Dream Civs/Leaders for Civ 7


Jul 4, 2012
So there are a few threads running about concerning mechanics and graphics for Civ 7, which are certainly important (personally, I like the graphics style choices they made for Civ6, especially once they got into later DLCs, and think they're already showing that they'll age better than any "realistic" style would, but it's a less important issue for me.)

For me, the most important thing I'm fixated on is: What will the Civs and Leaders be?!

So I'm posting a far-fromt-complete collection of Civs/Leaders I'd love to see, some of which are absolute pipe-dreams, but whatever, I can dream if I want to.


This was one of my favorite options in Civ5, and I'd love to see them return, either as a quasi-replacement for Mali (one of my favorite designs in Civ6 with ether leader) or in addition to them. Leaders could be either a returning Askia or Sonni Ali (and honestly, the Civ5 flavor of Songhai probably made more sense for Sonni Ali than for Askia given their most noteworthy accomplishments) but either way, this is a cool part of the world to dive into the history and culture of.


Mughal Empire:
Firaxis is never going to not have Gandhi, it seems like, but dang it'd be cool to see a Mughal Emperor in the mix somewhere. Babur and Akbar are obvious choices, and probably the way that this would need to go for taking a real swing at this, but I'd really like Shah Jahan, sort of in the vein of Ludwig II, playing as a Wondermongering Culture Monster.

Siam: Another one I'd love to see return from Civ5. I enjoy the SEA civs a lot, and while it seems like there's a cap on how many of them we can get per game, I'd welcome more of them in Civ7. (Khmer and Vietnam are two of my go-tos in Civ6, and I don't know what it is about the region that leads to such interesting mechanical design, but there seems to be something there.)


We've had Rome as a series mainstay, and Civ5 gave us Venice as a highly individual way of playing a Medieval Italian city-state as a different kind of empire. But as far as I know, we've never had a representation of Renaissance Italy, which is wild. A Florentine civ under Cosimo or Lorenzo de' Medici could open up a lot of design space (perhaps earning more gold in Golden Ages and discounts on GP patronage in Golden Ages, or some variation on Eleanor's ability, but I'm imagining Civ6 mechanics which likely won't apply anymore)

Ireland: Specifically, led by Grace O'Malley. Now, if we're going to have a Pirate Queen Leader, Cheng Shih would really take priority for a number of reasons, being the most successful pirate in history, but Grace O'Malley actually did rule a dynasty, which I think makes her a better fit for Irish Leader than Cheng Shih would be for a Chinese Leader. It would be a highly specific way to play Ireland, of course, but assuming that Civ7 keeps the distinction between CUAs and LUAs, allowing for more than one leader per civ, it would be awesome.

Papal States: Or Holy See, or Vatican City, whatever you want to call it. Design-wise, Georgia and Byzantium pretty much covered what this could look like under Civ6 mechanics, and I'd want Florence before this if we're adding more Italian civs, but there's interesting stuff you could do here.


Despite (or perhaps because of) being American, the American civ designs/leaders have rarely appealed to me. Civ6 changed that somewhat (I like Lincoln's design, mechanically, though flavor-wise it feels a little too cute and on-the-nose), but what I'd really love to see (and don't expect to see) is an American Civ with a Science focus led by JFK.

Cherokee: Native American civs are always tough, since the Tribes in question aren't always happy about being represented in the series, but if it's a possibility, I'd like to see the Cherokee as led by Sequoyah. (True, he was not a Leader in the governmental sense, but I think he falls under the same broader definition that Gandhi does.) I picture something like getting access to a city project each time you meet a new civilization which allows you to gain a massive amount of science and/or culture, but there are a lot of ways you could play around with this.


This seems to me like the biggest "missing piece" of post-Columbian America that the series has left. Juan Perón is almost certainly too recent to work as a leader (though maybe not - Haile Selassie's timeline maps onto Perón's almost exactly.) I honestly don't know what Argentina would look like as a Civ, mechanically, but I'd like to see it.

