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Intel graphics display and Civ4: does it work 4 U?

Dutch Canuck

Khan of Flatlanders
Oct 11, 2003
Ottawa, Canada
Hey folks, I am potentially one of the unlucky ones stuck with a laptop equipped with an Intel Extreme Graphics 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics Controller (April 2003). I say "potential" because I am reading conflicting information in posts here (and links to sites) regarding whether or not we folks with an Intel graphics display are shut out of enjoying Civ4 altogether.

So I ask a favour: before I invest in this game, can those of you who have been successful running Civ 4 on a box/laptop equipped with Intel graphics set please let me know and include their graphics specifications?

(Btw: My Toshiba laptop has never given me graphics trouble with software yet - I can even play DVD films without glitches. If I can play DVD films why shouldn't I be able to play something less graphically intense like a game? I am not a HW expert :blush: )

Thanks ahead for anyone with useful info to share on this! :D

Oh yeah, I should also add that DirectX 9.0 works fine on my machine...
Hello i would be interested in knowing as well.
I have an Intel 82865G... and yes i know its crap, however Rome Total War works fairly decently with it.
Why would Civ4 have more trouble than the more demanding RTW?
I checked on the srtest website and i failed the video card requirement for Civ4 as it doesnt have T&L, but i also failed RTW which does work on my computer... (www.srtest.com for those who would like to see how their minimum spec requirements fair against a certain game, don't know how legit it is though).
Thanks for any help or insight
i got the same chipset as you all...i would have got the game n give u all an answer but the games not out in singapore yet.

anyone can tell me if you are running it fine for your lappy?
Dutch Canuck said:
Hey folks, I am potentially one of the unlucky ones stuck with a laptop equipped with an Intel Extreme Graphics 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics Controller (April 2003). I say "potential" because I am reading conflicting information in posts here (and links to sites) regarding whether or not we folks with an Intel graphics display are shut out of enjoying Civ4 altogether.

So I ask a favour: before I invest in this game, can those of you who have been successful running Civ 4 on a box/laptop equipped with Intel graphics set please let me know and include their graphics specifications?

(Btw: My Toshiba laptop has never given me graphics trouble with software yet - I can even play DVD films without glitches. If I can play DVD films why shouldn't I be able to play something less graphically intense like a game? I am not a HW expert :blush: )

Thanks ahead for anyone with useful info to share on this! :D

Oh yeah, I should also add that DirectX 9.0 works fine on my machine...

Not sure if it helps, but I have desktop with an Intel set which does not support HW T&L and it has crashed my system twice. I'm still browsing the forums for a solution, but I'm afraid the game is not playable without an upgrade.
Ran the game on a laptop with an Intel 852/855 GM chipset to see what it would do. The leaders were doing the Chesire cat thing, and the terrain was all black. You'll need to upgrade.
doronron said:
Ran the game on a laptop with an Intel 852/855 GM chipset to see what it would do. The leaders were doing the Chesire cat thing, and the terrain was all black. You'll need to upgrade.

ooh crap..i dun really mind the chesire effect but terrain blackness? can we get around that or does it affect gameplay so bad, u can't play?:blush:
You won't be able to tell what your opponents are thinking in the diplo screens, and you won't be able to tell what terrain you're on unless you mouse over it constantly -- not so good for city building and fighting wars.
I think it's like playing Chess on a pc without a cpu. The game is 3d, the idea is that your videocard renders the stuff. If your videocard can't render 3d you're in trouble.
I heard 2 people say it worked with their Intel 9xx, which is what I have. But I'm still waiting to learn more.
Has anyone who has an integrated Intel Chipset tried 3D-Analyze? I was having trouble running Sid's Pirates! on my laptop until I found this utility. I have a 32MB without HW T&L and Pirates crashed all of the time. I read about this utility (google wb search will find it) and now I am enjoying Pirates with no slowdown while waiting for Amazon to get off their **** and ship Civ 4 to me.
Hope this helps.
CDegeyter said:
Has anyone who has an integrated Intel Chipset tried 3D-Analyze?

How can we do this? I am replacing my computer in three or four weeks, but right now have an Intel 82845G graphics controller. I launched the game and my units are standing in a sea of black ink (I can see the squares but no terrain features.)
CDegeyter said:
Has anyone who has an integrated Intel Chipset tried 3D-Analyze? I was having trouble running Sid's Pirates! on my laptop until I found this utility. I have a 32MB without HW T&L and Pirates crashed all of the time. I read about this utility (google wb search will find it) and now I am enjoying Pirates with no slowdown while waiting for Amazon to get off their **** and ship Civ 4 to me.
Hope this helps.

i assume you arent using it with the intel chipsets?
Pirates may be using the same engine, but apparently it's using different rendering methods. I was able to play Pirates on my Intel Extreme powered laptop using the high settings work around, and the only issue was the weird renders of city governors. Ground terrain worked perfectly, and there were no chesire cats to be (not) seen. If Civ4 used the same methods, no one should be having any problems with black lands...unless no one's tried to turn their graphics settings all the way up?
Thanks for sharing so far... :)

I never expected my laptop to handle the intense graphics associated with the latest FPS, RPG or RT games (online or not) since those games were never my cup-o-tea. However, I have always enjoyed my Civilization - a turn based game I can play at my leisure and maybe MP a bit with friends. Now it looks like Civ4 won't play on my reasonably equipped 2-year old laptop...

