Il Risorgimento Mod & Scenarios


King of the Penguins
Nov 1, 2004
I'm making a mod for the Unification of Italy, likely 1859-1871 or further.
I have a number of ideas on how I'll implement this, but suggestions are welcome.

Redshirts, Rifled artillery, and Rocket artillery for unique units for France, Piedmont, and Austria respectively.

A MP version with Sardinia in a permanent alliance with Piedmont, allowing co-op between the Piedmontese army with I Mille of Garibaldi and the Sardinians.

Scenarios for single wars in the period, hopefully using the same asset mods.

Religions replaced by governmental philosophies, giving a higher score to someone who has influenced the people into:
Feudalism (In the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies),
Fascism (or dictatorship, an idea of Garibaldi, I believe),
or Papacy. (very large influence in beginning, and St. Peter's as a shrine)
These will allow for another aspect of unification.


Mainly, a map

(Maybe for v2.0), new unit models and/or skins

I'll eventually do the religion/philosophies myself, but if anyone wants to, they can.

I do plan on making an Italian version, so if anyone who speaks the language would eventually like to translate the text, they're very welcome.

And now, some very early development screens.



Also, let me point out I am not Italian, nor a historian, but I have read about this subject in multiple books. If I mess anything up on the subject, just politely point it out, don't think I'm stubbornly pushing any historical views on anyone. These screens are very early and not to be taken quite seriously yet.
Garibaldi was lost politically, calling himself those things, but loyal to the monarchy. This was written in the context that he once thought of a dictatorship based on Caesar's, armed with "fasces", which Mussolini picked up in his rise to power. Garibaldi was not a fascist, no, but he coined the idea. I didn't plan for this to be a serious competitor in the philosophies.

Also, your mod appeared to have been the First War of Italian Independence. I'm doing the Second, where France, Austria, and Piedmont all have their own dispersed units, Chasseurs, Jagers, and to a limited extent Bersaglieri. I planned for different stats here, but not pure UU status. I prefer beginning with the Second, for its ease in a constant rise to power afterwards, instead of victory, loss, then victory. I've done my reading, allow me my status on that minor subject.
kingpenguin said:
Garibaldi was lost politically, calling himself those things, but loyal to the monarchy. This was written in the context that he once thought of a dictatorship based on Caesar's, armed with "fasces", which Mussolini picked up in his rise to power. Garibaldi was not a fascist, no, but he coined the idea. I didn't plan for this to be a serious competitor in the philosophies.

Also, your mod appeared to have been the First War of Italian Independence. I'm doing the Second, where France, Austria, and Piedmont all have their own dispersed units, Chasseurs, Jagers, and to a limited extent Bersaglieri. I planned for different stats here, but not pure UU status. I prefer beginning with the Second, for its ease in a constant rise to power afterwards, instead of victory, loss, then victory. I've done my reading, allow me my status on that minor subject.

The loyalty to Vittorio Emanuele by Garibaldi was not so great. Actually, the remotion of Giuseppe from Italian affairs was the greatest result of Cavour.

About my unfinied scenario, I hope that it could be a good source 4 you.
Garibaldi was loyal enough to cede more than half the country to the monarchy where he could have much more easily set up his own dictatorship (as he was going to do), and continue his conquest into the Papacy. That was a very fine line for a while, but his actions counted.
New Screen of the Religion icons for now:


Socialism: Red flag
Feudalism: Hierarchy pyramid
Papacy: Pius IX coat of arms
Republicanism: Giuseppe Mazzini
Fascism: Fasces
Monarchism: Savoyard Guard flag
Anarchism: What else?

Hopefully, these will all show up well over cities. May have to change them later.

BTW, Anarchism will not actually be implemented, just a place-holder so there's not Daoism in my Italy scenario.
A problem arises. Where are the files for the religion icons that appear on the main map just over the city names? I looked for a holy city icon or something, but there doesn't seem to be one. I'm not even sure if they're dds files or not, so I'm pretty lost on that one.

I'm currently adding in the Papacy, so hopefully someone will figure this one out for me.

Pope Pius IX!


There's way too much traffic on this forum. I don't manage to get something done in a day, and this thread's second page. I'll try and pick up the pace.

Just got a preliminary map done. No special terrain or resources yet, just cities and grassland/ocean outline of Italy. This map is pretty small. I'll first release this as Risorgimto Mini, then try for a man-sized map. This ought to be good for all the people complaining about the huge maps and their slow computers, though.
Yes, I am. Currently working on figuring out python code and making the terrain and city placement on the map. If anyone better with python wants to do events for me, it would be much appreciated. Don't worry, it doesn't take much to beat me in python coding.

Also, if anyone would like to help out on flags, I need it. I got Italy's flag easily, but Austria's black-yellow flag is a bit harder to get just right. It's probably very easy, but it's just not coming for me. Don't have much time to work on this on weekdays. Don't worry, morale is still high. I'll at least get the small version of the map out before I get tired of doing this.
Great idea! The unification of Japan scenario has been around since Civ II, but the unification of Italy has never been done before. Also, you already know that I'm making an Italy civ, but still need a unique unit. Could you post your redshirt file either here or on my mod thread? If you want to keep that in your mod, I certainly understand that it's your creative property, but I definitely think it would be more accurate than the praetorian I have in there now.
Yes, the Parma and Modena revolutions, Sicilians joining Garibaldi, something for the French garrison in Rome, too much in python.

Here's a zip folder for a redshirt unit...
View attachment

The folder named redshirt goes in mods/*your mod folder*/assets/art/units

the dds goes in /assets/art/interface/buttons/units

The txt file is the XML that is required, with their respective folders to just copy-paste in, if my stats for a redshirt are to your liking.
(I believe it's basically a redcoat with 10% hill defence, might need more balance for the main game)
Thanks a lot for the file. That will be the last major component for the mod, so now all that's left are the civilopedia icons. However, I was thinking more of a rifleman with the amphibious promotion, since they were mainly used in Emanuele's final naval invasion, but I might not be entirely informed. Please correct me if I am.
However, for future reference, I should let you know that the XML files needed a little editing to work, but nothing big (I had to change the formation info and the unit's description). Also, the icons don't work, but I'll try to fix that.
Thanks again for all your help
Finally, someone supports my theory of a possible Fascist Garibaldi. Work is going pretty slow, if anyone wants to help out, just PM me with something you'd like to do.
Well, he wasn't a monarchist. He had little reason to be loyal to VERDI, and he was proclaimed Dictator of Sicily.

I say give it a shot, and any help you may need that doesn't involve animation, give me a call ;)
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