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Is it possible to "acquire" special unit?


Jan 28, 2006
I mean, it isn't too hard to imagine that, after Vikings destroyed the Dutch Civilization, they learnt how to build Dikes from Dutch Engineers, or Mongols learnt how to make Cho-Ko-Nu after destorying the Chinese.

This would make destorying other civilizations more interesting, and create more variation in combat.

Does anyone has idea how this can be make?
I mean, it isn't too hard to imagine that, after Vikings destroyed the Dutch Civilization, they learnt how to build Dikes from Dutch Engineers, or Mongols learnt how to make Cho-Ko-Nu after destorying the Chinese.

You do realize that, technically, in your example the civ in question needs to have developed its unique structure/unit before it is conquered or destroyed, don't you? ;)
It might work out that way, or you may say anyone who inhabit in an environment similar to that of Dutch would develop skills to build dikes. In that case, regardless the conquered civ has developed its unique structure/units or not, the conquering civ will have the ability to develop it later, when tech permits.

Gameplay-wise, the way you describe might be more balanced. I'm not sure which way would be easier to mod though.
Well, one should be able to extort it from a vassal state or be able to trade it.
It would certainly be interesting in coop games ;)
Defining the "destroyer" of a civilization may be hard due to multiple parallel wars . What about a x% chance of acquiring a special unit when defeating one in combat? Or a special building when capturing a city containing one (not easy since buildings are easily destroyed on capture)?
It's hard to define any of that.
And I don't know about you, but I like the fact that there is so much in this game that you can just calculate.
A bit of chance is nice, but not too much.
It's just like with poker. There's a chance for everything. But you can make a good educated guess what the other has, judging bets, play style etc.

And basically, the spot you get on the map are the cards that have been dealt. Too bad you can't really fold ;)
A method I can think of is to give each civ a special building which would give out a specific resource (say, Englishness), and that resource will be required for building UB and UU. Thus any civ who captures the city containing that special building (supposedly the capital) would acquire the ability to build the respective UB/UU.

The problem of this method is that 1) it requires a lot of changes in XML files so it's very clumsy and is difficult to incorporate into other mods; and 2) it changes the nature of how UB/UU works as it would require an effective trade network to build UB/UU.

Besides, as many UUs replace the same unit (e.g. Knight), I'm not sure if it would work.
Recently I made something like that and distributed in a Japanese forum.

My mod differs from your ideas in these respects:
1) Only UUs, no UB, can be "acquired."
2) I used national wonders rather than resources. So civs aren't able to trade its own UU or demand other civs' UUs.
3) UUs won't replace default units.

Other than that, I guess it's pretty much the same to what you said.
If you wanna give it a try, it's here:

Because I made it for myself at first, there are also changes in leader traits.
If you dislike these changes, just delete "CIV4TraitInfos.xml."
I always wanted to have a group of dynamic UU's

For example. If a Civ started in the extreme northern part of the map (the area with lots of ice/snow), one would expect them to adapt a unit that could fight/hunt/work/etc.. on the ice. The same could be said for a civ with lots od desert/jungle/etc...

With all that said, I suppose a building could be created, to be built only in certain circumstances, that when built allowed for the unit to be build, much like some Unique Religions Units I incorporated.
I have a bunch of "buildings" like that in RFRE. They are used to build region specific recruits, and for local resources (eg timber allows superior ships to be built in that city, not all cities).

Some local recruiting examples:
cheap swordsman from Celtic cities
archers from Syria
cavalry from Germanic areas
hoplites from Greek cities
Numidian horseman from near Numidia

I've been considering expanding it some to take in to account mercenaries. The Galatians were used by many civs near them, like Egypt and Syria. Something like instead of getting the heavy infantry that was built, there is a 25% chance of getting the Galatian unit instead.
You forgot to mention that you can only do that on a pre made map (especially the timber trick , game mechanism). Otherwise you would have to have that "resource" as a building spawn on every city build.
there is a mod comp on this site that sets this up in your game. I've seen it. I can't remember it's name, or who created it. I'll try to find this. when I do, I'll post the link. But yeah its's possible and already done. Keep at it.

edit - code for capturing and keeping a unique buildings is here
You forgot to mention that you can only do that on a pre made map (especially the timber trick , game mechanism). Otherwise you would have to have that "resource" as a building spawn on every city build.

A pre-made map makes it simpler, but it could be done in python too. One could add code to create a civ-specific building when a city is founded (not captured!).

For "local resources" there could be code that looks within 2 plots of a city.

The "Petra mod" is pretty cool. I'd like to see it merged into the Revolutions mod for even more :crazyeye:
GIR is one of the best modders out there.
Many thanks to mourndraken and usi for pointing to the mods.
I can now merge them into my favourite world map!
Just a thought of how this might work:

You could remove the normal unique unit/building rules altogether, but then add a technology for each civ which unlocks them. Disallow any civ other than the one they're meant for to research them. Then have a simple script that gives the tech for free once all the prerequesits are met, and another one that always hands over that tech (if it's actually been researched) to the invading civilization.
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