India UHV in BtS


Oct 21, 2004
Torino - Italia
It seems I can't manage to get the 5 religion goal done. If I research Judaism the indipendents will found Hinduism, and vice-versa. Anyone tried it successfully in BtS ?
The one thing to remember about the UHV is that they all require a bit of luck. I have accomplished almost all of them, although not in BtS. I am currently on my world wind tour of UHV. Egypt is very possible, but I agree that times the independents found a needed religion first.
The difference here is that it's not the failure that is occasional, I probably almost never managed to get both religions on many attempts, even with maxing population to have more commerce in Delhi, and when I managed to obtain both hinduism and judaism, it was at the cost of expansion and of the Oracle, which in the end resulted in a loss anyways. Also, following the strategy guide on the wiki resulted in a 100% loss.
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