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Jarmrik s factory

:lol: Aah, here we have an expert...
At the beginning, almost all characters had such funny/ridiculous names. But I know some people need serious to immerse, so I changed lot of names into more "realistic" ones.
This character was the cliche of the secretary: snappy black suit, small glasses, hair drawn... After her tragic adventure, she turned into the mercenary cliche: coarse speech, lying lazily against a crate with a bottle in the hand and the Sig552 between her spread legs... She's french... Well, Stella Artois!
She is one of the few characters whose name remains the same.
I was hanging around the factory, and suddenly tripped on something I had forgotten on the ground...
Here's a pack of WWII japanese units I "made" a long time ago. It was a part of a project to have visual variety in squads and something to complete the Kine100's unit packs I use in my WWII mod.
Don't expect wonders, it's for the most things you have already seen in other mods. I made modifications to my taste (modified textures, changed heads, added accessories, and so on...). The major part of my work was then to scan every mod I have, collect elements, take some glue and stick them together.
Credits will be difficult to attribute (I had made a text file especially, but I'm afraid I deleted it), because evrything is coming from evrywhere, but I'll have a try.

Realism Invictus artists (Walter Hawkwood), Asio3x, Dacubz, Saibotlieh, and certainly some others
Kine100, Asio3x, and certainly some others

The generic anti-tank rifle is the same composite one I used for the units I posted here (once upon a time).
The rifle with baionetta is the vanilla infantry springfield I modified for the Bansai Infantry to work correctly.
I only designed the type89 discharger, the type99 light machinegun and the type100 submachinegun.



Download: https://forums.civfanatics.com/resources/wwii-japan-infantry-units-pack.31525/
I will just drop those here... They are from a bunch of WW2 firearms I converted from other games/mods, and I didn't plan on releasing them separately, but I feel they'd be right at home with the pack you just released.


Mikoyan I Guveritch MiG-27 "Flogger", started a long time ago... and just finished yesterday.
My first attempt had more curves and was then too heavy. I reworked the model to get something more acceptable, and now it's 104ko, which should be okay. I was too lazy to add weaponry, sorry for that.
Delivered in both opened wings and closed wings version you can use to your taste. Tested ingame with standard jetfighter.kfm.



Download: https://forums.civfanatics.com/resources/mig-27.31530/
Mikoyan I Guveritch MiG-1.44/1.42, a soviet 5th generation jetfighter project abandoned a long time ago.

I know there was one somewhere here, lost in a thread. As far as I can remember, it was an heavy file and the model was one of these assemblies I avoid as much as I can. Tastes and colors...
So I rebuilt one, with a 88ko solid body and a disruptive greyskies no marks camo. I use it for my own civ (if Russians were silly enough to throw such a sexy thing to garbage, Varns are not!). But feel free to put the red star on it of course.
Propelled by the good old jetfighter.kfm.


Thank you so much for your understanding, dear comrade :) . My perception has really shifted very strangely.
I can sympathize with the toxic situation in the most literal sense of the word - because I came across something like the same not so long ago. Yes, such an "entourage" of inevitable problems from scratch consumes more energy than the work itself. I suspect that in combination with a large/heavy project, this is that's some trash.
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And what, however. interesting characters.
Paul Guyon

It is suspected that he collects African art. And yes, a man with the surname Ar-Razi, which reminds me of the greatest discovery of all time and peoples, and Stella Artois are somehow especially close to me. I don't even know why.
Sniper rifles, which I've been sad about for so long, marksman scopes, a "four" plugging a hole in the line of tank destroyers - that's is very useful. The planes are traditionally excellent. Not to mention the background. The Mig-27 is, I think, one of the most original post–war strike aircraft. 1.44 – maybe even a hint of the future. In the war of invisibility, super-maneuverable close combat can be unexpectedly in demand.
Left cold war and Africa to get back to the cold lonely planet I use for my 3D pixelo-genetical experiments and fantasy classics corruptions...
After infernal experiences on Civ IV humanoid skeletons, I partly succeeded in adding armors (as objects) to bodies. I designed various full bodies since last christmas, but miserably failed in rigging them. I suppose I'll have to beg TopSecret for a video tutorial one of these days...
Here's a pack of several sci-fi dwarven soldiers. As usual, I used an existing model as a base, and added few elements to make them a bit unique and fit the lore of my WIP mod. They could be the worthy successors of the Erebor kingdom in the future era of TopSecret's Middle-Earth, the Khazad faction heirs for those who decided to extend the FFH II legends, or simply a part of Nexus custom civs... As usual, do what you want with them as long as you have fun!

