Is the Crouching Tiger over powered?

Not sure if I've ever built one. Though in R&F I would for the era points.
1 range is what cripples it, though it can be a nice defensive unit for cities and encampments.
I wouldn't be surprised, as the AI is bad at defense.
I didn't get the opportunity to down vote it in the UU eliminate thread, but it was on my radar. The whole range of 1 and hard building stuff just kills it for me.
Defensive units in general are very underwhelming - because there is so little to defend against.

I feel bad for China: a great* defensive unit, that also basically ‘buffs’ their walls when they build one, and a great* defensive UI. But they’re both made rubbish by the fact there’s nothing to defend against. China has other good benefits though, so they still end up fine.

[*by great, I’m also rolling on some coolness / uniqueness factor, not necessarily combat effectiveness.]
If they could take cities they would be good. Not great, because not being able to upgrade into it sucks.
To me UU’s fall into 3 categories, strong, OK and rubbish. This is an OK UU.
This means I will happily build a couple although it is situational on what I already have. They are quite expensive so I will not spam them, they have some good damage and are good in dense terrain both on offence and defence but I would not get them if I was racing away with a knight army. I’ve played China about 10 times and built these about 3 times and been happy when I have done so.
I don’t like the CT at all. It‘s cheaper than the Crossbowman, which is nice when you are under attack and are not prepared.
I don‘t think it is as good as the Crossbowman for defending cities though. A lot of the dangerous things that happen to your territory are not within 1 range, most notably siege units attacking your cities. Same thing for pillaging - you can‘t do much about enemy units pillaging your districts, since leaving the city center to attack is rarely a good idea (the attacker probably has some knights). It can be better compared to Crossbowmen when terrain doesn‘t allow to shoot far anyway.

The AI doesn‘t make use of that too much so you might not notice these weakness but only the unit’s strength: attacking melee units attacking your city and putting it under siege. To be fair, a lot of people even don‘t notice the strengths since the AI attacks rarely when you have your CTs ready.
It can be better compared to Crossbowmen when terrain doesn‘t allow to shoot far anyway.
Think about using it attacking in rough terrain, it attacks without taking damage.
Like with a lot of discussion, play with it and you would be surprised how handy it is in rough terrain going forwards, it’s better than a melee unit in some ways.
Defensive units in general are very underwhelming - because there is so little to defend against.

I feel bad for China: a great* defensive unit, that also basically ‘buffs’ their walls when they build one, and a great* defensive UI. But they’re both made rubbish by the fact there’s nothing to defend against. China has other good benefits though, so they still end up fine.

[*by great, I’m also rolling on some coolness / uniqueness factor, not necessarily combat effectiveness.]

I play on Immortal difficulty and I often worry about a group of Knights coming my way before I can reach Machinery.
Emperor / Immortal for me. I’ve been knight rushed and x-bow rushed a few times. I can usually hold out long enough to peace-out with just archers provided I have walls and or good terrain, or at least last long enough to get x-bows.
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