To create a socialist clerical monarchy, look to Civ4's Civic system, where the player can really mix and match bonuses and disadvantages to make a unique playthrough.
Here is an example of a civics tree fleshed out in a mod. Want to play a theocratic, aristocracy that also happens to be a welfare state run on forced labor? Go for it!
Another mod with 14 options to who rules....this is distinct from government choice. The inclusion of 'instability' and revolution in civ4 mods gave government/civic choices a great deal more importance...your choice could literally rip your empire asunder!
Here is an example of a civics tree fleshed out in a mod. Want to play a theocratic, aristocracy that also happens to be a welfare state run on forced labor? Go for it!
Spoiler civics :
Another mod with 14 options to who rules....this is distinct from government choice. The inclusion of 'instability' and revolution in civ4 mods gave government/civic choices a great deal more importance...your choice could literally rip your empire asunder!
Spoiler civics :