Technical part now. The original dwarf is from seZereth. The rotative machinegun is a modified version of RI minigun. Other elements come from the organized chaos of my HD (CFC certified anyway). I personally designed the armor pieces (and pinned them to the body parts, which was the hardest...), the helm, some weapons and textures. I also designed kind of hero units, squad leader (whatever you like)... All of them are vanilla KFM friendly. One has modified weapon effect, but will work with the original KFM if you like it better.


Download: https://forums.civfanatics.com/resources/najn-heavy-infantry-unit-pack.31539/
Still busy with my sci-fi armored infantry projects, but I had to make a pause with them and do something else to let my brain cool down a little...

Here's the polish PL-01 modern tank prototype. Considering Poland is looking for (or maybe already has?) Abrams, this one will probably never see combat. Built from scale model plans and from scratch textures, I hope the texture will be ok in game. Delivered then in its original carbon livery.


Download: https://forums.civfanatics.com/resources/pl-01.31550/
By the way, PZL was not a direct competitor of Abrams. This is a light tank (by current standards), based on the Swedish IFV. That didn't stop him from disappearing from the media after 2015. Probably, even when assembling imported components, the Poles did not have anything capable.
But the unit is very useful anyway. Conceptually, light tanks of the near future will look something like this – an uninhabited tower, active tank protection systems, modular booking, relative "stealth" in all ranges. Which is especially important for light cars.
But the embodiment of stealth ideas, which obviously roamed back in the USSR and turned into a ready-made Belarusian model by 2000.

BRDM-2T – as it is easy to see, low visibility, a speed of 95 km / h and huge autonomy – a power reserve of 1000 km. Well, a very peculiar set of weapons, including mines and MANPADS. Almost BT-2.0.
P.S. The machine gun and shoulder cannon of the dwarves are beautiful and I will definitely "steal" them.:borg: Moreover, the second is as a laser "trench air defense", no matter how difficult it is. Missiles against small drones are a hell of a thrash, alas.
I took no risk and built the both.
It's good to have both at once :). Because it would be difficult to decide which is more important for the Japanese line of units - the late dive bomber / conventional equivalent of the Ju-88 or the first jet fighter.:crazyeye:
Next comes P1Y1 japanese dive bomber, built on The_Coyote's DeHavilland Mosquito, and R2Y2 jetfighter prototype using vanilla jetfighter.kfm
Requested by Kubo Caskett. As I'm not sure I understood everything about the request, I took no risk and built the both.

View attachment 706348

Download here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/resources/p1y1.31551/

View attachment 706350

Download there: https://forums.civfanatics.com/resources/r2y2.31552/
Not bad, although I did specify a jet version of the P1Y1, although I suppose it can be easily modified as such in nifskope I guess.
As you are on modern tanks: I am interested in a modell for the Panther KF51, the new German-Italian project.

The most important point for me is this new camouflage based on rectangular "pixels" which make it look like a minecraft-Modell. Thus, I do not need exactly this tank, a skin with this camo for another existing modell would also be useful. The second picture in the article shows the camouflage a bit more clearly, although I had a better picture in the newspaper some days ago and far away from the keyboard.
Pixel camos are really cool! I understand this is not exactly a tank, but Ukraine seems to be using a similar, or even the same pattern on its Bradleys (despite how it looks, it's actually on the whole vehicle and not just the turret, it just needs a good wash):


I'm attaching the one I made here in case you'd find it useful. Sadly, I didn't seem to have kept the camo pattern file itself that I made to overlay here, but I remember I based it on this as a source: https://dnmodels.com/main/wp-conten...dley-M2A2-Ukraine-Digital-Camo-35th-scale.jpg. Hope it helps.

I'm not sure how well this type of camo works in real-life situations though, as it seems it might do a worse job at actually being a camo than the more traditional ones, but again as the photo shows, a real-life armoured vehicle is usually covered in a layer of camo mud. :lol:


I'm not sure how well this type of camo works in real-life situations though,
Pixels can be very counter effective: The enemy pointing a Qr-code reader tells them the exact level and hitpoints of the unit :lol:
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