I'll likely add more to this list as they come to me, but who would YOU really love to see, either returning or for the first time? Thanks!
Mughal Empire: Firaxis is never going to not have Gandhi, it seems like, but dang it'd be cool to see a Mughal Emperor in the mix somewhere. Babur and Akbar are obvious choices, and probably the way that this would need to go for taking a real swing at this, but I'd really like Shah Jahan, sort of in the vein of Ludwig II, playing as a Wondermongering Culture Monster.
I could easily see any of these 3 making it if the Mughals were there own civ, or at least have a Mughal leader for India. Also for a female leader Nur Jahan could work.
Siam: Another one I'd love to see return from Civ5. I enjoy the SEA civs a lot, and while it seems like there's a cap on how many of them we can get per game, I'd welcome more of them in Civ7. (Khmer and Vietnam are two of my go-tos in Civ6, and I don't know what it is about the region that leads to such interesting mechanical design, but there seems to be something there.)
I'd like to see Siam designed around the Rattanakosin kingdom (modernization era). That way we could have them alongside a Medieval Khmer Empire. :mischief:
Argentina: This seems to me like the biggest "missing piece" of post-Columbian America that the series has left. Juan Perón is almost certainly too recent to work as a leader (though maybe not - Haile Selassie's timeline maps onto Perón's almost exactly.) I honestly don't know what Argentina would look like as a Civ, mechanically, but I'd like to see it.
I'm sure it would be his wife Eva Peron, who would be leader over him. Yes, she never led she was called the "Spiritual Leader of the Nation".

I'd also love to add these additions:

Italy-I'd much rather see a cohesive Italian civ instead of playing as individual city-states. It works with Greece, Maya and Phoenicia. I wouldn't mind some aspects of modern Italy, but I would love most of the bonuses and unique to be Medieval/Italian Renaissance based.

Navajo- My most wanted Native American tribe.

Berbers/Numidia- North Africa was empty this time around. I'd love for that area to get something besides Morocco and Carthage. I love the Classical Era and something pre-Islamic would be cool and we could always use another civ that can thrive better in the desert.

Haiti-I've grown fond of the idea of Hait being a primarily African in origin post-colonial nation. This one might be the hardest to implement. Though if we get Argentina lead by Eva Peron, instead of Simon Bolivar of Gran Colombia, we could get Toussaint Louverture as our "General" leader from the Americas.

Assyria-Would have liked to see it return over Babylon. Hopefully we can get all 3 Mesopotamian civs next game.

Austria- I'd just love Maria Theresa back. :please:

Ethiopia- I'd like Ethiopia to be represented by the Axum Empire next iteration.

Iroquois- Seems like they skip every other iteration ( Civ 4, Civ 6) after first appearing in Civ 3 and then Civ 5. Surely that means they will be in Civ 7 lead by Jigonhsasee.

England- Would love England to get a medieval Saxon leader like Alfred the Great or Aethelstan. (I've been enjoying reading The Last Kingdom book series and have already watched the T.V. series and film)

America- Thomas Jefferson as leader?

and of course Alexander the Great leading something! :D
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We had such a thread I think it was more than a year ago. Big thread. Lots of drama as well.

Still, another thread is good too

EDIT: It was in the Ideas and Suggestions sub-sub-forum, so yeah not the same thing
You’re welcome for creating it. Anyways, I’ve got a huge list, but I’ll just start off today by just reviewing u/Navelgazer’s.
So there are a few threads running about concerning mechanics and graphics for Civ 7, which are certainly important (personally, I like the graphics style choices they made for Civ6, especially once they got into later DLCs, and think they're already showing that they'll age better than any "realistic" style would, but it's a less important issue for me.)

For me, the most important thing I'm fixated on is: What will the Civs and Leaders be?!

So I'm posting a far-fromt-complete collection of Civs/Leaders I'd love to see, some of which are absolute pipe-dreams, but whatever, I can dream if I want to.


This was one of my favorite options in Civ5, and I'd love to see them return, either as a quasi-replacement for Mali (one of my favorite designs in Civ6 with ether leader) or in addition to them. Leaders could be either a returning Askia or Sonni Ali (and honestly, the Civ5 flavor of Songhai probably made more sense for Sonni Ali than for Askia given their most noteworthy accomplishments) but either way, this is a cool part of the world to dive into the history and culture of.
I wasn’t around during Civ 5 but I would like the Songhai, the problem would be though Mali leaving, because I really like Mali as a civ and Mansa Musa was a great leader, as well as Sundiata.

