Hurricanes, Typhoons & Cyclones, oh my!

TIL the reason for the Ganhi meme.
And I though it was because the AI just went nuts because it as being picked on.

Typos can do incredible things to video games, like causing Gandhi to nuke people senseless for over two decades

Only, there was a problem. When a player adopted democracy in Civilization, their aggression would be automatically reduced by 2. Code being code, if Gandhi went democratic his aggression wouldn’t go to -1, it looped back around to the ludicrously high figure of 255, making him as aggressive as a civilization could possibly be.
So it's interesting that a popular discourse regarding the fires in California (which look exactly as apocalytpic as the ones we had a few months ago, in a smaller but much more populated area) is about the need to do a lot more burning off of built-up undergrowth material. That's just as we're coming to realise while that's important, there comes a point in heat, dryness and fire intensity when that just doesn't help any more.

(I don't know enough to know whether CA has done as much fuel load burning as it can, it's just an interesting contrast)
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