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Intermediate Player with Questions:

Those having trouble moving up from Emperor to Immortal often have issues dealing with early AI DOWs on them and sometimes the runaway AI on another landmass.

When I play at the Immortal level I always have trouble with a runaway AI even when playing Pangea maps. This is a feature of the last patch. Before then I could win a high percentage of Immortal games from a reasonable start location. Now I win very few games, and then only with a very good start.
When I play at the Immortal level I always have trouble with a runaway AI even when playing Pangea maps. This is a feature of the last patch. Before then I could win a high percentage of Immortal games from a reasonable start location. Now I win very few games, and then only with a very good start.

I dunno, I've always noticed certain AIs will runaway on higher difficulties unless they get taken down very early. The Huns, Germany, Siam and Greece are the most common runaways I see, with Mongolia and France somewhat common but not as much as the others.
I dunno, I've always noticed certain AIs will runaway on higher difficulties unless they get taken down very early. The Huns, Germany, Siam and Greece are the most common runaways I see, with Mongolia and France somewhat common but not as much as the others.

Hiawatha seems to be the most consistent runaway in my games. Virtually every time he's in a game, he rockets ahead of everybody in science and military. Sometimes his actual military numbers are lower, but he wins the wars he fights because he is an era or more ahead of his opponents. Even worse, I rarely have a game where I can deal with him early on; he always seems to be on another continent or on the other side of a Pangaea.
Unless, of course, he gets killed. Recent game, Sweden and Russia finished him off by turn 110. I was not sad to see him go, for all the reasons you note.
Hiawatha tends to show up as a scientific runaway more than a textbook runaway for me. If I see him around I know he's going to try to go for space and suck up all the scientific wonders, but I rarely seem him go on the same rampages as I see the aforementioned ones go on, like when Attila totally wipes out half the planet(check the minimap :crazyeye:) including 3 civs almost by himself.
I just played a game where America was taken out very quickly. I was ever so happy to see it, since 9 out of 10 games he is in he seems to play just like Hiawatha (although with less success, probably due to lack of mohawks to gain a significant military edge at the point most runaways begin to run away)

It was Boudicca who managed to get him, which amused me even more. The Celts usually play a strong game, but I rarely see them puppet an entire other Civ so quickly in the game.
Hiawatha tends to show up as a scientific runaway more than a textbook runaway for me. If I see him around I know he's going to try to go for space and suck up all the scientific wonders, but I rarely seem him go on the same rampages as I see the aforementioned ones go on, like when Attila totally wipes out half the planet(check the minimap :crazyeye:) including 3 civs almost by himself.

I feel bad for Vatican City. It's right in the middle of your two empires. Or it will be once England is gone.
I dunno, I've always noticed certain AIs will runaway on higher difficulties unless they get taken down very early. The Huns, Germany, Siam and Greece are the most common runaways I see, with Mongolia and France somewhat common but not as much as the others.

Interesting. I've never had a problem with the Huns or Germany. Both seem to get swallowed up early in my games. The last three Immortal games I've played, the dominant AI's with the enormous empires were Russia, Rome and Korea!
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