Interface modding guide?

There's none that I know of, Nick, though it would be great if there was. There are still Weazelops' advisor screen templates, but you probably already know about that. Etain did an incredible interface with a template to match, but sadly decided to leave CFC and erase all his stuff for reasons unknown. Tom's not around anymore and Balthasar is gone, so not many interface creators left. We do still have the ultimate cfc graphics stud here and of course he's always willing to answer questions.

What I would do when starting a new interface is create an art folder and dump all the art files (minus units) in first from the base game, then PTW, then Conquests. Some of the file paths were changed for conquest like science_industrial_new.pcx, but usually you just find those from trial and error. If there's anything specific you're looking forward let me know and hopefully I can help.
Tony, at least two great interface modders are still remaining: Vuldacon - and the other one is you. :)
Does anyone know of an interface modding guide of any kind? There are a bewildering number of interface files in different folders and modding them is making my brain hurt.

After using the city file template tutorial in the guides section on here for cities, I realized I knew almost everything I needed to know to edit interface files as many of the same principles carry over. The buttons themselves are hard-coded, so pretty much everything else is just an image and you can make it look however you want. There is some data that is beamed in by the game which is the magenta stuff, but everything else is pretty much up to you. A few of the files have some green lines like the pop ups. I just stayed inside of that and left the lines.
Thanks all, for taking the time to reply!

I'll keep persevering! I pretty much did a dump of files as you describe, Tony, but feel like I may have missed some interface files or are some replaced by newer conquest ones? It was a while ago that the dumping occurred so may be a good idea to redo it and then swap in the files I have already modified. Anyway, will keep going with trial and error. I guess it all depends if you want to replace every single interface graphic or just some. Will ask if I can't figure out where a file is or some such question!

I did find that I have some templates for the unit action buttons. No idea where from. It's one file with about 6 layers. Very handy.
Cool, Nick. I'm looking forward to seeing more on the interface and the terrain set.

Blue, thank you. I don't usually like to qualify since we have have so many talented people working here, but for my money the big V is in a class all his own.
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