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JEELEN's Scenarios & Maps

what exactly is the difference between the pure bts scenario and the civ gold one? none of the civs (or any based off of) that civ gold includes seem to be in your scenario. am i missing the point?

otherwise a pretty historical scenario. played a game as the malinese. worst start ever. although i guess historically accurate. in 1812 i was almost an entire era behind the leader, ragnar (despite pumping up my economy near constantly the whole time). monarch difficulty might have had to do with it a little bit. but seriously timbuktu is screwed. a major ancient trade city at size 1?
@ Dreadknought: Thx! :hatsoff:

@ Fiend777Fits: I usually check if any scenario is compatible with any mods available. In my opinion this increases the value of any such scenario. In this case I decided to make a Special Edition of my 1066 AD for BTS scenario for CIV Gold.:mischief: My bad if anyone doesn't like it or doesn't see the point, which, in my view, is simple to enjoy playing. Feel free to play other scenarios. In general saying "What's the point?" is not constructive criticism. I'd say, be specific and/or offer alternatives. Anyway, I would not recommend playing the Malinese, except for playtesting. It's more challenging to try the Spanish, Russians or English. For a more exotic start I'd recommend the Inca or Aztecs. For a first try the French, Mongols, Vikings or Seljuks. Having said all this, thnx for the feedback!;)
Started last nite w/ Mongols, and they seem to have a great starting position, though tight on gold. I get the impression they are set-up to lag on tech rate.

Up to 1210 Ive already destroyed the Koreans and taken all but the chinese cap., got a huge worker boost when I took Guangzhou (6 chinese workers:lol: )

Declared peace with Suryavaraman and adopted confucianism to take advantage of the captured (kong Miao?) , think thats the one.

I see nothing standing in my way to build a huge empire(too fast expansion my only concern), will be interesting to see if I can threaten the European civs.
what exactly is the difference between the pure bts scenario and the civ gold one? none of the civs (or any based off of) that civ gold includes seem to be in your scenario. am i missing the point?

As a member of the Civ Gold team I am also a bit confused about why you should need Civ Gold to use this map. Is one of the added Civ Gold custom civilizations used in your map?

@ Fiend777Fits: I usually check if any scenario is compatible with any mods available. In my opinion this increases the value of any such scenario. In this case I decided to make a Special Edition of my 1066 AD for BTS scenario for CIV Gold.:mischief: My bad if anyone doesn't like it or doesn't see the point, which, in my view, is simple to enjoy playing.

On the download page you speak of "...some alterations, necessary for use with the CIV Gold mod". Can you enlighten us to what these alterations are?

Thx for the feedback:) ; enjoy!


I'm glad a member of the CIV Gold team picked up on this. I basically made the 1066 AD for CIV Gold scenario using several CIV Gold units, modifying the 1066 AD map somewhat from the original version. The result is, gameplaywise, a somewhat tougher, hence more challenging scenario. (As I explained some posts earlier, I usually check if any scenario is compatible with any mod available.) I've been meaning to contact the CIV Gold team, but was occupied: it would be nice:mischief: if the CIV Gold team would actually include the scenario in their mod. If not, too bad...:( (My 1000 AD for PSYX scenario was made by special request of PSYX.) I would do something like that myself, but I'm not much of a modder... and not a member of your team, obviously:hatsoff:


:sad: Sorry for overreacting. I welcome ANY criticism.
Ran a few more turns and India became my vassel and I have a 150 pt lead. The biggest thing Ive noticed is the ai isnt building very many troops to defend with, I usually play with aggressive ai on.

I would like to have this scenario where you can use aggressive ai, and just use domination victory, for example, when India became my vassel , I can see their cities and they have maybe 25 troops total. This would help the barbs also, who basically are still fighting with warriors and a few archers.

Their are a couple european civs close on points so will have to see how it plays out.
thanks for creating this scenario for psyx. it looks like the nearest thing to the navy seals "1000 a.d. and the medieval age" scenario. and i've been dying waiting for him to figure out how to update it to 3.13. you two should collaborate and help him get it updated. will update with how it goes. also, btw is there a epic speed? and i'm guessing there isn't, could you make one? the industrial age seemed to arrive too fast in your previous incarnations.
@ dreadknought:

Barbarians may not build a lot of units (which is why I gave them quite a few to start with), but tend to upgrade quite soon. As for the AI civs: isn't it the point that you're winning, not the AI? (I personally find them quite annoying at times, but I tend to mix military and cultural expansion when playing. Also, the Mongols are supposed to expand, giving especially the European civs a hard time. I've playtested several European civs, mainly to check of Crusading activity was viable, and consider the overall gameplay quite balanced as it is. If you still think gameplay to easy, feel free to play at a higher level.:D

