That all sounds fine.OK:
1. map will be random we all agree on that
2. size will depend on players/ far
solo: Kaleb, Indiansmoke, Sommerswerd
team: Provo Donsig, Bolkonski
others plese say what you want..
3. Civs will be pick but no dublicates...I propose unrestricted with reverse pick...see below how that works
4. If we have barbs on, random events will be off, if no barbs random events on
5. huts off
6. Tech trading on with no tech brockering
7. level noble
8. Timer 24 hours with simoultanious..we can lower the timer at any time if we like
9. Speed normal
Reverse pick how it works:
I will send a PM with a list to kaleb with all the players/teams and randomly assign numbers form 1-10 (according to how many players) in front of the names
Then Donsig when we say we are ready will post a list of numbers in this forum, form 1-10 in mixed order. This list wil determine who picks first according to numbers allocated to my PM to Kaleb.
So for example lets assume we have 5 players/teams and my list is:
1. Kaleb 2. Indiansmoke 3. cav scout 4. provo/donsig 5. Sommerswerd
and Donsig posts his list as 4 2 1 5 3
Then provo picks first, me second, Kaleb third and so on.
We first pick Provo picks leader then me then Kaleb and so on....The last person to pick leaderpicks civ as well..and then the list reverses, so the person before the last picks civ second and the person who picked leader first picks civ last.
But what about Jimmy, Jeff, Shogu and classical hero? solo or teams for them?