IDG II RP Thread

Vandal Warlord

Mar 3, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
This thread is for any role playing for the Imperial Dynasty Game 2. This thread is public, and anyone is welcome to post. I'll start off the role play.

Sereus stood before his family in the center of the frozen wood. His teeth began to chatter, as a light snow began to fall. The Reichkaiser family numbered 12 strong, including Sereus, who was the head. With his two brothers, and their wives and children, making up 10. Leaving him and his young son, Vandal, to make up the remaining two.

Sereus was a tall and thin man with long brown hair and stone grey eyes. He wore thin animal skin clothing, as did the rest of his people. He carried a pack on his back, and a spear, as did all the men.

Vandal had pure white hair, blending into the surroundings. He, like his father had stone grey eyes and was about knee high to his tall father.

When they stopped for rest, Sereus spoke up.

"My family, we have travelled a great distance and I believe that our journey may be coming to a halt. We have found the tracks and remains of men." He paused," And we may find others like us. So, be prepared to give up our lifestyle that we have become accustomed to, and begin anew!" With that everyone left out a cry.

"Lang lebe unsere Familie!"
The Octavian people are nomadic gatherers led by their greatest warrior, Civius. For centuries his people had followed the seasons migrating north then south as far as the great river. They followed great beasts who aided their survival. This winter was unusually harsh and his people were dying, starved for food and freezing in their sleep. With no other options left he led his people to the Great River that was now frozen solid. Standing upon a large hill he proclaimed to the Octavian people "We must cross now or risk perishing in this white hell!"

The lands beyond the river were unknown to the Octavian people. Myths and legends of terrible beasts and monsters plagued their minds. However they trusted Civius and he was right, to stay was certain death. So they crossed the great river into the unknown....

After months of traveling the new lands they had escaped the frozen north. One morning Civius' son Rayne came before him upon returning from a scouting mission. "Father we have come upon the remains of another people." Just as Civius started to respond to his son he saw a tall man in the distance approaching their camp.......
Sorry guys. Once I got writing, I couldn't stop.

Huberian Ancient Scroll No. 38
Final Entry

"Yes death, it is I. Finally I believe we are prepared to meet. For these years of toil to see what has become before my eyes, I cannot but embrace your cold charoit to the end. If only I had time to train the little one. I know he could carry on as..."

It had finally occured. With the writing tool hitting the ground in the small hut, the little boy rushed over to his father.

"I think papa has past father," said the boy

The hardened warrior Chief of the Huber tribe looked over.

"Indeed, indeed he has," replied the father.

This was the time of the final ancient battle to decide who would rule the Seven tribes of the Neider Valley. It was once a glorius place where man controled his fate, and each was a brother. The advances that were present were unseen by any other. Most outsiders who ventured to the distant land became one of it's own. But finally came the time when a feud developed. Man began forming common bonds with only his kind.

Then the tribe wars occured. They were an awful business where man fought man, and took the wives of the fallen, and even killed the children of the fallen. Soon the valley was split. Out of the vast number of people that filled the days with such laughter, now there was only hatred, and despair.

From the wars came the final seven that we see today. Not more than a hundred or so lived within each. Numbers in the past were never counted. There was never a thought that members of your own kindred would not exist. However, now it was of the utmost importance.

So the battle occured and great destruction was brought upon all. Not even four houses remained. The alliances that developed before the bloodbath were soon forgotten as openings in another's flak appeared. Almost five nights had come and gone since the battle was started prematurely, and all that looked upon eachother were six Drakonian males, eight Dankonia males, and fourteen Huberian Males including their chief. It was not the loss of another house, but that of just one more man that ended the frail.

A young man had appeared before them. Not being more than fifteen years old. He carried blond hair, with radiant blue eyes. With the sun to his back, not many could make out the figure before them. But when they did, they never forgot the sight that stood before them.

"Davidus of Huber, you are my weakest son. You stay with the elder when you should be conquering our enemies, and destroying their families. Why do you now come before a group of hardened men? Is it to tell us another one of your stories," questioned the leader of the Huber's.

"No father, I have only come to tell you all one thing," replied Davidus.

