Is the Hoplite's adjacency bonus bugged?


Jan 15, 2007
Is it a bug that the Hoplite seems to get its +10 adjacency bonus all the time? Is that just true of the damage preview screen or does it translate to the actual attack? I encountered this issue when trying to remove the Hoplite's penalties in a mod and thought I broke it, but it seems to be the same in the main game too.

Example, note the strength of the Hoplite when not adjacent (base 25 + 10 from adajencies even tho not adjacent)


And then, when adjacent, still +35.

Based on the way a Hoplite shreds its opponents, I would have to say the +10 bonus is applied when it shows up in the window.
Is it possible that the bonus is being applied in flanking situations as well? What happens when there is no other hoplite flanking the unit being attacked?
Before the recent patch, it seemed like the bonus was incorrectly being factored as a penalty. My Hoplite seemed like it did better against barbarian warriors by itself than with another adjacent Hoplite.
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