How disappointing! :( I refuse to to be forced to buy a new machine to play this game! :mad:

Unless there is a work-around (I appreciate the lead concerning 3D-Analyze :) ), then Firiaxis has lost a customer for now :(

Nonetheless, I will continue to monitor things to see if there's an inexpensive solution - who knows?

Back to Civ 3! :)
Dutch Canuck said:
Thanks for sharing so far... :)

I never expected my laptop to handle the intense graphics associated with the latest FPS, RPG or RT games (online or not) since those games were never my cup-o-tea. However, I have always enjoyed my Civilization - a turn based game I can play at my leisure and maybe MP a bit with friends. Now it looks like Civ4 won't play on my reasonably equipped 2-year old laptop...

How disappointing! :( I refuse to to be forced to buy a new machine to play this game! :mad:

Unless there is a work-around (I appreciate the lead concerning 3D-Analyze :) ), then Firiaxis has lost a customer for now :(

Nonetheless, I will continue to monitor things to see if there's an inexpensive solution - who knows?

Back to Civ 3! :)

Are you completely insane? Do you complain to Sony that a PS2 game doesn't work on a PS1? Please, you're making my brain hurt. I'm sorry to be the first one to tell you this: Your computer sucks. It's not Firaxis's fault that you're running outdated technology. Grow a brain people.

BTW: Incase you don't already know this, Intel graphics are NOT meant for playing games. They have that feature, but a Gefore or an ATI video card is a card that's meant for games. Intel graphics chips are designed for simple tasks, like windows features and playing video - welcome to 2005 people. I don't know where you guys have been the last seven years.
garric said:
Are you completely insane? Do you complain to Sony that a PS2 game doesn't work on a PS1? Please, you're making my brain hurt. I'm sorry to be the first one to tell you this: Your computer sucks. It's not Firaxis's fault that you're running outdated technology. Grow a brain people.

BTW: Incase you don't already know this, Intel graphics are NOT meant for playing games. They have that feature, but a Gefore or an ATI video card is a card that's meant for games. Intel graphics chips are designed for simple tasks, like windows features and playing video - welcome to 2005 people. I don't know where you guys have been the last seven years.

That was marvelously rude garric... :( Nor you really know me or understand my position.

Laptops are not cheap throw-way desktops (as many are prone to be); a 2-year old laptop is not outdated as a 2-year desktop! My machine, built in 2003 (not 1998! "seven years" :rolleyes: ), works great and the newest laptops are only marginally better for the same price or marginally cheaper for the same specs. I have been paying attention to what's going on the market!

Civ3 works great for me. Civ4 is a open question... Not all new games are the made the same. I did not expect civ4 to run on my machine without some tweaking! Unlike some ppl I cannot afford to replace my computer every 6 months (nor do I want to - what a pain in the butt that would be).

I am looking for an inexpensive solution - not rude remarks. Civ4 looks great, but if I cannot find a reasonable solution, then I can't buy it for another few years until I can afford to pay for a better machine.

(Ooops did I just feed a troll? :rolleyes: )
Dutch Canuck said:
That was marvelously rude garric... :( Nor you really know me or understand my position.

Laptops are not cheap throw-way desktops (as many are prone to be); a 2-year old laptop is not outdated as a 2-year desktop! My machine, built in 2003 (not 1998! "seven years" :rolleyes: ), works great and the newest laptops are only marginally better for the same price or marginally cheaper for the same specs. I have been paying attention to what's going on the market!

Civ3 works great for me. Civ4 is a open question... Not all new games are the made the same. I did not expect civ4 to run on my machine without some tweaking! Unlike some ppl I cannot afford to replace my computer every 6 months (nor do I want to - what a pain in the butt that would be).

I am looking for an inexpensive solution - not rude remarks. Civ4 looks great, but if I cannot find a reasonable solution, then I can't buy it for another few years until I can afford to pay for a better machine.

(Ooops did I just feed a troll? :rolleyes: )

You're completely insane. Do you realize that even though you might have bought your laptop in 2003 it might have been built in 2001? Ever think about that? And my computer, which I bought 3 years ago, still runs Civ 4 on the higher settings. It's an AMD processor w/ a Geforce 5 I think.

The reason I was "being rude" was because you were assaulting Firaxis - which is totally unwaranted. It's not Firaxis's fault that your computer sucks. Keep in mind that Civ 4 takes a very slow computer to run anyway EVEN THOUGH IT CAME OUT IN 2005. The Gfx aren't amazing or anything, and that being said, newer games like Quake 4 or Fear take a pc that's ten times faster than Civ 4. Now, if your computer is so outdated that it can't even run Civ 4, I don't know what to tell you.

Go play PS2 or something.
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