"Look before you father. All that is left is the men that I call my friend's fathers. You may not believe that such foes could call eachother that, but we do. You can stay here and fight all you like, but know that I have taken it upon myself to clear everyone form this barren valley. To search for what you will never know. The pass will be covered soon, and you will not make it. All of your destinies lie with eachother," exclaimed the son.

The boy was right. He had taken all of the others, Drakonians, Dankans, and Huberians out of the valley and towards the white lands. Some of the men had begun the task of sabotaging the entrance to the valley, and by the fifth day they were ready. The boy did one final act however. Upon the father hearing this show by his son, he lundged towards him with his sword. The boy never leaving the spot of the sun, merely moved to the side and exposed his sword that he had been carrying. The father fell, and die immediatly there after.

With this exposition done, the remaining chief of the Drakonian and Dankan tribes gave their oath to the boy.

Five generation have past since that day, and five great leaders of the now united Huberian Tribe have come and gone. The newest leader, Draknith, has decided to take up refuge in a small forrest, on top of a hill, overlooking a river.

Three nights after arriving, the young scout of the tribe came before Draknith.

"What is it my dear boy, why have you come running so as to keep you from catching your breathe," questioned the leader?

"My lord, I have just seen outsiders wondering the valley below," responded the scout.

"So, the time has come. My friends, we go to meet our new dawn," exclaimed Draknith.

And with that, the three council tribe leaders went down to meet their new friends, or possibly foes...
Sereus was not a weak man, but when he saw the other men atop the hill, he nearly fell to his knees in shock. They looked much like Sereus and his family, save the Reichkiser's height and stone eye color.

Sereus met their head, Civius, first.

"Hallo." Sereus managed to get out, before realizing, they did not speak the same. Sereus was confounded by the way they spoke. Although similar, Sereus did not completely understand. After about an hour of trying to speak to each other, they resorted to hand signals. But what confused Sereus next, was that they numbered far greater than the Reichkasier family. Finally after another ten minutes of attempted communication, someone yelled.
"Hallo," exclaimed Draknith!

"My lord are you sure you know what you are saying," questioned Mencius.

"Well the other guy said it about 10 mins ago, and noone's fighting yet," replied Draknith.

The three council members came to the area where the others were meeting. Although they seemed unable to speak, using simple hand language, they turned towards Rhonin when he spoke the ancient Neider word for mutes.

"Perhaps they understand you," questioned Draknith, "keep speaking".

So Rhonin did just that, he began introducing the three of them and asking for the other's names.

Only time would tell if they understood...
Sereus stared at the men who had joined them. Finally, someone said 'Hallo' and Sereus smiled.

"Hallo myea friends, ve are from the far nort, and vish to unite our three clanns." After he had finished speaking, eveyone stared at him as though he were insane. Sereus frowned, and then pulled out a small animal skin bag. He opened it to reveal several black, shiny rocks. The others seemed so mesmerized that it distracted them from the impending beast.
As the tall man approached, Rayne looked at Civius who was as still as a statue. The men from Civius camp began taking up clubs and awaited word from their leader. "Put your clubs away men, do you fear an unarmed elder with his family?" Civius walked a ways to meet the man at the valleys edge. After coming up with a method to communicate they heard a shout in the distance and yet more men appeared in the valley. They did not seem to be hostile so Civius and the elder allowed them to approach.

"Shiny rocks from the Great River" Civius thought as the elder opened a bag before him. Just then Meka, Civius' eldest daughter leaped from the tree above, club in hand, raised for an attack. "No Meka" screamed Civius, "They are frien.." Before he could finish the sentence he saw the beast almost upon them.....
The beast was absolutely demonic. It had four massive legs, and had two horns coming from its head. With sharp and jagged teeth, and a thick skin, it caused several women to faint on the spot. However, all able bodied men, grabbed a spear and ran at it.

Sereus and his brothers ran at it from the front, while Civius his men, and the three other chiefs attempted to flank the beast. In an instant the beast rushed at Sereus' brother, Gereus , which knocked him off his feet and broke several bones. Civius and his men manged to back it into a corned and the three chiefs readied to kill. Sereus threw his spear at the beast, striking it at shoulder. After a shriek in pain, it shuddered and collapsed, revealing a spear lodged in its back, and a man standing behind the beast.

