Ironman Game


Apr 13, 2001
Has anyone ever played an ironman game and won on deity level?
Ironman game: no reloading the game and no cheating. If you have to finish the game later, save the game and reload that game to continue, but reload over a time period that's already played is not allowed. Cheating can be many things, the non-unit bug for example.
um..all the time...not sure I understand.

In 1 sitting?
yes.So many times its rather embarrassing.Although I can usually finish a game in 4-8 hours of play time
Okay, let me be more specific. Randomly generated map (no custom map), randomly placed AI opponents. Only the latest copy of the game is allowed. For example, if you explored a hut, it is not allowed to reload an earlier copy of the game when the hut had not been explored.
I don't think many people play on this level. I read some of the games played. What are the chances of getting 2 units from huts within the first 3 turns anyway? That's almost impossible. On deity level you get barbarians at least half of the time.
They seem to run in streaks.You'll get units almost all the time before founding a city.Then techs and gold and then barbs.
3 things can be done.
1.clear black area around the hut first.It actually works although not every time
2.only enter on 1st move point
3.use multiple units or diplomats to hut hunt

GoM3 I didn't get many from huts but was getting hammered by raiding parties.The game will try to even things out.
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