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It's fun being the jerk for once.


Aug 16, 2007
I always see threads with people complaining about some jerk civilization going and declaring war on them for no good reason (Monty, maybe?). So, I decided to try it out for myself.

I chose to play as Kancho of the Japanese because I couldn't resist the idea of Infantry and Mechanized Infantry starting out with three promotions each. I built my civ up as normal, making sure to have plenty of Barracks in my cities. I got Civil Service and Machinery and started cranking out Samurai. Up until this point, Genghis Khan was in the lead, thanks to his usual bullying tactics, so he was my first target.

We shared a border that I overran with dozens of Samurai, and a few Spearmen to deal with his Keshiks and Elephants. I took four cities, declared peace (stupid war weariness), then after ten turns, took two more cities. That left him with three cities on the mainland and a couple on a nearby island. He was effectively contained for the time being, so I could focus on other targets.

The Ethiopians were my closest allies at this point, even helping me attack the Mongolians. They were also the second highest in score, only had six cities, and shared a border with me, so they had to die. Zara was still trying to figure out what he had done wrong by the time I had taken two of his cities. I declared peace for a short while to discover Assembly Line and to get my Infantry machine running (Barracks + West Point + Heroic Epic + Pentagon + 4 GG Specialists = Infantry every turn with Combat IV, City Garrison I, Drill I, and Commando).

The war is back on again and it doesn't look good for Ethiopia. And now that I think about it, when was the last time Huayna did anything for me...?
Slightly slower production, but substituting Red Cross for Herioc epic will mean your uber Gunpowder units will have Medic 1 in addition to all that. So be able to heal up nicely.
Slightly slower production, but substituting Red Cross for Herioc epic will mean your uber Gunpowder units will have Medic 1 in addition to all that. So be able to heal up nicely.

You only need one unit with a medic I/II/III promotion for all the units in the stack to get the heal bonus. Plus, Red Cross comes waaaaay later than Heroic epic, and the loss of production man! All in all not the most optimal of a national wonder combo.
Red Cross is good in a secondary production city. The main one should have Heroic Epic and West Point.
Ya.... I normally have HE and WP as my main military city, and then ironworks and red cross in my secondary production city.
I don't see the point of the Red Cross, because you only need a medic or two per stack, and its easy to promote them especially because you probably don't want to fight with those units anyway.
Wait a minute, you are stacking Great General superspecialists? I tried that experiment when Warlords was new and it didn't work.

If this does work it will seriously change my Great General strategy...
Ya.... I normally have HE and WP as my main military city, and then ironworks and red cross in my secondary production city.

HE + WP is a good combo. Though lately I've been pairing West Point and Ironworks together and then Heroic Epic + Moai or Whatever. I settle a great general in the HE city for added xp bonus to get lvl 2 units.

Wait a minute, you are stacking Great General superspecialists? I tried that experiment when Warlords was new and it didn't work.

If this does work it will seriously change my Great General strategy...

You aren't stacking great generals? Then what do you do with them?
HE + WP is a good combo. Though lately I've been pairing West Point and Ironworks together and then Heroic Epic + Moai or Whatever. I settle a great general in the HE city for added xp bonus to get lvl 2 units.

You aren't stacking great generals? Then what do you do with them?

I dont really stack great generals that much to, because as i military expand and take my continent, there are just multiple production cities that the 50% production bonus is much better then the +2xp in the longrun, and i agree i keep finding myself with heroic and Moai oddly.. its werid that the best production cities are being next to the coast in my games lol..
I always see threads with people complaining about some jerk civilization going and declaring war on them for no good reason (Monty, maybe?). So, I decided to try it out for myself.

Welcome to the life of the warmonger! I usually play as bully in my games too. I'm just not content unless I'm at war with somebody - it's the most exciting aspect of the game (for me, anyway). Plus, once you pick up enough land and develop / specialize it, no other AI Civ can compete.
I'm confused also because when I've stacked great generals it appeared a waste. Like Grimz I stopped doing it for that reason. You are saying it works?

If it does work then who cares about Heroic Epic or West Point anyways? I'll use those to make a completely different military city if that is the case.
Typically, I'll have a city with Barracks, Heroic Epic, West Point and two GGs as instructors and run Theocracy and Vassalage, turning out units with 17XP and getting +100% production for military units. I find that producing lots of units with good XP works better for me than having a couple of Warlord uber-units, which always seem to take unwarrantably high damage in combat and thus can't be rushed around to take much part in the fighting.
Red Cross and a barracks in some less productive city produce two or three Medic2 explorers - why waste Medic promos on fighting units when they could be given fighting promos ?
You only need one unit with a medic I/II/III promotion for all the units in the stack to get the heal bonus. Plus, Red Cross comes waaaaay later than Heroic epic, and the loss of production man! All in all not the most optimal of a national wonder combo.

I guess medics 3 cut it, but if you really want the ultimate medic 3/woodsman 3 on a single warlord will be your best friend. The woodsman 3 promotion brings his heal to a whopping 45 percent extra per turn.
On a side note this wont work unless both promotions are stacked onto the same unit.

Along with the warlord upgrade as many troops as possible with march, and bring plenty of expendable siege. You will not have to stop the campaign for a single turn.
Heres an idea.... put redcross in your Mois Statue city, ie your high production naval city. Both infantry and ships coming out as medics, I preffer this to a land city only.

did nobody read post #1 and just started with #2?

i mean, the OP was talking about being a jerk, right?
^^ Hehe you're right.

Anyway, Maoi statues and Red Cross on coast build your transports there if you are going for a naval invasion. Marines attacking from a Medic II/III transport will heal quickly.
Yes thats my point, and you can still use that city for ground based healing troops too!

(if you keep a spare slot for Redcross!)
I tend to use both warlord units an instructors, the instructor bonus tends to work best after you get west point, i normally have two or 3 in my chosen city + the west point, heroic epic, with barracks + civ choices thats normally enough to get around 17 xp's which means units leave with a good level of veterancy, since you need to add another 5 GG to get to the next level or 2 if your charasmatic, i find certainly if your not charasmatic that warlord units are good choices, the main trick with the Warlord is too get one or two early an only take combat thats 99.9 this means you never loose, and in time as your unit becomes ever more powerful that an increasingly large numbers of combat situations result in 99.9 odd's, once you add in all the first strike promo's you rarely if ever take any dmg either, the trick with the warlord is not to not rush things, he's in effect there for the whole game an can be promoted without xp loss, i rarely if ever loose my warlord units an they usually end the game with xp's running in the high two hundreds, three hundreds, i once got a mech inf warlord with over 800 Xp's playing as the japs, and that had most although not all surprisingly the promo's.

This was without reloads by the way, but it's all dependant on using the right odd's, as any 99% that does'nt have the magic .9 on the end can result in rare, but occasional loss one in blue moon so to speak, i can never recall loosing a unit at 99.9 though
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