Social Parasite
what exactly is the difference between the pure bts scenario and the civ gold one? none of the civs (or any based off of) that civ gold includes seem to be in your scenario. am i missing the point?
otherwise a pretty historical scenario. played a game as the malinese. worst start ever. although i guess historically accurate. in 1812 i was almost an entire era behind the leader, ragnar (despite pumping up my economy near constantly the whole time). monarch difficulty might have had to do with it a little bit. but seriously timbuktu is screwed. a major ancient trade city at size 1?
otherwise a pretty historical scenario. played a game as the malinese. worst start ever. although i guess historically accurate. in 1812 i was almost an entire era behind the leader, ragnar (despite pumping up my economy near constantly the whole time). monarch difficulty might have had to do with it a little bit. but seriously timbuktu is screwed. a major ancient trade city at size 1?