Mughal Empire:
Firaxis is never going to not have Gandhi, it seems like, but dang it'd be cool to see a Mughal Emperor in the mix somewhere. Babur and Akbar are obvious choices, and probably the way that this would need to go for taking a real swing at this, but I'd really like Shah Jahan, sort of in the vein of Ludwig II, playing as a Wondermongering Culture Monster.
What’s kind of hilarious is that in the Civ Campaign I’m leading at the moment we have a modern day India and a Mayura, but no Mughals. I’d see the Mughals with a religious toleration or Din-i-Ilahi bonus with Shah Jahan doing a Ludwig style.
Siam: Another one I'd love to see return from Civ5. I enjoy the SEA civs a lot, and while it seems like there's a cap on how many of them we can get per game, I'd welcome more of them in Civ7. (Khmer and Vietnam are two of my go-tos in Civ6, and I don't know what it is about the region that leads to such interesting mechanical design, but there seems to be something there.)
I’d much prefer Industrial-era Siam focus, as I really like the Khmer, so we can have 3 Indochina civs (Khmer, Siam, and Vietnam)

We've had Rome as a series mainstay, and Civ5 gave us Venice as a highly individual way of playing a Medieval Italian city-state as a different kind of empire. But as far as I know, we've never had a representation of Renaissance Italy, which is wild. A Florentine civ under Cosimo or Lorenzo de' Medici could open up a lot of design space (perhaps earning more gold in Golden Ages and discounts on GP patronage in Golden Ages, or some variation on Eleanor's ability, but I'm imagining Civ6 mechanics which likely won't apply anymore)
Florence would seem nice, a joke leader could be Savanarola (who can’t win a culture victory because of his Bonfires XD) But that could lead to some problems in Europe.
Ireland: Specifically, led by Grace O'Malley. Now, if we're going to have a Pirate Queen Leader, Cheng Shih would really take priority for a number of reasons, being the most successful pirate in history, but Grace O'Malley actually did rule a dynasty, which I think makes her a better fit for Irish Leader than Cheng Shih would be for a Chinese Leader. It would be a highly specific way to play Ireland, of course, but assuming that Civ7 keeps the distinction between CUAs and LUAs, allowing for more than one leader per civ, it would be awesome.
I’d like Ireland, and good ideas!
Papal States: Or Holy See, or Vatican City, whatever you want to call it. Design-wise, Georgia and Byzantium pretty much covered what this could look like under Civ6 mechanics, and I'd want Florence before this if we're adding more Italian civs, but there's interesting stuff you could do here.
I agree with the priority of Rome then Florence/Venice then Papal States. Besides, I’m more for Georgia and Byzantium. But do you know what’d be stoked in the Caucasus…Armenia/Urartu!

Despite (or perhaps because of) being American, the American civ designs/leaders have rarely appealed to me. Civ6 changed that somewhat (I like Lincoln's design, mechanically, though flavor-wise it feels a little too cute and on-the-nose), but what I'd really love to see (and don't expect to see) is an American Civ with a Science focus led by JFK.
JFK died a decade or so before Peron, so maybe if you’re going for science Jefferson? He’s pretty controversial but imo he’s very likely considering he’s the only president on Rushmore that hasn’t appeared.

Cherokee: Native American civs are always tough, since the Tribes in question aren't always happy about being represented in the series, but if it's a possibility, I'd like to see the Cherokee as led by Sequoyah. (True, he was not a Leader in the governmental sense, but I think he falls under the same broader definition that Gandhi does.) I picture something like getting access to a city project each time you meet a new civilization which allows you to gain a massive amount of science and/or culture, but there are a lot of ways you could play around with this.