@ Fiend777Fits:

I'll look into it.
Yes, I think maybe I picked the easiest civ (mongols) to play first, as they have huge amount of expansion area, have to try one of the others as well. Im having fun building up a large empire:king: I appreciates the historic build of the map.
@ Fiend777Fits:

:confused: Actually, i don't understand your question. If you're playing 1000 AD for PSYX, your choice of gamespeed is free. (Only 1000 AD for Warlords has gamespeed fixed at Marathon.) About helping The Navy Seal update Earth 1000 AD and the Medieval Age, I'm not sure I'd be much help. Modding is not really my thing, editing maps for historical accuracy and gameplay is.:mischief:

@ dreadknought:

:) Glad you're having fun. If you fancy a challenge, try England or Spain (you'll run into those damn Mongols eventually...):goodjob:
I'm playing a game of 1066 ad for CIV Gold myself right now, and thought I'd include a screenshot. I've gained Mali and the Inca as vassals by now. Notice the little red dot in the far east corner: it's the last remaining Chinese city after their war with the Mongols. (Actually, looking at it more closely, they may just have founded a city on the Philippines - good for them!)

Coming back on an earlier comment: I don't think the Industrial Era starts rather soon; it's about just right (in this game I gained the ability to build Riflemen just after 1800 - after the Germans, by the way. It's quite exciting.:D


  • The Spanish empire0000.JPG
    The Spanish empire0000.JPG
    173.3 KB · Views: 316
having trouble getting this to work added the unzipped flder to mds (assumed that is what was meant by scenarios as i couldnt find a scenarios folder) am i missing something?
having trouble getting this to work added the unzipped flder to mds (assumed that is what was meant by scenarios as i couldnt find a scenarios folder) am i missing something?

If you go to the Firaxis/Civ4/, resp. /Warlords/, /BTS/-folder, there is a list of folders included; one of these should be Scenarios. That's where the file must be unzipped - NOT in the Mods-folder, as I've only created scenarios.

For 1000 AD for Sevomod (Civ4 Vanilla) Sevomod 3.0 is recommended, but not necessary.

1066 AD for BTS needs no mod.

For 1066 AD for CIV Gold CIV Gold 3.0 beta is recommended.

For 1000 AD for PSYX PSYX's Modern World 4 is recommended.

1000 AD for Warlords needs no mod, but is Marathon-speed only.

I hope this helps.:hatsoff:
thanks for creating this scenario for psyx. it looks like the nearest thing to the navy seals "1000 a.d. and the medieval age" scenario. and i've been dying waiting for him to figure out how to update it to 3.13. you two should collaborate and help him get it updated. will update with how it goes. also, btw is there a epic speed? and i'm guessing there isn't, could you make one? the industrial age seemed to arrive too fast in your previous incarnations.

If I'm not mistaken The Navy Seal will upload an updated version at the end of the month. As for epic speed, that is available in 1000 AD for PSYX. (Game speeds are fixed in 1066 AD for BTS, 1066 AD for CIV Gold at Normal, and in 1000 AD for Warlords at Marathon, because I used existing maps.) I started this whole project (with 1000 AD for Sevomod, for Civ4 Vanilla), because I felt the scenarios that existed at the time were both too easy and - historically - incomplete.
it is indeed historically accurate. i give you props for that. what i meant by the industrial age comes to fast was not that it didnt happen around the right time, but that the number of turns from 1066 to 1750 are too few. i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one who wants to play in an extended medievel period. thats the reason i was asking if you could work on the epic speed. when i tried 1066 a.d. for psyx on epic speed, it started me in 200 b.c. and i think gunpowder was discovered in 500 a.d. or somewhere near there.
it is indeed historically accurate. i give you props for that. what i meant by the industrial age comes to fast was not that it didnt happen around the right time, but that the number of turns from 1066 to 1750 are too few. i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one who wants to play in an extended medievel period. thats the reason i was asking if you could work on the epic speed. when i tried 1066 a.d. for psyx on epic speed, it started me in 200 b.c. and i think gunpowder was discovered in 500 a.d. or somewhere near there.

:confused: OK, that's a serious problem. I haven't actually tested if other than Normal gamespeeds cause trouble - which they apparently do. I'll look into it.
@ Fiend777Fits

At present I can't do much about it.:sad: PSYX is currently working on this scenario for his mod (I made it for him, really) and I don't want to tamper with it for now. I suggest using normal speed only... The Navy Seal is planning an update on his Earth 1000 AD and the Medieval Age at the end of the month, if you can wait that long (I used this as a basis for 1000 AD for PSYX).:hatsoff:
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