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I want to start a 2194 PBEM

Hmm, I remember seeing a guy called Lokee on the zone a couple days ago. Wonder if that was him. The only other option if we can't find a sub would be one player playing both the Axis civs. It wouldn't be quite the same though.

By the way, when this thing gets off the ground wouldn't it be a good idea if we allies had some sort of battle plan (I have some ideas and tactics I used when I played 2194 days awhile back, would work so much better with 3 human players).
Ok, hopefully the last change:

Germans --->Johnny_c
British ------>ironic warrior/JuicyCivNewbie
Chinese --- AI

Waiting on sas's savegame, unless he decided not to redo it, that depends on all that version business, and I already forgot what that was about.

Allies check your PM's for my plans, then send yours to me and each other.
The version should be right...

First round with Japan. I have only accounted for the major events. Othervise the list would have been way to long.

So here it is:

Cities Captured:

Japan captures Manila (US)
Japan captures Guam (US).
Japan captures Ambon (US)
Japan captures Davao (US) and burn the city to the ground.
Japan captures Rangoon (UK)
Japan captures Hong Kong (UK).
Japan captures Rabaul (UK)
Japan captures Tarakan (UK)
Japan captures Chengtu (China)
Japan captures Kunming (China)
Japan captures Langchow (China)

Major Battles:

US Fleet and Airforce at Pearl Harbor annihilated.
US Forces in Midway destroyed.
US cargo vessles sunk north of Sapporo.
Major US Carrier fleet sunk north of Midway
Major British Naval taskforce sunk east of Singapore.

Still a lot of problems though..., I always thought it would be impractical to do a World War II scenario that included the whole world. The map's too small and there aren't many personalized units. Still fun, though.
Yo, just stoppin' by to tell you guys v6 is up. Hopefully should be the last of the changes needed. I only say that it should have 5 players because for instance Japan and the USA will not be able to use their torpedo planes effectively if the AI controlls them (AI doesn't understand the role combinations) and other such things. Preferably, 5 human players would make the best game. Its at the same site addy as before:



sas, wanna just redo your turn since v6 is up ? Hopefully it shouldn't be much of a hassle.... :)
I'd prefer it too, but it's your call, sas.
no problem, i will redo my round with the new version.
I told you guys that you should wait a day or two for the new version :p :cool:

*ducks for cover*
Sorry about the wait.... i will post the game in a couple of hours
First round with Japan. I have only accounted for the major events. Othervise the list would have been way to long.

So here it is:

Cities Captured:

Japan captures Manila (US)
Japan captures Guam (US).
Japan captures Davao (US) and burn the city to the ground.
Japan captures Pandang (US)
Japan captures Rangoon (UK)
Japan captures Ambon (UK)
Japan captures Calcutta (UK)
Japan captures Hong Kong (UK).
Japan captures Surabaya (UK)
Japan captures Tarakan (UK)
Japan captures Kunming (China)
Japan captures Langchow (China)

Major Battles:

US Fleet and Airforce at Pearl Harbor annihilated.
US Forces in Midway destroyed.
US cargo vessles sunk north of Sapporo.
Major US Carrier fleet sunk north of Midway
Major British Naval taskforce sunk east of Singapore.


Japan declares war on neutrals

Many tons of Allied shipping has been sunk along with numerous aircraft and ships. In North Africa, Alexandria has been captured and in Russia, numerous gains have been made. The cities of Sevastopol, Rostov, Kharkov and Stalingrad have been captured and a strike on Moscow could occur as early as next month. The Baku oil fields have been isolated and will be taken at the earliest opportunity. The enemies of the Axis powers have their work cut out for them...
The cities of Sevastopol, Rostov, Kharkov and Stalingrad have been captured and a strike on Moscow could occur as early as next month.

Gee, what a realistic scenario :sad:

Better get going, allies, our you'll have to conquer all of Eurasia.
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