Agent of Chaos
Traditionnally, modded gameplay has been relegated to stories and tales. This is probably contentious.
There are some very competent players in there. I can't think of many because the lines don't cross often but I know Tigranes is one.
I don't recall much bad being said about mods, however. Playing a mod is like learning a new game, so there's that deterrent. You compare it to chess grand masters, those people don't play many games.
I can recall my good friend Tachywaxon doing the shift to PIE, DOC, RFC and she was most disillusionned with the lack of followship.
Sometimes, if you wanna do something on these boards, you gotta be prepared to do it on your own.
There are some very competent players in there. I can't think of many because the lines don't cross often but I know Tigranes is one.
Shoot it out. And tell us if it gets downgraded from S&T to S&T (Stories and Tales). So we can see where the heat is all wouldn't mind shadowing a game of mine if I could put one up soon?
I don't recall much bad being said about mods, however. Playing a mod is like learning a new game, so there's that deterrent. You compare it to chess grand masters, those people don't play many games.
I can recall my good friend Tachywaxon doing the shift to PIE, DOC, RFC and she was most disillusionned with the lack of followship.
Sometimes, if you wanna do something on these boards, you gotta be prepared to do it on your own.