Is there a AI monetary fund or what?


Sep 9, 2017
This is about the old (still new?) money glitch by which you offer nearly nothing and then demand all of the AI's gold income (anything you want actually) You then select "make this deal more equitable". Then a random offer is generated in which you usually are offered less or nothing.

Then you select "what would you give me"
Then you offer almost nothing like you started the deal initially with the AI giving all their gold that you originally asked for and then you accept the deal.

In this instance catherine offered me 131 gold per turn. Guess what? You can do it again, again and again.
Selling of all my unecessary strategic resources and luxuries and I end up with 11 x 131gold per turn from trade deals with catherine.

So basically Catherine is payinhg me 1441 gold coins per turn.
After 30 turns, repeat the process.

Now, do know that I don't actually play like this. That would be pretty boring obviously :)

My gut, heart and brain tell me that Catherine does not have 1441 gold coins per turn at turn 122.
Where does she get her money from?

Is there like a secret underground French orchestrated money mint under the canals of paris or in the catacombs of the louvre :joke:

Question in a nutshell: Where does the game get 1441 gold from and how can Catherine pay it to me while keeping a balance and repeat the same transaction repeatedly every 30 turns?
Is it just spawned in her coffers? hence the mint joke :)

Enlighten me with truth!
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