(OOC: The man is ment to be our new leader)
Journal of Rhonin of the Hubers:

Meeting Day

... It was amazing... seeing the great beast of a man destroy what everyone is calling a 'hornspig' now!

... Soon after the engagement everyone began cheering and it was Draknith who approached the man from the house of Artok and extended his hand in congradulations. Both shook and afirmed a common bond between the two. Soon everyone was celebrating the likes no one had ever seen before. I even think I noticed one of the females from the house of Octavia looking at me. Of course I remained calm, although I wonder what Draknith would say.

Journal of Lord Draknith:

... At the grand council after the destruction of the Beast, all of the leaders of the seperate houses affirmed a most honorable of bonds. Although at first everyone enjoyed a great laugh from our mutual votes for emperor, we all agreed that Jao, the Beastkiller, had the best plan for our imediate goals. We all took oaths to protect one and all against anyone who would invade our mutual freedom. Only problem, is that we still do not have a common name for our land. Perhaps a discussion for another day...
After the strange man slew the beast Civius ran to his daughter Meka. She was the first to confront it and she was thrown to the ground his massive horn barely missing her head. Once he realized she was OK he thanked the beastslayer and all the families celebrated with a great feast.

The elders decided our tribes should unite and we chose the beastslayer to lead our people. "In this valley our people shall find a home and wander no more" Civius told his family that night, "in the valley of the beast."
Journal of Lord Draknith of Huber:

It seemed like yesterday when Jao had slayed the beast and brought to a group of strangers a common bond. A common bond that had matured and grown into a full fledge society. After the election by the Council of Houses, Jao I immediatly got to work leading his people. It was rather uncanny, but it seemed that where one family lacked, another picked up. For example the House of Huber has great planners. We have developed the plans for nearly all aspects of the small village we are calling home. However, we are not the mightiest of people and where we were unable to put forth the full manpower required to build the developments the House of Octavia steped in. Quite a glorious group of people we have become. Hopefully the stability will remain, but if I know man, I know it cannot last forever...

Official Records of the Grand House of Huber:

Day 71:

The House of Huber has completed it's mission today, and delivered the plans for the new palace where the Emperor will live, and where the families may conduct their business. We are awaiting confirmation by the Emperor.

Lord Draknith has made his first official edict on a matter concerning our glorious house.

First Edict of Lord Draknith, Head of the House of Huber:

Concerning the matter of interhouse marriage, I Lord Draknith proclaim that the House of Huber will not punish any individual for developing relationships outside of our common house. It is our goal, that this society develop and grow to it's full potential, and I believe that such arrangements will be necesssary.

Official Demand from the Grand House of Huber to the House of Octavia:
Will the leader of the House of Octavia provide the Grand House of Huber it's proposal for the marriage of Rhonin, Grand Prince of Huber to Meka of Octavia.

(Just figured I would get some role-playing going, and maybe start working on my House's Family Tree. Thought that an arrangement between two houses might help boost the story, and lead to even larger concepts latter in the game. Let me know what you think)
It was almost immediatly after Joao (Jao or Joao?) slayed the mighty beast, that we settled in this land. The Grand House of Huber began developing the Imperial palace where His Highness Joao I would rule from. And while the House of Octavia began planing the city, Sereus and his brother Reyyk ( Gereus had died from his wounds) began training warriors. The women of the Reichkaiser were also busy, as they were building some of the huts they were to be living in. While the children mingled with the other three house's children, save Vandal who trained with the warriors. As much as he could that is.
Civius was busy directing his men constructing the Emperors Palace when a messenger from the House of Huber approached the Construction Hut. He was escorted in by Civius' Imperial Gaurd. After reading the inscribed tablet Civius looked at the man as if he'd punched him in the stomach. Meka was a warrior as much as any of her 12 brothers, she cared not for the social engagements of her royal family. However, the union of the Families was more important then the desires of his daughter. "Tell Draknith there shall be a wedding and I will give my daughter to the House of Huber. I pray this sacrifice will bring our families together and benefit our future Empire....."
It was after Vandal began his small warrior training program that most people began taking notice of how advanced the House of Reichkaiser was at tactical engagements.

"I have only seen Lord Draknith display such feats, but their entire house seems to be as one cohesive unit," mentioned Lucius, son of Mencius of the House of Huber.

