International Web order by country

grumbler said: seems to have lowered their price for Civ4 to GBP 17.99 / EUR 29! :)
Excellent find by Grumbler. His reference of the price in Euro prompted me to check out's delivery policy and found the following. will ship Civilization IV(regular edition) for GBP 17.99 / EUR 28.99 with free shipping to the following countries:

Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

This delivery will be shipped with British first class mail.
I already ordered Civ 4 at (I've ordered there a DVD and a book before) because they have a fine selection of hard-to-get-by stuff and they're inexpensive and they deliver just fine (at no extra cost indeed), though when I ordered there a while ago it took some time 1-2 weeks for the items to be delivered to The Netherlands. Don't know where the delay was; probably they didn't have what I ordered in stock readily available. So with Civ 4 the 1st of November should be possible for delivery. Arrange some holidays in november: check :)

Disclaimer: I don't work for :lol:
Damn, already pre-ordered at Amazon UK to now find is doing it that much cheaper...well, trust what you know I suppose.
When I ordered a week ago it was definitely 10 Euros more expensive. I wonder why they took off 10 Euros. Maybe they're planning to add a Pre-order Edition :D
kittenOFchaos said:
Damn, already pre-ordered at Amazon UK to now find is doing it that much cheaper...well, trust what you know I suppose.
Sorry to hear that, old chap. No way you can cancel from Amazon? Fortunately I only made a reservation with Dynabyte (that they haven't even confirmed yet) so I guess that'll I wait just a little longer to see what other offers come along. Don't expect the price to go up between now and October 24. And who knows, there might even be a pre-order edition in Europe, although I doubt it.

And DarkDude, thanks for sharing that positive experience you have with
I've purchased many items from, I find them to be far more efficient than amazon (who seem to have slipped somewhat over the last year or so). They generally release products before they are due for release so that they arrive in time for the official date and in many cases before. Having been an amazon customer for what seems like an eternitity I have never received an item before release, in fact most arrive several days (or weeks! :eek: ) after, I am really beginning to move elsewhere, more so as of now. offer free delivery and in most cases better value in general. :goodjob:
dangerrrr said:
ordered mine through EBGames

im in AUS

so they ship internationally!
Thanks for mentioning this, Dangerrrr. I checked their prices. The Pre-Order edition is $49.99 and for (Western) Europe / Australia their shipping price is $25 - $30 depending on the country.
Sorry guys, no Poland or Hungary.
kittenOFchaos said:
Damn, already pre-ordered at Amazon UK to now find is doing it that much cheaper...well, trust what you know I suppose.

Just cancelled my Amazon order and ordered from Thanks for the info :)
Nobody selling it in South America :cry: (ordering from the USA is too expensive... best price I found was U$ 128.00 - 50 for the game, 30 of shipping, 48 of tax :()
rsirangelo said:
Nobody selling it in South America :cry: (ordering from the USA is too expensive... best price I found was U$ 128.00 - 50 for the game, 30 of shipping, 48 of tax :()
Sorry to hear that, Rsirangelo. If you cannot escape paying 100% tax on an imported game, then I'd surely suggest you wait until there is a local (on-line) retailer that stores it. Since there are various webshops in Brazil that have Civ 2 & 3 available, I suppose there is a good change they will store Civ 4 as well when it's out.
Dimy said:
My first post on this forum since a long time...but I'm back and just pre-ordered the US version, thanks for the links! Why can you order that special pre-order version only in the US? :( Oh well... just need to wait a few more days for shipping.
Forum member Stilgar08 has contacted Take2 Europe and the answer is in this thread. In short, getting the Pre-Order from US sounds like the fastest way to get it. I think I'll just get the regular edition if it takes too long to cook up a European "post-order" edition.
kittenOFchaos said:
Damn, already pre-ordered at Amazon UK to now find is doing it that much cheaper...well, trust what you know I suppose.

Well, was able to cancel the pre-order (they surely won't mind the amount of other business I put their way) to swap for that excellent offer - £17.99 including delivery. A saving in real terms of around £8.50 (due to postage), which isn't to be sniffed at!

Thanks to all that saved me filthy lucre! :D
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