Just for fun..think of the WORST leaders to lead a Civ

tirnaog said:
America: Bush junior

PawelS said:
Mrdie said:
Yeah, but I would say that any leader can be selected list as long as he or she is dead or was a leader before 1980 :D
I second this proposition, please don't use this thread to manifest your political views.

My proposal for Rome is Nero. Any ideas what his traits should be?
No more comment.
USA: Jefferson Davis (At some point in game, leader will lead revolt against own civ.)

Russia: Nicholas II (already suggested, but it's tough to beat him for bad leadership).

Great Britain: Lord North (greatly increases chances that any cities founded will revolt and try to join another civ (or set up one of their own)).

France: John II (at some point in game, leader will voluntarily give himself up as hostage to another civ)

Germany: Emperor William II (leader's attempts at diplomacy make the largest military powers on Earth align against him).

China: Chiang Kai-Shek. (at some point leader will abandon fight against militarily equivalent foe and flee to small island)

Rome: Commodus (leader names all cities after himself, dresses like Hercules, and trains for one-on-one combat against the enemy)

Greece: Alcibiades (leader conspires with enemy nations to attack his own civ)

Aztec: Montezuma (leader allows enemy units to wander around within borders without complaint.
Spain: Philip II (leader will drain treasury dry trying to conquer island nation).
Arab Empire: Uthman (leader will engender dissension and plotting by trying to appoint relatives to every position of power in the empire)
Japan: Ieyasu Tokugawa (at some point leader will refuse to research new technologies and make illegal new military technology imported from elsewhere).
How about USA: William Harrison? His presidency consisted of the following:

1) Give two-hour-long inagural address in adverse weather
2) Catch pneumonia due to said address, linger a month, and die
Good choices.
American: Frankin Pierce, James Buchanan
French: Charles the Mad (passive, bat****), and John II, of course
Roman: Elagabalus (religious, bat****), Phocas (paranoid lethargic)
Greek: Alcibiades for same reason (leaves halfway through game to join the Persians), Isaac Angelos (honorary Byzantine)
Spain: Juana (romantic, bat****), Joseph Bonaparte
England: Aethelred the Unready, Henry VI (pacifist, bat****)
Russia: Ivan the Terrible (expansionist, bat****), The False Dmitri
Persian: Darius III, Smerdis
Mewtarthio said:
How about USA: William Harrison? His presidency consisted of the following:

1) Give two-hour-long inagural address in adverse weather
2) Catch pneumonia due to said address, linger a month, and die

Not bad, but you can at least say that Harrison didn't do much damage to the country during his term of office, whereas in the case of some others. . . .
America-Thomas Jefferson: Must always pay all of your money and half of what you make a turn for peace. No matter how much money you have, units recieve no support (meaning a unit disbands every turn). Your cities are always on the edge of rebellion.
(All of this refering to the botched war on Tripoli and William Eaton).
Mewtarthio said:
How about USA: William Harrison? His presidency consisted of the following:

1) Give two-hour-long inagural address in adverse weather
2) Catch pneumonia due to said address, linger a month, and die

Oh my, poor guy. Not only did he died, but in the most infamous way : ridiculously.
I take out ol modern leaders then as the original poster changed the picks to non modern leaders.
If I was president I would have fought Katrina 1 on 1 like the Roman Commodus.

I forgot about Louis XVI. I think he received retribution though. Wilheim II lost all of Germany's colonial possesions, not to mention the national treasury. I don't think we're allowed to say Uthman was a terrible leader. I'm not Muslim but I think the Prophet and 4 Caliphs are supposed to be beyond reproach. Barbarossa wasn't too effective after he stuck his toe into the Mediterranean.
Herr Doktor said:
Hitler started his party?

Uhm I'm unsure if you are a troll or just somebody who doesn't know anything about history before 1999.
Neither. I'll ignore the personal attack. And wish you a good day instead. :wavey:

Worst leader? hmmm...her's a few I came up with...

America - James K. Polk
England- Chamberlain
France - Louis XVI
Spain - Phillip IV
Rome - Otho
Japan - Inukai
Russia- Nicholas II
China - The Daoguang Emperor
Worst leader?
Sid Meyer for the Firaxians! :mad:
Stops patching Civ3 and doesn't manage to release Civ4 completely. Even doesn't manage to finalize the feature on which they were working "from the beginning". Oh yes....
The diplomacy sceen has the option "There shall be peace in our time".
Haha. If this isn't a jab at Chamberlain, I don't know what is. Poor Guy.
Melendwyr said:
You give him way too much credit. Stalin would be a better example of evil personified, but even in his case, it would be excessive hyperbole.

Ah your one of those Israel haters in the relevant thread. Your true colors show through. Tear off the mask we know who is behind it already.
AHHH!!! It's Bozo the Clown! Put the mask back on!

... a little humor, to douse the fire.
... no personal attacks please or you will find your name listed in this thread.
America: George Wallace (look him up if you don't know him). Different "George W." then the one you're thinking of, and quite frankly I like the current President... so don't assume everyone agrees with your Dubya bashing :p IT bothers me greatly, so please stop.

America (Continued): Harrison (either one), Polk, Andrew Jackson, Andrew Johnson, Nixon (although he did do some good things), and Carter. America should (IMHO) should pretty much be Washington or Lincoln only. ;) I won't complain about FDR though.

England: Cromwell to a degree, or perhaps William II. Chamberlain.

France: Napoleon III or DeGaulle.

Russia: Stalin (Civ I appearance's aside), or Ivan.

China: Personally I am against Mao, because of the number of people he killed (at least 40-60 million... possibly a lot more). Nor would I be in favor of the leader of the Nationalist Chinse... can't remember how you spell his name off hand (headache)... as he also killed a lot of people.

Japan: Tojo

Spain: Pizaro (He was Spanish right?) or any of the other so called "explorers" in the Americas.

Greece: Plato, while he was a great philosopher and wrote "The Republic", I still think he would make a bad leader for Civilization.

Egypt: Ptolmy. ;)

Babylon: Captain Sheridan (five points for whoever gets this joke)

Rome: Nero, as has already been suggested. Plenty of other tyrants in there. Brutus, Cassius.... oh boy.

Technologica: Bill Gates

Wisconsin: McCarthy
U.S.: Dixie Lee Ray

She was Washington state's first female governor ... and whoooooooah was she farked in the head. She was a paranoid delusional conservative ..... she believed environmentalism was a voodoo conspiracy to overthrow the government, including all that hullabaloo about radiation (and of course today we get to clean up Hanford ...).

McCarthy - 20th century witchhunter
Richard Nixon ...

Boy I got it in for those who call themselves Conservative! heh.

France - Louis XVI
Britain - George III

... can't think of many others at this time of night.
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