Is that game Demigod worth getting?


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Mar 31, 2007
I remember playing those tug-of-war WC3 mods for a long time. But the attractive thing about those games was that there were so many varieties that it never got old; each individual one, to me, got repetitive after about an hour of playing it.

So, is Demigod polished enough to warrant spending money?
It is really fun, havent played it online yet, but it just screams for it. Graphic engine very nice, gameplay good for inital release. However, there isnt much variety right now...I mean, there are 8 different Demigods, but the gameplay each map is very similar. I think it is a very good start though, can only get better :).
I've been having fun with it the past few days. If you can get a LAN game with friends it is a blast.
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