[NFP] Is Civ 6 doomed?

Civ VI definitely feels, well, "done" to me.

Humankind will force both evolution and refining - maybe even a whole new engine - on Civ VII.

What with Zombies, Vampires already, and "Wokieness" in general, this actually worries me. Where's WWI? WWII? Actual human history!

Agree about HK - also Old World.

The issue is that Civ6 has the worst AI of the series by a mile.

The inability to wage war I blame on Civ6 also having the worse and least enjoyable combat of the series. The combo of 1UPT and low move allowance and the way ranged units work makes projecting force an agonizing ordeal of sliding tile puzzles.

If I wanted to play Tomb Raider, I’d be playing Tomb Raider.

It is also stupidly, hilariously ahistorical of course. Unit densities requiring stacking limits shouldn’t be a factor outside of Europe in the Industrial Age. Ranged units being this strong before bolt action rifles is also pure Hollywood levels of history.

But the AI failing at the economic side of the game is baffling, because Civ6’s boardgame mechanics makes the game VERY numbers driven and deterministic. The AI should be excelling here without any need for a bonus. I mean minimaxing is their wheelhouse.

Again I have to wonder if Firaxis wants a power fantasy sandbox or something

After a solid year of Civ6 I went back to Civ Rev2 on my iPhone and initially struggled. Civ6 actually atrophied my 4X skills the way Overwatch kills your FPS skillss

Civ VI combat AI is ridiculous. It's just hard to believe it could be that bad in this day and age.

With regards to AI, I don't think many people are asking for a super powerful AI which can routinely beat expert players with no bonuses. I sometimes see people talking about Civ AI as if we were asking for the equivalent of Deep Blue.While it would be neat to have that as an occasional challenge, for many, that would not be the gameplay experience they would be looking for, as you would need follow the "meta" very strictly to be competitive.

What I would like, however, is an AI which feels like it's *there*. Vox Populi is often mentioned as a good example of a Civ game with good AI, and rightly so. However, it is not really *that* clever, and on a balanced difficulty level, you can usually beat it with relative ease. What makes it so good in comparison to vanilla Civ 5, and even better compared to Civ 6, is that it can play just about every aspect of the game effectively, and will generally punish you if you are careless. The AI will compete with you for tech, religion, wonders, resources, and city states, and they will develop and deploy armies and navies. They are also far more capable of using their military. As an experienced human player, I'm still much more capable in general, but depending on the situation and how careful I've been, the AI can occasionally really hurt me.

We need the dll released and we need vox populi for Civ VI. Seems we will get neither.
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