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Jarmrik s factory

The unit itself looks quite good, and can be a good "pixel armor infantry fighthing vehicle". The only point is, as you said it by yourself, it is not a MBT. So it is a good additional unit for late game, but my request for the tank is still valid.
Sci-fi units? :drool:
Can't wait to see them.
I made progresses with the heavy infantry of an other faction. But I really need to learn how to make vertex groups in blender and assign them to bones to pass the next step...

Going back to an exchange we had about a unit you requested (the big big red/orange mechanoid from a game I forgot the name), I made a first model that was to much... "minecraft-ish" if you understand what I mean :lol:. I started a second version, but it's far from being finished. The bone assignment of four-legged mechs are a thougher challenge than I thought.
Do you have specific wishes in sci-fi models, except this one?
Not bad, although I did specify a jet version of the P1Y1, although I suppose it can be easily modified as such in nifskope I guess.
I'm sorry you're disappointed.
But I found no pictures of such a plane, no technical drawing, neither archives about a concrete project (the picture you posted is an "artist view"). From my searches and technical knowledges, the P1Y architecture was simply incompatible with the use of the jet engines available at this time (same for the second version of R2Y -the one with the "cut nose" jet intake- which is also an artist view based on theories of WWII lovers).

However, as long as Civ is a game in which we're free to do what we want and assuming you're not looking for historical/technical accuracy, there are two possibilities:
- the expeditious one is to take out the propellers and tweak a little with the custom intakes textures (more or less 30 minutes, packing included)
- the cosmetic one would be to modify the model (then no promises with the texture results, and even less promises about production deadlines...)
Make your choice and let me know.
Pixel camos are really cool! I understand this is not exactly a tank, but Ukraine seems to be using a similar, or even the same pattern on its Bradleys (despite how it looks, it's actually on the whole vehicle and not just the turret, it just needs a good wash):

View attachment 706967

I'm attaching the one I made here in case you'd find it useful. Sadly, I didn't seem to have kept the camo pattern file itself that I made to overlay here, but I remember I based it on this as a source: https://dnmodels.com/main/wp-conten...dley-M2A2-Ukraine-Digital-Camo-35th-scale.jpg. Hope it helps.

I'm not sure how well this type of camo works in real-life situations though, as it seems it might do a worse job at actually being a camo than the more traditional ones, but again as the photo shows, a real-life armoured vehicle is usually covered in a layer of camo mud. :lol:
The "tape" camo! Did you know they used duct tape to do this one in some battalions? One of my acquaintances sent me pictures of a "camo" session when they received their new vehicles (they not necessarily had time or simply paint available everywhere).
It's far from MARPAT of course, but amazingly, it's quite effective in half-urban zones (depending the distance you watch it).
As you are on modern tanks: I am interested in a modell for the Panther KF51, the new German-Italian project.

The most important point for me is this new camouflage based on rectangular "pixels" which make it look like a minecraft-Modell. Thus, I do not need exactly this tank, a skin with this camo for another existing modell would also be useful. The second picture in the article shows the camouflage a bit more clearly, although I had a better picture in the newspaper some days ago and far away from the keyboard.
Are you asking for the model in its demonstrator livery, or just for the pattern itself?
The "tape" camo! Did you know they used duct tape to do this one in some battalions? One of my acquaintances sent me pictures of a "camo" session when they received their new vehicles (they not necessarily had time or simply paint available everywhere).
It's far from MARPAT of course, but amazingly, it's quite effective in half-urban zones (depending the distance you watch it).
Yup, saw the duct tape camo photos on the web too! I guess that's one advantage of this camo - it's easy to improvise it. Also, now that you mentioned it, it should work quite decently in urban ruins (which is where a lot of fighting in Ukraine involving armoured vehicles takes place).
Are you asking for the model in its demonstrator livery, or just for the pattern itself?
In General, I am interested in a MBT with this kind of "Camo". It need not to be this particular modell, but it would be nice to have a main battle tank in addition to the IFV with this style of armor.
It's done, Rheinmetall KF-51 Panther with the Rheinmetall 20s prototype pattern. Have fun :)


