Endless Legend is still one of the best 4x games out there.
Amplitude giving some serious competition to Firaxis could be just the thing the 4x genre needs to give it a good kick into next gear. Getting it to rethink some of its questionable design choices it's held onto because of history rather than being good game design
A quick look at the game's features it seems to include two thing's which many experienced 4x players have asked for
A civilization that you build yourself as you play through the game rather than decide upon at the beginning and a single unified victory condition which pools all your achievements in science, culture and warfare into a single pool, so victory comes from being the greatest civilization rather than being the one which completely slanted itself in one direction the most.
These two features immediately shift the game to adapting to the world your presented with rather than deciding at the beginning that you are going to do a 'sicence run' or a 'domination run' and choosing a civ and having almost your entire strategy planned out before you have even hit the begin game button.
I am super, super, super, super excited.
The best thing about this is that Firaxis is definitely aware of Amplitude and their games. Will be interesting to see if any of the game design choices in 'Humankind' end up working their way into future civilization titles. Pushing the genre forward through competition
Umm... I have to agree with this:
Don`t you think that having one single victory with all your achievement makes your general path to victory even less diversified? If you always have to do the same kind of actions to win, the same way, every game..
There's nothing wrong with multiple victories. Helps replayability, really. Having just ONE victory (basically Civ's point victory) every game? That's going to get stale quick. We need to expand on victories if anything, not cull them. Science, Economics, Religion, Diplomatic, Militant, maybe add an Environmental, Democratic, Authoritarian (Domination?) and so forth....