Is there a way of Turning off the DLC bias


Sep 25, 2001
I notice that whenever I play now, I seem to get the Persians and Uluru, pretty much on top of me every time.

I realize that RNG can play tricks on you, but it really has got to a point that I can't believe there isn't a bias, and I think I could understand them creating one.

Is there a way of turning it off?
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I haven't noticed anything weird myself, so I think it actually is RNG.
I would bet money that there is no such bias. It's almost certainly just the luck of the draw. I think the only bias here is likely to be confirmation bias :p .

Sadly, however, there is no way of deselecting particular leaders you do not want to see. Except of course by playing as Cyrus yourself! :lol:
Just throwing my anecdotal evidence out there too, but I haven't actually seen Darius appear as an AI at all so far, and that's after 8+ standard size games since he was added to the game :crazyeye:
From a project manager standpoint, It would mean allocating ressources for something next to zero business value and a doubtful gain in user experience. I don't see why you would prioritize 'implement a biais in randomisation of civs'.

What I could imagine would be that you tend to play similar civs yourself, resulting in occupying the same spot in the start biais, thus restricting variety in the choice of your neighbors.
It's a very bad, sticky RNG when it comes to randomizing Civs. This was true in 5 as well. In MP, there was *never* a game without England in all the times I have played MP (over 20). In Civ 6, I get Montezuma all the time if I pick being a "random" Civ myself. I have taken to rolling dice for my own random Civ now (d2d12) so at least I get to play different Civs, but many of the random opponents seem to be the same.

This RNG will stick for different people in different ways (your computer creates it, after all), but it sticks. Trust me.

EDIT: This is at least true of Windows machines.
Just throwing my anecdotal evidence out there too, but I haven't actually seen Darius appear as an AI at all so far, and that's after 8+ standard size games since he was added to the game :crazyeye:

Not surprised at that. Darius isn't in the game.
Figuring out whether this is rng or bias would take a serious amount of data, but I think there should be some kind of super advanced settings screen, where you could select the civs you don't want - and the city states you do want. I love Auckland.
pretty sure that random things often throw out clusters.
tbh it would be more likely to be biased if you rolled through every leader once before hitting persia again
I'm not sure exactly what it does, but I always disable the cultural start bias, can anyone elaborate on what that specifically does, and how it influences grouping civs start locations?

I'm firmly on the side of "RNG will RNG" myself. There aren't that many civs even in the game yet, if you play a standard 8 player map every time, it seems unlikely that you wouldn't see a few repeats from your last couple games each time, feeding the confirmation bias.

I feel like I see Poland and France a lot myself, but when I factor in that I haven't played enough games to have a really statistically representative sample size, and the relatively small pool of civs to draw from, I don't find it surprising at all.

All of that being said though, I agree that it'd be nice to have an option to remove city states or civs from the pool prior to each game. I'll often start games with a list of like 10 civs in my head, and play the first random leader game that I roll in charge of one of them, this should be customizable without a bunch of rerolls and settings reconfigs each time imo.
I suspect the cultural start bias places like minded civs together which is possibly what the problem is with me starting near Peter.

Like minded as in, cultural based civs near other cultural based civs, domination/military powerhouses near one another?

I always assumed it was related to real world geography, so I'd see more euro civs near other euro civs. Since I'm playing on random maps, I found that to be pretty arbitrary, and is one of the reasons I turn it off.
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