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JEELEN's Scenarios & Maps

Awsome Poland added for scenario workink with PSYX MOD :) Thx - i will play it today :)
I'm sure it works for you, and it works for me too. All I'm saying is you'll get more users by choosing a format that everyone knows and has a program for. It's inconvenient to have to figure out a new file format just to look at one thing, especially when the description of it is inside the archive!

The inevitable great artist bomb by Vermeer of the Vikings seems a little odd. Why is that there?

Since both these scenarios are updated, I removed the zipfile at the start of this thread; 7z-files can be unzipped with Winzip as well (you don't need to download 7-zip).;)

On the second matter: Palermo tended to be assimilated by the Holy Roman Empire, regardless of ownership - hence the Great Artist with the Viking landing party.:mischief:
1000 AD for PSYX - Year 1290, turn 270 i think. Epic
Speed (unconfigured, started me at 200 BC). Buwayahad civ (however you spell it). Doing pretty good. Started out in kind of a pickle with an imminent ghazni invasion and very few weak units to defend with. But, as I should have expected they did very little but a few incursions into my territory with a pillaging here and there. So I went into defensive mode and fortified on the hills on on our borders. A few skirmishes (mostly on my part), but still they seemed not very interested in attacking. I finally gathered enough troops to go on the offensive and took down their poorly defended cities with little resistance one by one. With them wiped off the map, I went into economic mode trying to beef up my economy a bit, and get back in the tech game.

India turns out to be a good friend tech and resource wise. I probably won't ever go to war with them. And might go to bat for them a few times as they seemed to be unwaveringly pleased with me. The byzantines also are another constant as they always are cautious -1 with me. The byzantines and aksum seem to be the only christians civs who aren't always ticked with me.

After conquering ghazni and beefing up the economy a bit, i then set out to build barracks and stables in all my cities as i would then be turning my eyes west to begin to recreate the persian empire. With armies of mamlukes and a few suicide trebuchets every once in a while i took down first the french city of jerusalem. jackpot. with the gold rushing in from that cities two religious wonders, i was able to coast at 100 % tech the rest of the game. almost immediately the mongolians and shortly after the malinese declared war on me. neither was much of a problem. only once or twice did the mongolians show up in my territory. really just tying up a few units.

i went to war with the arabs next hoping to unite all the western arabs. hisham and the malinese (i forced to convert) remain after i conquered the arabs. again, they didnt put up much of a fight. all defensive besides a few camel archers sticking their heads out of the cities to take crack shots at lone reinforcements on their way to the front line. yes, my front line is never very solid. mecca another jackpot with the muslim holy wonder. egypt was soon to follow and the pyramids pretty much put me in position to dominate the world, as i now could buy rush all units/buildings with the universal suffrage civic now available. and with all the money rolling in at 100% tech, there was no limit to how fast i could climb. before the war with the arabs was over, i sued for peace with both the malinese and mongolians only to insure my borders and because they were willing to throw me a few bucks. the arabs i left with one city in madagascar.

after trading for a map with india. i see just how much of the world has been settled. there are already a couple settlements in the new world (mostly byzantine). and the old world is packed. australia seems to be the only relatively untouched land with but one khmer settlement. right now the rankings put the byzantines in first with me not far behind them trailing by 60 or 70 points. then the holy roman empire, russians, and the chinese. i'm slightly inclined to take on the byzantines next as that would definitely put me far ahead in the rankings, also because not too long ago i was quested with controlling copper in turkey. and as i've never completed a quest, i was kind of curious as to what my reward might be. the mamlukes may still hold true as trustworthy units in this coming war. i'm coming to love these guys as they start out with 50% withdraw and with two promotions they are 80% and immune to first strikes. talk about survivors. right now, i've got several mamlukes promoted to 20-25 xp. and i gave several of them +25% vs guns. although gunpowder has been around for a bit for the more advanced civs, most cities are still defended with longbowman.

One last note. May want to apply the aggresive ai option, as these guys are way to easy to beat. Not much military spending. The spend all their turns building up their economies and exploring (even the mongols). I just recently got within grasp of the more advanced techs some of these guys are sporting. Everyone is looking for a space race victory, i guess.
;) Thx for the feedback Fiend777Fits! Good going there! (Makes me wonder whatever happened to dreadknought's game...:confused:

I've conferring with PSYX about fixing the gamespeed (currently only Normal speed is supported and Epic and Marathon will start you at pre-BC dates), but haven't heard back from him. As this one is a Beta Version which I made for PSYX to include in his Modern World 4 mod, I haven't updated this - and probably won't unless by request. (I will add a note on the DL page though.):salute:

By the way, any feedback on PSYX's 1000 AD Modern World upload?

At: http://forums.civfanatics.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=7821
The separate 1000 AD for Sevomod and 1000 AD for Warlords threads have been incorporated into this thread. (The original threads are discontinued on my request due to lack of feedback - thank you, Padma). All future comments on these scenarios may now be posted here.

Note: for comments on 1066 AD for CIV Gold and1790 AD for CIV Gold, see this CIV Gold thread: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=255235

Happy holdidays everyone!;)
1066 AD for BTS,
Friend I downloaded version 2 and its the same as version 1.
I love it as is, care less about the lion, but I do want Hindu holy city.

Please fix, great job
:confused: Strange; I'm sure I uploaded the new file. Will check and correct first thing tomorrow (I'm presently away from home).:mischief: Thx for pointing this out, DIE Inc.
1066 AD for BTS,
Friend I downloaded version 2 and its the same as version 1.
I love it as is, care less about the lion, but I do want Hindu holy city.