Download: https://forums.civfanatics.com/resources/kf-51-panther.31563/
Thank you for doing it. It looks great on the image.
It's 512 dds file. I haven't bothered making a 256 one, assuming you know how to do it by yourself. But the texture is good enough to have a descent render in 256.
Please confirm it's okay in game (it would not be the first time I'd mess with anims and nodes...).
I'm sorry you're disappointed.
But I found no pictures of such a plane, no technical drawing, neither archives about a concrete project (the picture you posted is an "artist view"). From my searches and technical knowledges, the P1Y architecture was simply incompatible with the use of the jet engines available at this time (same for the second version of R2Y -the one with the "cut nose" jet intake- which is also an artist view based on theories of WWII lovers).

However, as long as Civ is a game in which we're free to do what we want and assuming you're not looking for historical/technical accuracy, there are two possibilities:
- the expeditious one is to take out the propellers and tweak a little with the custom intakes textures (more or less 30 minutes, packing included)
- the cosmetic one would be to modify the model (then no promises with the texture results, and even less promises about production deadlines...)
Make your choice and let me know.
Whichever works best for you, maybe the higher quality one the better.
Hi all, it's been a while since last time...
The fall is finally over, and time for me to get some holydays. I was hoping to do you the "night before Christmas", but I had a bit more work than I expected.
However, I managed to finalize things I started monthes ago before the end of this year.

First off, one more sci-fi infantry units pack, which represents the most part of what I've done (in terms of work time), and not the easiest... After the dwarves, the elves!
Based on the vanilla navyseal's body I modified a lot to get something looking nice to me. My objective was to make a solid body unit, with not a dozen of separated parts. Finding textures and mapping have been a difficult task, but the good news is that I learned few things and technics that have and will help me a lot for my project.
I also worked weapon effects, as I wanted something different from the gun effects I used until then, to fit the lore I built for this faction. You'll let me know.


Next, from the same project, two vehicles for an other faction, built and textured from scratch. One is intended to be a recon vehicle and the other an APC. Alternative turrets are already in production lines (but not finished) for the APC to turn into IFV, SAM and mobile light artillery systems, which may be uploaded soon.



Now leaving the frozen plains of my beloved lonely planet, let's go back to... AfreakA!
For those who decided to follow the path of the Church of the Holy Plan Revealed across the Bongwana's landscapes, here's a new vehicle to make your Crusaders spread the good word twice faster: a good old M-ATV equiped with a custom mounted M2.


To finish, the Spiika S-18 "Astyr", a WWII fighter for my personal civ, which has a somewhat special history...

Once upon a time in the 80s, after a move to another city, a kid who was a fan of airplanes models opened the box in which were stored his planes. He sadly discovered his beloved J21A hadn't endured the journey: the landing gear had disappeared, just as the propeller, and the twin tails were fatally broken. The Super Etendard was also reduced to an amount of plastic pieces.
After days of tears, turning round and round, prayers for the gods of air warfare and the patron saint of the movers to punish the culprits for seven generations, came the light: why not putting Super Etendard elevators on the J21A wings, just where were missing the original tails? There started the legend of the S-18 Astyr.
To put a little more singularity to this model inspired from the J21A, I bent the wings (taking inspiration from the Astur gentilis) and put my "disruptive storm camo" on it. Also decided to put the Varn's mark this time. But don't worry, there's a no mark texture included.


To finish, the Spiika S-18 "Astyr", a WWII fighter for my personal civ, which has a somewhat special history...

Wow! This is our bright post-apocalyptic future. :hide:
The LVS project ("an easily reproduction attack aircraft") from the late USSR. In general, thinking about what we can build on the ruins of a industry.

More LVS, towards the end there is a completely exotic variant.

PS Theoretically, it would be good to attach front stabilizers to the aircraft - the classic "duck" scheme, I don't know how it sounds in Western terms.:dunno:
a good old M-ATV
Wow 2.0.:love: The most remarkable thing is that not so long ago I thought of it as a thing that would never be in the game, because it was difficult.:hatsoff:
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