This seems to me like the biggest "missing piece" of post-Columbian America that the series has left. Juan Perón is almost certainly too recent to work as a leader (though maybe not - Haile Selassie's timeline maps onto Perón's almost exactly.) I honestly don't know what Argentina would look like as a Civ, mechanically, but I'd like to see it.
I’ve heard Hipolito Yirgoyen come up. Argentina could be a good culture power!
I'll likely add more to this list as they come to me, but who would YOU really love to see, either returning or for the first time? Thanks!
A lot of people and civs
I'm sure it would be his wife Eva Peron, who would be leader over him. Yes, she never led she was called the "Spiritual Leader of the Nation".
"Pretty face of Fascism," you mean. I really don't know why she's so popular. Do people really know anything about her beyond that Madonna movie?
Haiti-I've grown fond of the idea of Hait being a primarily African in origin post-colonial nation. This one might be the hardest to implement. Though if we get Argentina lead by Eva Peron, instead of Simon Bolivar of Gran Colombia, we could get Toussaint Louverture as our "General" leader from the Americas.
Ooh. I'm not sure what this would look like in implementation, but I really enjoy this idea.
"Pretty face of Fascism," you mean. I really don't know why she's so popular. Do people really know anything about her beyond that Madonna movie?
Don’t cry for me, Argentina! Also were you the one who suggested Yirgoyen (sorry for asking but I remember it might have been you)?
"Pretty face of Fascism," you mean. I really don't know why she's so popular. Do people really know anything about her beyond that Madonna movie?
Seems like it's not a problem using her in Ara: History Untold. :dunno:

Argentina, I believe is confirmed but not her. Though according to the leader roster it looks likely she might be on there.
Don’t cry for me, Argentina! Also were you the one who suggested Yirgoyen (sorry for asking but I remember it might have been you)?
I did indeed suggest Yrigoyen. A very good choice in my humble opinion.
Seems like it's not a problem using her in Ara: History Untold. :dunno:

Argentina, I believe is confirmed but not her. Though according to the leader roster it looks likely she might be on there.
Different strokes for different games. It doesn't mean I feel the leaders in each others' rosters all have equal credibility or palatabilibity.
I’d really like to see the Hittites return, and as far as new civs, I’d like to see Genoa.
I’d really like to see the Hittites return, and as far as new civs, I’d like to see Genoa.
Shouldn't Genoa be a City-State?
Shouldn’t Venice have been a city-state in Civ 5? ;)

Genoa was in fact planned for inclusion as a full civ in Civ 6. Shame they abandoned the idea.
I've never played Civ5, but all of the description one finds on these forum about the ganeplay SEEM far too arbitrary and heavy-handed for my tastes - again, judging by descrption of the mechanics in these forums.
I've never played Civ5, but all of the description one finds on these forum about the ganeplay SEEM far too arbitrary and heavy-handed for my tastes - again, judging by descrption of the mechanics in these forums.
I played Civ 5 a lot and Venice was my favorite civ.
I played Civ 5 a lot and Venice was my favorite civ.
Well, from my own general preferences of playing style, I don't feel I would enjoy it, and everything I've read about it shows a certain hamfisted approach to mechanics.
I was thinking about starting a “design a civ but you have to break game stereotypes” thread but since this is here

Ability - Mit’a - cannot gain gold from worked tiles or buildings. Units and buildings have no maintenance cost. Gain +1 production from every population point.
Infrastructure - Qhapaq Nan - acts as a road for movement purposes. If a tile is adjacent to a Qhapaq Nan and the Qhapaq Nan is at least 3 tiles long, it gains +1 production.
UU and leader ability don’t need to tie in (beyond obviously no gold).
If you’re wondering about terrace farms I’d make them the reward for building Machu Picchu.
Because for whatever reason playing a yield down is interesting as a change up. Note that you can still get gold from diplomacy and trade.
Where did you find that? (I need to find out what civs could have been in what games)
Genoa was found in the game files as being a playable civ in the base game. The Haida were also found in R&F files.
I was thinking about starting a “design a civ but you have to break game stereotypes” thread but since this is here

Ability - Mit’a - cannot gain gold from worked tiles or buildings. Units and buildings have no maintenance cost. Gain +1 production from every population point.
Infrastructure - Qhapaq Nan - acts as a road for movement purposes. If a tile is adjacent to a Qhapaq Nan and the Qhapaq Nan is at least 3 tiles long, it gains +1 production.
UU and leader ability don’t need to tie in (beyond obviously no gold).
If you’re wondering about terrace farms I’d make them the reward for building Machu Picchu.
Because for whatever reason playing a yield down is interesting as a change up. Note that you can still get gold from diplomacy and trade.
Not sure I understand about breaking a game stereotype?
And the Inca not being able to gain gold is strange? In fact the Inca are one of the civilizations that I associate gold with. :crazyeye:
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