Please fix, great job

Thx for pointing this out; have re-uploaded the correct file and double-checked by downloading.

Please report any other issues and/or suggestions for improvement. Thank you and happy holidays!;)
Buwayahads pt. 2.

Was aiming for a temporary bit of peace... so as to secure my economy. But you know how these things go. First thing, the remaining two islamic nations (umayahad and ghana) requested to be my vassal. Not checking who they were with war with, i accepted and promptly was in a war with the holy roman empire, spain, and kiev. not exactly what i had planned, but not so bad. the turn after, the vikings, byzantium and aksum declare war on me. ok not so good.

reload... this time without the vassals. guess what? jerusalem flips too byzantium. there is no way this will stand as jerusalem earns me about 60 gpt. so i declare war with byzantium and aksum (their vassal). they turn out to be a little tougher than ghazni, the arabs, the french or the mongolians. already (1300 a.d or so) rifleman and grenadiers are being used quite frequently by the christian powers. turns out the invincible mamlukes are not much use anymore. despite there amazing ability to withdraw 80% of the time, they do little to no damage to these new units, even with gunpowder promotions. even the crusaders are just about invincible. incidentally theyve turned up as the first defenders (in an attack) on my quest to constantinople, so they still must be pretty tough.

despite this setback, overwhelming numbers won the day. when i bring 25 units to take on 6 defenders, i've got to win. and in taking attalia (byzantine), the 25th unit to attack was the unit to take the city. not many losses though (three or four rifleman), so it was an agreeable if not lengthy siege. one quick tip to all future warmongerers, if you havent learned this trick already... if you got plenty of dough to spend you can give your rifleman or grenadiers "attack city promotions" by building macemen, promoting them, and then upgrading them. i just learned this little trick and it gives you some mean rifleman.

im now at year 1460. and just in time to conquer constantinople at a historical date and everything. about to have cannons researched too. i will say, i am really amazed at how fast the ai is researching, several of them almost have infantry already. especially the vikings. i'm only playing noble and these guys are a good couple techs ahead of me, still.

another note on the scenario, the culture of the christian civs seems to be a bit overpowered. the umayahads (and any middle eastern cities i conquer) don't stand a chance culturally unless i venture into europe to take these cultural rich cities. basically, they will keep revolting until there is a cultural flip. not matter how much culture i apply in the cities (10+ turn) i cant even gain the squares immediately around the city. this forces me into a perpetual offensive strategy. with each new city i take, i must take the next one to prevent the previous one from flipping. this is not entirely your fault, just the faulty mechanics of the game.
@Lokolus: :confused: Er, OK, does this mean I get no answer to the question I posed on your thread?

@Fiend777Fits: Thx for the feedback! I made that vassal-mistake once; after that I always check if a would-be-vassal is at war with anyone (and, if I can spare the cash, if they can be bribed into peace - if not, too bad). About riflemen appearing ca. 1300 AD: I can't help that if you choose a different gamespeed than the one recommended for this scenario. Good tip on those riflemen-promotion! The cultural edge of christian cities you mention (I think it's limited to some very specific ones) correctly represents the key point of 1000 AD-scenarios: the end of islamic expansion and the (re-)emergence of Europe. BTW, you certainly didn't pick the easiest way with this scenario by choosing the Buwayhids.;)
Uploading some screenshots:


  • The Uigurs, successors of the Kök-Turks0000.JPG
    The Uigurs, successors of the Kök-Turks0000.JPG
    171.3 KB · Views: 232
  • The Arab empire, still unified0000.JPG
    The Arab empire, still unified0000.JPG
    169.8 KB · Views: 221
Some more screenshots


  • French vassal Holland facing British invasion0000.JPG
    French vassal Holland facing British invasion0000.JPG
    183.2 KB · Views: 197
  • Ottoman Egypt invaded by Napoleon0000.JPG
    Ottoman Egypt invaded by Napoleon0000.JPG
    177.4 KB · Views: 208
@Lokolus: Er, OK, does this mean I get no answer to the question I posed on your thread?
I don't see any problems with my downloaded files, the update had only minor changes so maybe you did'nt noticed them...
And why did you replaced Jerusalem with Haifa? I was in Haifa many times and it was a small fishing town until a 150 years ago, the only importance of Haifa is the holy city of the Bahais...
Haifa? Quite simple, really: Napoleon got stuck there sieging, after his fleet was wiped out by the British - which induced him to desert his army in Egypt and flee back to France, where better luck awaited him. Also known as Jaffa, it was the site of more than one battle form medieval times on. (And I'll doublecheck the Earth 1600 AD update.)

As an Israeli citizen I must correct you: Jaffa is the modern Tel Aviv-Yafo not Haifa. Im not sure but I think that Napoleon was stuck in Acre (Acco) not Jaffa. Haifa was a small fishing town that grew large only in the British times, as a port.
Thx for the update.:thumbsup: I will correct the city name. Still, Napoleon's army never made it to Acco/Acre and Jaffa was also the site of a massacre of Turkish prisoners of war. (I'm currently reading a biography of Napoleon.) I didn't use Jerusalem, because it's not on the coast and, despite the presence of the Jewish/Christian/Muslim holy sites or its size did not play a part in this era in a military sense - unlike in the Middle Ages or the modern era...
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