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I am a monkey! :)


Oct 25, 2000
According to this interesting article on MSN, it says I was born in the year of the monkeys in the Chinese zodiac system so I am a monkey. :crazyeyes :) Other famous monkeys included Pope John Paul II, Charles Bukowski, and Will Smith. :)

Years of the Monkey: 1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992, 2004
Key Words: Open, trustworthy, lively, intelligent, tender
Compatible Animals: Dragon, Rat
Year of the Horse Forecast: Creative instincts surpass expectations in May. By August your new ideas will have found form. Keeping yourself together will be challenging amidst all the excitement in autumn.
Key Illusion: The stares I receive are always from fans.
Path of Destiny: From unappreciated to sick and tired of fame.
Famous Monkeys: Pope John Paul II, Charles Bukowski, Will Smith

People like Ronald Reagan, Kevin Spacey, and Suzanne Vega are pigs. :crazyeyes

What are you?

Famous Rabbits- Lewis Carroll, Andy Warhol, George Michael

Key words- Peaceful, tranquil, imaginative, observant, generous
Compatible- Goat, Pig
Key Illusion- Participation is the same as joining in
Path of Destiny- E pulubrus Unum- From out of many, one (isn't that from Civ2?)

Funny, I am more like a dragon...
Years of the Pig: 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995, 2007
Key Words: Tolerant, affectionate, sharp, optimistic, self-conscious.
Compatible Animals: Rabbit, Goat
Year of the Horse Forecast: the tension and chaos of February and March lead to a happier summer, so take the bad early and get the good later. And in autumn, get the great!
Key Illusion: The way things appear is more important than the way they are.
Path of Destiny: From well-kept to patron.
Famous Pigs: Ronald Reagan, Kevin Spacey, Suzanne Vega
Originally posted by Ohwell

Key Illusion- Participation is the same as joining in

That explains your stance in the Avatar Rebellion pretty well. ;) :lol:
Originally posted by Thunderfall

That explains your stance in the Avatar Rebellion pretty well. ;) :lol:

;) Very. Like I said, I am much more like a dragon. I was born near the end of the year. In western astrology, I am a scorpio/saggitarius hybrid, with traits of both, because I was born on the day of the changing(Nov21)
According to this, I am a Rooster.
Years of the Rooster: 1933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993, 2005
Key Words: Well-groomed, charming, carefree, exhibitionist, naive
Compatible Animals: Snake, Ox
Year of the Horse Forecast: Marriage by autumn will be a primary topic of discussion. Evolving cultural tastes lead to a clash in September.
Key Illusion: Authority figures are not to be questioned.
Path of Destiny: Following orders leads to the freedom to give orders.
Famous Roosters: Donny Osmond, Britney Spears, Eric Clapton

Well, out of those key words, none could be realistically applied to me whatsoever. The forecast is laughable, as there is no way I will be married in the next few months, as I am a celibate and chaste monk, content with my own virtue. My cultural tastes are already fully evolved, I don't follow the key illusion, and the destiny path is gibberish.
I also have little to nothing in common with the 'Famous' roosters, especially a female exhibitionist hussy like that Miss Spears.

Therefore, there are two possible conclusions to be drawn from this:
Firstly, all astrology is unmitigated bollocks, or secondly, that I am the exception to every rule and a freak occurence in human history.
Both have some credibility to them;)
i read on another site (www.xdude.com, it´s being rebuilt now) that i was metal monkey+.
I am a dog. A hound dog that is. :rolleyes:

Years of the Dog: 1934 1946 1958 1970 1982 1994, 2006
Key Words: Empathetic, analytical, pessimistic, oblivious, hyper-critical
Compatible Animals: Horse, Tiger
Year of the Horse Forecast: A year for the Dog to regroup. Involve yourself with large groups for most of the year. Soulmate warms your heart in July, money's coming in June, and September is also amazing.
Key Illusion: You can control the interactions of various friends.
Path of Destiny: From behind the scenes, kicking and screaming to center stage.
Famous Dogs: Bill Clinton, Michael Jackson, Madonna

Except for Clinton, not a very august group (and people would place Clinton in the non-august as well)
At least I'll get money in June though, much more important than that July soulmate. :)
Years of the Ox: 1925 1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997
Key Words: Steady, perseverant, truthful, sincere, shy
Compatible Animals: Snake, Rooster
Year of the Horse Forecast: Your success in May will be based on a competition you don't enjoy. October sees passion, but November has a strange loneliness to it.
Key Illusion: Accruing wealth is somebody else’s job.
Path of Destiny: On the well-worn path are the fewest obstacles.
Famous Oxen: Robert Redford, Whoopi Goldberg, Jack Nicholson

This ox is amused. ;)
Funny, my Dad is a monkey 1932!

I am however, a tiger and my mom is a rat.

:eek: Did I phrase that correctly?
I am also an Ox. Damn that description is really like me. But what is really freaky is that it says that November has a strange loneliness to it yet that is the month of my birthday :eek:
Originally posted by Simon Darkshade
According to this, I am a Rooster.
Key Illusion: Authority figures are not to be questioned.
Path of Destiny: Following orders leads to the freedom to give orders.
Well, out of those key words, none could be realistically applied to me whatsoever.

If you look at it the other way, the descriptions at least match the things you put in your location and signature in your forum profile:p They are both strongly related to order, power, and authority. ;)

Is that spank the monkey thread in the jokes forum still running? I now really feel enraged by all those spanks. :mad: :D :lol:
I´m a pig!

Years of the Pig: 1935 1947 1959 1971 1983 1995, 2007
Key Words: Tolerant, affectionate, sharp, optimistic, self-conscious.
Compatible Animals: Rabbit, Goat
Year of the Horse Forecast: the tension and chaos of February and March lead to a happier summer, so take the bad early and get the good later. And in autumn, get the great!
Key Illusion: The way things appear is more important than the way they are.
Path of Destiny: From well-kept to patron.
Famous Pigs: Ronald Reagan, Kevin Spacey, Suzanne Vega

Don´t know Suzanne Vega,but as a politician I´m happy to be in line with Ronald Reagan.
I am an ox, which must be Chinese for bloated pachyderm :D

CORRECTION: That article is innacurate! Chinese new year isn't until close to February, so if you were born in early January like some of us you're actually the preceeding year's animal. In which case I am a Rat!
Rabbits are forever!!!
I didn't look, but I was born in the year of the Tiger.

I had a chinese calender years ago that gave the yearly breakdown.
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