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I need models and your help. Only French need apply


Jul 14, 2001
In my insatiable search for models I found a site that has some good international ships. Some are pretty good, other notso much. The thing is that the site is in French. Since I don't know any french, and translation programs make you look stupid...I'm SOL. This is where the native french speakers come in. I need someone to ask around to see if any of these models could somehow become available. And if so... in a format I could use (.3ds)

Je m'en occupe. I send a mail to the guy. But you should leran some french, he, it's quite usefull :p
Merci, But English, Polish, Spanish and Russian are already bouncing around inside my head. I don't need any more confusing me.
Apparently the guy uses PovRay.
Contacted him in French to know whether he had models and where (personally I could not find them).
Waiting for his answer.

Edit : lol !!!!

Mam nadzeje on jest zadowolony dzis wiedczorem. Otherwise he might think we are crazy !
So, how many of these models will you be animating? I particualrly like the Dunkerque and the Richelieu. Thoes are nice models.
Goldflash said:
So, how many of these models will you be animating? I particualrly like the Dunkerque and the Richelieu. Thoes are nice models.

The person in question needs to reply first, and agree to let his models be used :)
But knowing Wyrm, not many will be wasted, should the person agree on it ;)
Zeekater said:
But knowing Wyrm, not many will be wasted, should the person agree on it ;)
If I can take this: and turn it into this : then I could surely use the models on that site.
Plenty of ships, and not only french.
Do you have reply to yours e-mails ?
I just got this reply :

tous mes modeles sont réalisés pour POV-Ray. ce sont des scripts a partir de
formes élémentaires, utilisant un petit langage de macro, c. à d. que les
tourelles, mats, cheminées ... sont des éléments prédéfinis que j'assemble
pour chaque bateau. le résultat est un fichier texte qui est lu et compilé
par le moteur de rendu a chaque image statique. c'est donc pratiquement
l'opposé d'un travail en 3d temps réel comme celui qui est fait avec Gmax. je
ne connais pas de filtre d'export des fichiers POV-Ray en Gmax ou autre. je
ne suis pas tres cale en 3d temps réel.

je suis donc desole de ne pas pouvoir vous rendre service. mes fichiers sont
cependant disponibles. si vous pensez pouvoir en faire quelque chose, je peux
vous en envoyer quelques-un.

Here's a POOR translation I made. If some people can be more precise...

All my models I made for POV-ray. They are scripts made from primaries, using a little macro languague. It means that turrets, chechmates, chimneys... are pre-defined elements I put together for each boat. The result is a text file which is readt and compiled by the engine to each static picture. So, it's actually the opposite of a 3D work like the one made with Gmax or any else. I'm not so talented with real-time 3D.

I'm sorry I can't help you. But my files are availables. If you think you can do something with it, I can send you some

What should I reply ?
Yes, Aaglo does POV-ray. Or if someone else has that and can export them into a workable format like 3ds or even dxf then that could work.
Now that the guy replied, it would be nice if somebody else asked files because I don't know anything about all this stuff ! :(

He seems to be a nice person and I'm sure you could write to him in english :)
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