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Impossible to trade aluminum

Yeah, like my "allies" the Aztecs (polite), said "We want to help your backward people."

Democracy for 950 gold and world map. No other trade was acceptable. So I didn't make the deal and traded territory maps.

I also, as a rule, never trade strategic resources. We've been blessed with three oil and two coal resources. I'll know about aluminum shortly.

The Brits own all of the world's ivory, and are soaking to the bone for trades. I lost the supply and Rouen went into civil disorder. India has been a good neighbor and I've traded iron with them.
Originally posted by Beammeuppy

Flipke, please guess why I would ask that. btw I am under the impression you know where the Shift key is but are unsure when to use it. How come?

Steven Neirinck is een verkeerde gok trouwens!

for those of us that don't speak whatever language it is you are speaking, what does flipke mean?
And Phillippe finds flipke offensive, so please don't use it. It detracts from an otherwise civil discussion. Phillippe, you can always add this person to your ignore list.
If you can built panzer it mean you got oil, so built bomber. Panzer and bomber are a powerful combinason to wage war, built 8-12 veteran bomber supported by 12-20 panzer and you ll crush them. Bomb any a.i. unit prior to ground attack. Aluminium is the hot ressource in modern era, if you cant get it take i, it is strategicaly essential.
uuuummm - what now? i'm not saying anything mean to philippe - we are friends - i'm just asking him what it means- not everyone speaks whatever language that is
There is a thing that has not been said. You obviously have researched the technology that allows you to see the aluminium in the map and extract it when it is in your territory. But does the AI has researched that technology also? Can they trade a resource they have not the technology to see?
bemmepuppy you are swedish suddenly you speak dutch and you call me flipke....somebody from my class is here....
who are you?
Originally posted by Beammeuppy

Flipke, apart from your pathetic English vocabulary and grammar, do you know where your Shift key is? :scan:
And do you know what it is like to be banned? Quit messing with philippe or I will be forced to ban you for picking on other CFC members. Enough discussion about philippe. If you have as question for him then click on the PM button and send him a message. Let's get back on-topic.

Post Edited to be "nicer", because Beammeuppy has assured me that he has apologized to phil. :D
Its an odd situation really. Beammeuppy has been here for half a year now so its strange that he would just attack Phillippe.

In most of my games I have been able to gain control of every resource. The one time that I lost an important source of uranium (I was trying to build the spaceship), I managed to build a new city and take another source of uranium from the Chinese, so I never had to trade for any resources. I occasionally make deals to sell luxeries or other stategic resources if the AI is feeling generous.
It seems to me the AI prefers lump sums to per turn gold. Once I had 2xxxx gold and was earning about 200 gold per turn. I tried to trade aluminium with France for 100 gold per turn(a total of 2000 after 20 turns) but they refused and instead accepted a lump sum of 8xx gold. Wierd. :confused:
I disagree totally about never trading Strategic Resources to the AI.

To begin with the obvious, if you and an AI civ supplies eachother with SRs, both of you gain strength compared to the rest of the civs. Obviously, there are situations where you don't want to do this anyway - the AI civ you'd trade with might be so powerful that you really don't want them to get even more, or you may suspect they're gonna use those Horses to build an army of Cavalry and invade your empire - but most of the times it's a good idea, and it's not uncommonly the only practical way of attaining a critical SR.

Secondly, by selling/giving SRs to AI civs, you can wield considerable influence on the balance between the different AI civs. If, f'rinstance, the Egyptians are worryingly powerful, but located at the opposite end of the world, making a direct war against them impractical, it may be well worth it to supply their neighbours with SRs so that they can more easily contain the Egyptian steamroller.
The Last Conformist said:
I disagree totally about never trading Strategic Resources to the AI.

To begin with the obvious, if you and an AI civ supplies eachother with SRs, both of you gain strength compared to the rest of the civs. Obviously, there are situations where you don't want to do this anyway - the AI civ you'd trade with might be so powerful that you really don't want them to get even more, or you may suspect they're gonna use those Horses to build an army of Cavalry and invade your empire - but most of the times it's a good idea, and it's not uncommonly the only practical way of attaining a critical SR.

Secondly, by selling/giving SRs to AI civs, you can wield considerable influence on the balance between the different AI civs. If, f'rinstance, the Egyptians are worryingly powerful, but located at the opposite end of the world, making a direct war against them impractical, it may be well worth it to supply their neighbours with SRs so that they can more easily contain the Egyptian steamroller.

Ya know, you have a pretty good point there. Trading SR's with other civs can be helpful to your empire. Unfortunatley I had no SR's to trade to the French for coal in my India/no coal situation (posted earlier in this thread.

I think it would be cool if Firaxis included new resources in PTW (Play the World for those of you who don't know) like maybe limestone or something.
Originally posted by Tassadar
If you can built panzer it mean you got oil, so built bomber. Panzer and bomber are a powerful combinason to wage war, built 8-12 veteran bomber supported by 12-20 panzer and you ll crush them. Bomb any a.i. unit prior to ground attack. Aluminium is the hot ressource in modern era, if you cant get it take i, it is strategicaly essential.

And you can use mech infantry for defense ( no need aluminium right ?) so Panzer+bomber+mech infantry will allow you to take and keep that city with al.
Originally posted by Frodo Bolson
There is a thing that has not been said. You obviously have researched the technology that allows you to see the aluminium in the map and extract it when it is in your territory. But does the AI has researched that technology also? Can they trade a resource they have not the technology to see?

If the AI does not have the tech to see a resource, it won't be available to trade. You won't even see it on the trade screen.
Another argument for trading resources to the AI: If they start a war with you, they kiss their resource goodbye.

I always trade iron and horses. In some games, the AI never cancels the trade deal long after they no longer need them for units. It's not much - but it's 1700ad, and some sod is still paying me 8g/turn for horses (cavalry have been obsolete for centuries). Better than nothing...
You should also include artillery in any attacking force when you have to take a distant city to get a key resource. It can sometimes be used to help take the city (though you might destroy a key improvement like a harbor), but it will always be useful to KEEP that city after you took it.

Make up as large a force as possible and include everything in it: workers, one or more settlers, lots of inf and arty to keep the city, and lots of attacking forces to take the city. Armies also help here a lot. I would also recommend taking some obsolete units with you so they can be disbanded in the captured or new city to speed up the building. For example, disbanding a cav will give you 20 shields towards a new rushed building.
How to get a resource if you don´t have the military strength to take and hold the enemy city controlling it:

Here`s what you can do once you have Riflemen (Infantriy`s better!)

Land a huge force of defenders and a few Cavalry plus 1 settler, if possible on the tile with the resource!.

Build a city (and tell that adviosor to go to hell, sure it`s war!).

Fortify all your defenders in the city. Rush harbor or airport (better, because you can then airlift units in!). Then rush walls.

Now you have the resource and it will be damn hard for the AI to destroy that city. With 16 defenders you should be able to hold that city for a sufficient time.

Problem: Only works if the res square isn`t adjacent to a city

Works beautifully for me, even with loads of Pikemen against Knights! Once the walls are in place and Barracks built, the AI will loose loads of troops, and the Cav/knights of mine do an excellent job of wipeing up survivors! If I can, I add bombard units ASAP, to further damage attackers.
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