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Just starting to get hooked...

Bone Dragon

Aug 2, 2002
New York
Yes, I am fairly new to the game though I have had it for quite awhile. I was just wondering what's the earliest point in the game anyone has won? And I mean this in terms of real time AND game time. I have yet to actually complete a game, hehe. Between Civ3 and Age of Wonders II, I now have no life. TBS games are just so addicting...
I think the earliest was 3995 BC some guy made a map of all mountains and the ai couldn't build a city anywhere so they all gave up and committe suicide. There's a picture of the histograph on the start page of this site
Meticulous play on a huge map took about 3-1/2 months, 20-30 hours/week. Finished about 1950 (spaceship). Great game, but I am trying smaller maps now.
Come to think of it, I don't know if I've ever had a really quick win, gametime or realtime. Must be my style of play, which usually finishes the game in the Modern Era with, at most, the only techs researched to finish the spaceship.

And since I compulsively manage my cities and workers, I spend a good deal of time deciding what to do during the turns. I'm the sort of guy who will make sure that when a forest gets chopped, none of those 10 shields get wasted.
Originally posted by Jaybe
Meticulous play on a huge map took about 3-1/2 months, 20-30 hours/week. Finished about 1950 (spaceship). Great game, but I am trying smaller maps now.

Are you serious? Or are you just busting my chops here? 3 1/2 months?! My God! What have I gotten myself into?
I play on standard - large maps, and my games usually take 2 - 3 weeks, at anywhere from 5 to 20 hrs of play per week.
Are you serious? Or are you just busting my chops here? 3 1/2 months?! My God! What have I gotten myself into?
Welcome to the world of addiction!
Originally posted by Padma
Welcome to the world of addiction!

Isn't that the truth. Do the crackfanatics.com boards get this much action??? [pimp]
huge maps only

about 2+ months with 5-10 hours of play per week

Usually lose around mid 1800 :p
I started a game this morning...huge map... all opponents.

I should win by cultural victory in about an hour.
it can be done in 4/5 days with about 5 hours play a day on a huge map,but you need to decrease the amount of civilisations ure up against to do this.
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