The boy was so taken by the display that he couldn't help but imitate the warriors. He began moving his arms and legs in the same striking motions, and found that he had moved within the ranks of the others without being aware. Many of the House of Huber had begun looking on with others at the boy, and began cheering him on.

It was at about that time that Vandal from the House of Reichkaiser came over and knocked Lucius to the ground.

"You are not a warrior, and you cannot fight as one of us," exclaimed the boy!

Lucius picked himself up, and lundged towards Vandal. A small scuffle ensued, but before anyone could intervene Vandal from Reichkaiser got up, and extended his hand to Lucius to help him up.

"You fight good for a barbarian," responded Vandal as Lucius got himself up.

"Barbarian... what's that," questioned Lucuis

"You are not from our people, so you are a barbarian," responded Vandal

"Oh, you mean 'outsider'," replied Lucius.

From that point the two boys were inseperable, and proved to all that the houses could learn more than they ever thought from each other.

The display between the two boys spread quickly threw the small village, and even Lord Draknith asked Lord Sereus if the boy could enter into the sacred rights administered by his house in the field of battle. What the response will be is still not known at this time...
OOC: @ Draknith Vandal is the young boy, Sereus is the General.

Sereus had shown no emotion when Lord Draknith asked if Vandal would like to join their sacred warrior practice. Heretical nonsense, Sereus thought, but it would show Vandal about other cultures.

"On one condition," Sereus had started, " your son joins us on the Great Hunt."
A Proclamation by Lord Draknith of the Grand House of Huber:

In an attempt to promote the advancement of this society, and create bonds of an unbreakable nature, I Lord Draknith do hereby proclaim that Meka of the House of Octavia and Rhonin of the House of Huber will be joined in a bond of matrimony. This does much to bring not just our two houses together, but to bring us all together.

With this bond, I sanctify the proper succession of their offspring as that of my own. May their lives together be long, and may the Houses of Octavia and Huber last for centuries to come!

(if someone wants to RP the ceremony from the actual participant side, or even as a spectator, that would be awesome.)
OOC: @ Draknith Vandal is the young boy, Sereus is the General.

Thanks for the update, I went ahead and make the corrections. Good thing someone's reading... hahaha

Sereus had shown no emotion when Lord Draknith asked if Vandal would like to join their sacred warrior practice. Heretical nonsense, Sereus thought, but it would show Vandal about other cultures.

What I meant in the dialogue was that if young Lucius could join your warrior group, and train as they do. The Huberians are not the warriors in this story, in fact I leave that up to your house if that's alright.
OOC: Yes, how I see it thus far is the Hubers are the more Philosphical and creative, hence the choice of civ leader, the Reichkaisers are more less a warrior culture (like the Spartans of Greece) so it fits that he was named General, and the Octavians are builders and craftsmen with a history of warrior culture. This is all reflected in our storylines thus far and in our choices for civ leader.
Lord Draknith met up with Sereus sometime after dinner.

"So I hear one of my little ones wants to learn the warrior code. I here your group is the most advanced in the art of war," said Lord Draknith.

The two great leaders sat in the small hut where many came to take rest and discussed the prospects of the training.

"The training will be intense, and once you enter into the bond, there is no walking out. Plus, there is the matter of the hunt," explained Sereus.

Lord Draknith looked upon the leader and followed every word.

"It is going to be necessary for my house to learn the best practices of war. For one day we may be called upon to lead our warriors into battle," responded Lord Draknith.

"I will speak with the boy, and if he wishes to make the commitment, I will allow him to enter into the bond. The only thing I would ask is that you not make is easier on him. That when on the hunt he be placed with your warriors, and be allowed to make the glorious kill if he is able to. Those would be my conditions to you Lord Sereus," responded Lord Draknith.

With that said the two shook hands and parted ways. It was already late, and Lord Draknith still needed to make it back to young Lucius tent where his family would surely be getting ready for bed.

'Perhaps Lucius will become a great warrior..' Lord Draknith pondered as he made his way through the village...

(I have been role playing as if we still had not formed our civilization yet. I would still see us as a goodie hut on the map. Can't wait to get a look at our Empire.)
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