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Kazakhstan Embassy

I think it's very important that we accept that getting any trade is a big win for our team.
"Greedy", when you're on the outside of a 3v1 alliance, is just another word for "suicidal."

OK, just killed a long rambling post. I'm not against the letter given that reasoning, but let's be on our toes and ready to negoitiate quickly.

Trying to figure out 2 deals that we would want to accept is the crux of our problem, especially when we don't know what techs Saturn will have.

Best case scenario is that we can trade with Cav, Kaz (alpha from one, maths, archery, masonry from t'other) and Saturn (CoL).

Worst case scenario is that Kaz and Cav trade us nothing, and Saturn are researching MC (not likely).

An acceptable scenario would be getting CoL off Saturn and either alphabet or maths/masonry/archery? Are we going to just disregard any teching Saturn may have done in the past 10 turns, or should we wait until after we have met Saturn and hammered out a deal with them to consummate any tech trades with the others?
S SW of the western most flood plain shows the white border. We can see them, but they can't see us...
yikes - that does seem close!

However - I don't think this fundamentally affects our current diplomatic strategy.
Anyone disagree?

I'm going to send this letter in about 2-4 hours if no one screams before then.

Namaste Donsig,
The Ninjas salute the Great Nation of Kazakhstan.

We apologize for our delay in responding to your last note. General_W, who does not speak about himself in the third-person, got really busy with some mysterious activities that have made him scarce around the Halls of Ninjas. Rest assured, General_W has launched an investigation into these suspicious activities and will hold those responsible accountable for any wrongdoing.

You asked what we wanted for Metal Casting, and your offer (as you yourselves indicated) was a bit light… but not wholly off the mark.

We’d like to offer you Metal Casting (672 :science: ) for Math, Masonry, and Archery (581 :science: ).
This is obviously still lopsided in your favor, and a very fair trade, we believe.

We recognize you may not have these techs yet – so we’d like to make an agreement with you to have these techs ready to go on turn 90*, and we’ll make the swap all-at-once then.
*or you can have Metal Casting sooner, if you sign a formal document swearing to not build the Colossus and not trade Metal Casting to any other nation until after turn 100.

What do you think?


General_W, Daimyo of State, SANCTA

Working with Metal
Counting the stones and arrows
Glorious Trading
EDIT: SENT! to Kazak gmail

*or you can have Metal Casting sooner, if you sign a formal document swearing to not build the Colossus and not trade Metal Casting to any other nation until after turn 100.
should that be 100... or 90?
not fundamentally now, no.

But in the future, it might - acutally, us being right next to each other means that they are either obvious friends or early enemies.
T90 works better makes it more pallatable

Or at least more consistent with sentence saying "90*"

or maybe I am missing the point....:confused:
The idea was to attach a (small) penalty to taking Metal Casting sooner.
They get the benefit of building workshops and forges sooner - penalty of a longer moratorium on trading.

I'm ok with making both turn 90... but then it's hard to imagine why they wouldn't take it right away?
The idea was to attach a (small) penalty to taking Metal Casting sooner.
They get the benefit of building workshops and forges sooner - penalty of a longer moratorium on trading.

I'm ok with making both turn 90... but then it's hard to imagine why they wouldn't take it right away?

Thanks, I actually didn't read it clearly the first time (or the second), makes perfect sense to me now!:D

Leave it as is!
Letter from Kaz.

Dear Daimyo General and all esteemed Ninjas.

It is true we have not heard back from the land of the Ninja for a very long time. Perhaps if we teach you our alphabet you could communicate faster and Daimyo General could speed his investigations? We'd be willing to do so if you'll teach us how to cast metals. Interested? We are not sure how many :science: this is since math is not our strongest subject. We would happily agree to your stipulations not to build the Colossus nor trade metal casting away till turn 100.

donsig of Kazakhstan

Very basic offer there...like they didn't have time or inclination to put a better offer together?
wow....that is pretty weak.

No wonder Cav is pissed off. Kaz is tech leader and is offer LESS
:science: .... for more :science: on a monopoly tech.

Also they do know math.

So our answer should be MC for Alpha AND math :D
:lol: that is a highly cruddy offer.
I can't officially comment of course, but Memphus' speculation sounds like a good guess to me :mischief:

Either they are just stalling/wasting our time... or they think we're really desperate.
Which maybe we are. :)

Frankly, I think any trade is good for us. Since we don't have trading options - and they're willing to not trade MC around till turn 100, this actually isn't a terrible deal for us.

We can potentially multiply the value of Alphabet by trading it. It also gives us some extra flexibility.... and... this may be the best part.... it may really tick the Cav's off to see Kaz get Metal Casting and then not trade it to them.

We could seriously improve our odds of picking up a real ally by giving Cav another reason to be unhappy with Kaz.

Having written this all out - I'm actually inclined to accept the deal.
If we want to haggle a bit, maybe we ask for some Gold to be paid to us once one team has currency?
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