
Sheep farm and Dairy farm are exclusive to New Zealand that be my fault, I'll correct that in the pedia at the next update and correct the 45 size icons for said building also:crazyeye:

Finally, what makes the difference is the pedia update.
Most of you, passionate modders, neglect it. Then, we all miss the point.

If you do it, tell it:woohoo:
It's ok :
The CS can't raise National Guard. This unit requires a conscript as resource and the CS cannot build the Prefecture that provides it.

In I.E. CS cannot build early jets, they are reserved to the major civs.

Do I look like a CS ? :)
It's when I left click on Mgun and FSquadron icons that I get the pedia screen telling me it's not upgradeable
Version 20.2 for the Industrial Edition :

Updates for the Help texts of the following Wonders :
Carnival, Hollywood, Panama Canal, Pergamon Altar, Three Gorges Dam, Wall Street

Update the ModOptions.txt file with the tip to disable the farm improvement texture and the link to Whoward's UI - Great Work Manager to manage the Great Works from the Medieval Castle, Medieval Mughal Fort and Smithsonian Institute.

Option to remove the "mutually exclusiv" tag for Academies (see in ModOptions.txt)
Pedia for the Academies updated

Castle renamed Medieval Castle when Rifling is reached.
Mughal Fort renamed Medieval Mughal Fort when Rifling is reached.

Update in the Civilopedia (Help texts ) for the Castle, Mughal Fort and Walls
Typo correction in the Civilopediafor the Palissade / Motte-and-bailey castle

Removed the CS units from the Civilopedia.
Corrections for the CS Anti Tank Gun and AA Gun (promotions and range capacity for the AT Gun)

Correction for the icons of the Sheep Farm and Dairy Farm Co-Op (NZ Unique Buildings).

A real big thanks to Asterix Rage for pointing all the flaws !
Asterix I think the patch above covers all the points you mentioned, can you cross check it please?

Finally, what makes the difference is the pedia update. Most of you, passionate modders, neglect it. Then, we all miss the point.

I do agree that it's one of my weaknesses : usually I do the hard stuff first, keeping the pedia for when I'm sure that it's working and worth the time needed to update the pedia.
But by the time I'm ready I may forget to update the pedia because I'm caught with something else...
Smithsonian Institute, Castle and Great Works :
This is a hard problem : the CultureOverview screen is hard-coded to only understand the standard buildings

Don't do it then !
I mean, no slot at all for Mediaval Castel and Smithsonian Institute. Eventualy something else instead. The MCastel effect is already huge.

The thing is that is very fustrating to don't be able to move artifacts from it like any other slots.
In my current game, it's already happening. 2 Artifacts could be usefull to fill one of my museum and get the bonus. But i cant. It looks buggy
Well i still have hope to find what is incompatible between EUI and Great Work Manager.

In my current game, it's already happening. 2 Artifacts could be usefull to fill one of my museum and get the bonus. But i cant. It looks buggy
Great Work Manager does not affect savegames so you can use it at anytime.
If you play with EUI just remove it for the time needed. It doesn't affect savegames as well.

I'm just a player looking at the best
And it's a big help, 4 eyes are always better than 2 to spot what must be improved or corrected!
Since IE20.2 Naval Academy, Red Cross an Mammouth Tank Project look like Wonder but act as building.
Can be built in several cities as long the required others buildings are in.
(I didn't delete MutuallyEx... .xml)


Still one double entry


  • galleass.jpg
    490.2 KB · Views: 121
At the end of IE, Computer tech and Hubble Space Telescope wonder bring science.
It doesn't make sense really since we don't need it anymore.

Suggestions :
Hubble giving happiness/culture. Or nothing. Spaceship factory + bonus is well enough.
Computer giving naval range attack bonus, or some kind of extra vision of ennemy submarines? (It was the goal during WW2)
Asterix I will test your save tomorrow.

Your logging is not enabled so the log files are useless.

To enable logging for debugging :

1. Close civilization V
2. Open config.ini with a simple text editor such as notepad (usually in ...\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5)
3. Search for the line "LoggingEnabled = 0" and replace it with "LoggingEnabled = 1"
4. Enable the Game Database Validation by setting 'ValidateGameDatabase = 1' in config.ini
5. Change EnableTuner = 0 in EnableTuner = 1
6. Do the same with "EnableLuaDebugLibrary = 0": set it to 1. If this line does not exist, add it before LoggingEnabled
7. Save config.ini and close

Eventually could you reload the game before the CTD to generate the log files? thanks :)
The mid-game graphic bug is nowhere to be found now after altering the "config". Thank you for the help Hulfgar. Good luck on taking bug reports and on making your mod!

Summarization of my gameplay so far:
--> Started with the basic units and settled where I spawned ( there was so many Luxury Resources and a river in where I spawned; LUCKY! ).
--> Built the basics and set my Hunter to explore.
--> Met some City States and made them my Ally.
--> Met Songhai.
--> Met Spain ( Uuuuggghh! ).
--> More technology advance than the other two Civs because... Germany... has the best science.
--> Competed on settling lands with Spain.
--> Met other Civs.
--> Converted my allied City States into my religion but Spain's religion pressure always exhaust the number of people under my religion.
--> Spain converted one of my cities.
--> Warned them but still they persisted.
--> Denounced and declared war on them.
--> Used the Blitzkrieg tactic while Spain is unprepared.
--> Captured their capital and razed the other cities.
--> Will continue to raze the other cities they settled on the other side of the gulf.
--> NOTE: I will not trade my valuable luxury resources for strategic resources I can easily get ( ex.: Lumber and Coal ).
Hi, Hulfgar
I've been happily using an older version of Complete Edition (12 maybe), and just remembered to update to version 14. However, I've issues now.
If I use the installer, it runs fine but 100% of the time it makes 13 kb saves, which are unloadable.
If I use the DLC version, the IGE button doesn't show up.
Mods I'm using:
Civ IV Diplomatic Features (v 10)
Cultural Diffusion (v 18)
InfoAddict (v 22)
Sukritact's Events and Decisions (v 3)

I'm at work atm so can't post a log for a while
Hello Saturas,

for the DLC version and IGE it's a conflict between IGE and one the 4 others mods you are using.
I just tested the DLC version without other mods and the IGE button is at it's place (on the left after the faith icon).

I will test the installer later today.

Eckirion thanks for the feedback :)

Asterix thanks for the logs.
I tried your save without the UI mods and the crash still happens and of course without a trace in the logs :( so know I'm trying to find what happens.
Just in case : do you have a save a few turn earlier that the one you posted ?
Thanks :)
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